Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) in Vincent Vega (John Travolta) sta gangsterska morilca po naročilu, ki naj bi po ukazu mafijskega šefa Marsellusa Wallaca (Ving Rhames) prevzela ukradeno aktovko. Poleg tega je Wallace naročil Vincentu, naj nekaj dni pozneje, ko bo sam zunaj mesta, odpelje njegovo ženo Mio (Uma Thurman) na večerjo in zabavo. Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis) je ostareli boksar, ki ga je Wallace podkupil, da bi načrtno izgubil dvoboj. Honey Bunny ter Pumpkin (Amanda Plummer in Tim Roth) sta mlad zaljubljeni par nepomembnih nepridipravov, ki skupaj ropa v lokalih. Življenja vseh čudaških likov se prepletejo v divje zabavno, nelinearno kriminalno zgodbo o naključjih in pomenljivih podrobnostih.

A wheelchair-bound photographer spies on his neighbors from his apartment window and becomes convinced one of them has committed murder.

In the midst of an attempt to take over his company, a powerhouse executive is hit with a huge ransom demand when his servants son is kidnapped

A holiday favourite for generations... George Bailey has spent his entire life giving to the people of Bedford Falls. All that prevents rich skinflint Mr. Potter from taking over the entire town is George's modest building and loan company. But on Christmas Eve the business's $8,000 is lost and George's troubles begin.

A vacationing entomologist suffers extreme physical and psychological trauma after being taken captive by the residents of a poor seaside village and made to live with a woman whose life task is shoveling sand for them.

Brimming with action while incisively examining the nature of truth, "Rashomon" is perhaps the finest film ever to investigate the philosophy of justice. Through an ingenious use of camera and flashbacks, Kurosawa reveals the complexities of human nature as four people recount different versions of the story of a man's murder and the rape of his wife.

V majhni korejski pokrajini v osemdesetih letih 20. stoletja se detektiva spopadata z več primeri posiljenih in umorjenih žensk.

Advertising man Roger Thornhill is mistaken for a spy, triggering a deadly cross-country chase.

Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) je problematični najstnik, ki ima veliko težav sam s sabo, z družino in s šolo. Trpi za paranoidno shizofrenijo in ko (za nekaj časa) preneha jesti tablete, se mu prikaže ogromen zajec, ki mu napove konec sveta v roku 28 dni.

When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan. When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie, in jeopardy.

Doctor Sanada treats gangster Matsunaga after he is wounded in a gunfight, and discovers that he is suffering from tuberculosis. Sanada tries to convince Matsunaga to stay for treatment, which would drastically change his lifestyle. They form an uneasy friendship until Matsunaga's old boss Okada returns from prison.

Začetek 18. stoletja. Anglija je v vojni s Francijo, kljub temu pa sta lov na race in uživanje ananasa v polnem razcvetu. Slabotna kraljica Ana zaseda angleški prestol, vendar mora njena tesna prijateljica lady Sarah vse pogosteje prevzemati vladavino. Kmalu na dvor prispe Abigail, nova služkinja, ki se hitro prikupi Sarah, zato jo ta sprejme za svojo. Abigail v tem uvidi priložnost, da si ponovno povrne sloves svojih aristokratskih korenin. Ko Sarah vedno več časa posveča vojni s Francijo, Abigail zasede njen prostor ob vse šibkejši kraljici. Obeta si, da bo to prijateljstvo izpolnilo vse njene ambicije. Zdaj ji nobena ženska, noben moški, nobena politika in noben zajec ne bo več stal na poti.

Madrid. Mlada, marljiva in privlačna Raimunda živi z brezposelnim možem in mladoletno hčerko. Nimajo veliko denarja, zato ima Raimunda več služb. Močna ženska in rojena borka je čustveno precej krhka. Od otroštva prikriva strašno skrivnost. Njena starejša sestra Sole se preživlja z neprijavljenim frizerskim salonom v lastnem stanovanju...

Sijajna igralska zasedba, ki vključuje Georgea Clooneyja, Seana Penna, Nicka Nolteja in Woodyja Harrelsona, vas bo močno prevzela kot enota ameriške pehote, ki se bori za nadzor na Guadalcanalu, v nadvse realističnem filmu o moralnem kaosu v Pacifiku med drugo svetovno vojno. Film, ki je bil nominiran za sedem oskarjev, med temi tudi za najboljši film in režijo (Terrence Malick), je izjemna mojstrovina, ki jo je Gene Siskel opisal kot "enkraten dosežek" in "najboljši sodobni vojni film".

A respected priest volunteers for an experimental procedure that may lead to a cure for a deadly virus. He gets infected and dies, but a blood transfusion of unknown origin brings him back to life. Now, he’s torn between faith and bloodlust, and has a newfound desire for the wife of a childhood friend.

Skoraj 5000 let po tem, ko je pridobil vse moči egipčanskih bogov in bil tudi zaprt, je Črni Adam osvobojen iz svoje zemeljske grobnice ter več kot pripravljen sprostiti svojo edinstveno obliko pravice in maščevanja nad modernim svetom.

Nekdanji porno zvezdnik Mikey Saber se odloči, da se vrne nazaj v svoje rojstno mesto Texas City v Teksasune da bi ga kdo res želel nazaj. Tam živita njegova odtujena žena in tašča. Toda ravno ko se zazdi, da ta disfunkcionalna družina vseeno nekako shaja, Mikey v lokalni trgovini s krofi sreča mlado žensko, blagajničarko po imenu Strawberry.

Antonio, a former shipyard worker, leads a mild and peaceful life: he plays bowls with friends, takes care of his elderly mother, has an ex-wife with whom he is on excellent terms and Emilia, his only and beloved daughter When Emilia announces to him one day that she has decided to get married, Antonio is filled with joy, he can finally fulfill his dream by giving her the reception they have always dreamed of together being able to count on the savings of a lifetime.However, the bank of which he has always been a client seems to be hiding something, the employees are suddenly elusive and the director inexplicably changes constantly.The task of paying for his daughter's wedding will prove increasingly difficult and Antonio will discover, against his will, that those who keep our treasures don't always keep our dreams as well.

Davey Gordon, a New York City boxer at the end of his career, falls for dancer Gloria Price. However, their budding relationship is interrupted by Gloria's violent boss, Vincent Rapallo, who has eyes for Gloria. The two decide to skip town, but before they can, Vincent and his thugs abduct Gloria, and Davey is forced to search for her among the most squalid corners of the city, with his enemy hiding in the shadows.

Jose Luis is an executive at his parents underwear factory where his girlfriend Sylvia works on the shop floor. When Sylvia becomes pregnant, Jose Luis promises her that he will marry her, most likely against the wishes of his parents. Jose Luis' mother is determined to break her son's engagement to a girl from a lower-class family, and hires Raul, a potential underwear model and would-be bullfighter to seduce Sylvia.