As the Twelfth Doctor nears regeneration, he stumbles on his first incarnation, also refusing to change. It takes a captain, a glass avatar and a familiar face to convince the Doctors the universe still needs them.

Fernanda is married to Tom, with whom she has a five-year-old daughter, Joana. The couple is in the midst of wear and tear caused by living together for many years, which generates constant friction. Who helps Fernanda to overcome the crisis is her partner Aníbal, inseparable partner during the arduous journey between saving the marriage or putting an end to it.

A teen star ventures out to the Italian countryside for a summer and emerges a new artist.

Two minions have to babysit a little Neanderthal baby.

Assigned on a mission to capture Mukade, a missing-nin, Naruto Uzumaki sets out for the once glorious historic ruins of "Ouran", where he pursues and corners the rouge ninja. Mukade's goal is revealed to be a dormant leyline within the ruins; he unleashes the power of the leyline, causing a light to envelop Naruto, sending him into the past, 20 years before the series began. When Naruto awakens, he comes into contact with the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze.

James, down on his luck and desperate for some quick cash, agrees to drive a small truck across country. He soon realizes that he's made a huge mistake and has inadvertently become involved in a dangerous human trafficking ring. The unlikely hero risks it all to shut down the trafficking ring and save the woman he is falling in love with.

Тринаестогодишњи Адам креће у потрагу за својим давно изгубљеним оцем. Убрзо открива да му је отац ни више ни мање него легендарни Бигфут који се годинама скривао дубоко у шуми како би заштитио себе и своју породицу од велике корпорације ХаирЦо., која жели да изводи експерименте с његовим ДНК. Отац и син почињу да надокнађују изгубљено време, а Адам ускоро открива како такође има супер- моћи. Међутим, није свестан да је његова потрага за оцем довела корпорацију ХаирЦо. ближе Бигфуту.

Место радње је Лондон, а у граду се спрема терористички напад биолошким оружјем. Агент ЦИА-е коју тумачи Номи Рапас , заједничким снагама са МИ5 агентом, којег глуми Орландо Блум, мора пронаћи терористе и спречити катастрофу која следи.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Наставак авантура Скубија и његове дружине пријатеља, који се овог пута суочавају са анонимним маскираним човеком са злим плановима за терорисање града Кулсвила.

Bank robber turned teacher Zeki Müller tries to get his class of misfits through the A-Levels but the usual escalations plus lack of future perspectives make it quite difficult.

Оскаровка Октавија Спенсер тумачи лик Су Ен, жене која живи мирним и повученим животом у малом граду у Охају. Једнога дана, тинејџерка Меги, која се тек доселила у град, замоли Су Ен да купи алкохол за њу и њене другове и Су Ен то доживи као шансу да стекне нове, младе пријатеље. Она нуди тинејџерима могућност да пију алкохол а да после не возе до куће тако што их позива у свој подрум. Али, постоје одређена правила: једно увек мора остати трезно, нема псовања, никад не улазити у кућу и обраћати јој се са „Кева“! Али Кевина љубазност почиње да прелази у опсесију, па сан о добром проводу постаје ноћна мора ових тинејџера. Кевин подрум од најбољег места у граду постаје најстрашније место на свету.

Maggie Peyton, the new owner of Number 53 - the free-wheelin' Volkswagen bug with a mind of its own - puts the car through its paces on the road to becoming a NASCAR competitor.

Jaga Bada, Mr. Satan's old sparring partner, has invited Satan to his personal island to hold a grudge match. Trunks and Goten decide to come for the adventure and Android #18 is following Satan for the money he owes her. Little do they know that Jaga Bada's scientist have found a way to resurrect Broly, the legendary Super Saiyan.

One year after the events of "Kickboxer: Vengeance", Kurt Sloan has vowed never to return to Thailand. However, while gearing up for a MMA title shot, he finds himself sedated and forced back into Thailand, this time in prison. He is there because the ones responsible want him to face a 6'8" 400 lbs. beast named Mongkut and in return for the fight, Kurt will get two million dollars and his freedom back. Kurt at first refuses, in which a bounty is placed on his head as a way to force him to face Mongkut. Kurt soon learns he will have no other choice and will undergo his most rigorous training yet under some unexpected mentors in order to face Mongkut in hopes to regain his freedom.

Након што је Емили оставио момак, она се враћа код мајке и после неког времена одлучују да заједно оду на одмор у Јужну Америку . Но, уместо одмора и уживања, њих две бивају отете. За време заробљеништва њихов однос ојачава док покушавају да се снађу у џунгли и побегну.

Након нестанка оца научника, три чудна бића послала су Мег, њеног брата и њеног пријатеља у свемир да га пронађу.

A man tries to cure his friend of his video-game obsession by using a virtual reality machine. When the device traps his friend in a virtual world, he goes in to help him fight for his life.

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

A magical multiversal arcade machine, and two choices at every turn…will you be able to escape space pirates, save the school from a flood…or maybe both at once? Perhaps you could make it to light…or will you perish in the darkness? Make your choice in this interactive film.