Žurkulēns Remī, kuram par jauno dzīvesvietu liktenim bija labpaticies izvēlēties Parīzes kanalizācijas caurules, atklāj, ka viņa atrašanās vieta ir ideāla!

Woody has always been confident about his place in the world and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that's Andy or Bonnie. But when Bonnie adds a reluctant new toy called "Forky" to her room, a road trip adventure alongside old and new friends will show Woody how big the world can be for a toy.

Pēc varoņdarbiem, ko Lieliskie paveica pirmajā sērijā, viņiem ir pievērsta paaugstināta uzmanība no žurnālistu puses un ikdienas rutīna, kurā ir iestigusi ģimene, aizvien biežāk liek būt neapmierinātiem ar superspējām, ar kurām viņus ir apveltījusi daba. Taču drīz vien visām ģimenes problēmām būs lemts atkāpties otrā plānā, jo par apdraudējumu Lieliskajiem ir kļuvis jauns un varens ļaundaris.

The Parrs' baby Jack-Jack is thought to be normal, not having any super-powers like his parents or siblings. But when an outsider is hired to watch him, Jack-Jack shows his true potential.

A drama centered on a rebellious girl who is sent to a Southern beach town for the summer to stay with her father. Through their mutual love of music, the estranged duo learn to reconnect.

Kad NMS izformē un Ītans Hants vairs nav ierastajā darbā, viņa komanda negaidīti sastopas ar sazarotu starptautisku augsta līmeņa profesionālu specaģentu tīklu - Sindikātu. Šī "slepenā nācija" ir pārņemta ar ideju par jaunas pasaules kārtības ieviešanu un plāno postošu terora aktu sēriju. Ītans un viņa kompānija apvienojas ar diskreditētu britu aģenti Ilzu Faustu un ķeras pie savas visneieespējamākās misijas...

Phineas and Ferb become the galaxy's unlikeliest last hope when they must return the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance.

Melnā komēdija par dīvainu ģimenīti, kura dzīvo ne mazāk dīvainā mājā. Ģimenes galva Gomess Adamss ir ļoti pašpārliecināts un samērā impulsīvs cilvēks, kurš pirms 25 gadiem sastrīdējās ar savu vecāko brāli Festeru, kurš pēc tam pazuda bez vēsts. Visi mēģinājumi viņu atrast bija neveiksmīgi. Taču reiz uz ģimenes mājokļa sliekšņa parādās cilvēks, kurš ļoti līdzīgs Festeram. Bet vai tiešām notiks "pazudušā brāļa" triumfālā atgriešanās ģimenē?

The toys throw Ken and Barbie a Hawaiian vacation in Bonnie's room.

Tagad, kad Gru ir atstājis supernoziegumu plānošanu pagātnē, lai visu uzmanību veltītu Margo, Edītes un Agneses audzināšanai, Dr. Nefario un dzelteno palīdžu armijai. Taču tiklīdz Gru jau sāk iejusties ģimenes cilvēka lomā, īpaši slepenā organizācija, kas cīnās pret ļaunumu visā pasaulē, jau ir uz viņa mājas sliekšņa. Gru un viņa jaunajai sabiedrotajai - aģentei Lūsijai ir jāatklāj, kurš pastrādājis iespaidīgāko ļaundarību pasaulē.

When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.

Ajatashatru Lavash Patel has lived all his life in a small Mumbai neighborhood tricking people with street magic and fakir stunts. He sets out on a journey to find his estranged father but instead gets dragged on a never-ending adventure.

Who or what exactly is a Heffalump? The lovable residents of the Hundred Acre Wood -- Winnie the Pooh, Rabbit, Tigger, Eeyore, Kanga and the rest of the pack -- embark on a journey of discovery in search of the elusive Heffalump. But as is always the case, this unusual road trip opens their eyes to so much more than just the creature they're seeking.

When her mother falls for a wealthy man, Lina Cruz must move in with her new stepfather and transfer from an urban East Los Angeles public high school to an exclusive prep school in Malibu, where she struggles to fit in with her affluent new peers. After snooty cheerleading captain Avery blocks Lina from varsity, Lina recruits her best friends from her old school to help her whip the pathetic junior varsity cheerleading squad -- the Sea Lions -- into fighting shape.

A group of old friends and neighbors are transported into a Christmas-themed board game during a Christmas party.

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

A man who loves when a plan comes together, Col. Hannibal Smith leads a close-knit team of elite operatives and Iraq War veterans. Framed for a crime they didn't commit, Smith and his men, Capt. H.M. ‘Howling Mad’ Murdock , Sgt. Bosco ‘B.A.’ Baracus, and Lt. Templeton ‘Faceman’ Peck, break out and go rogue, using their special talents to clear their names and find the perpetrator. Hot on their trail is Capt. Charissa Sosa, who was once involved with a member of Smith's team and has sworn to capture them, no matter what it takes.

Kad kādas Manhetenas daudzdzīvokļu mājas divkājainie iedzīvotāji dodas savās gaitās, viņu mājas mīluļu diena var sākties. Viņi mēdz ciemoties viens pie otra, skatīties TV vai paklačoties par saviem saimniekiem un labākajiem paņēmieniem, kā tikt pie našķiem. Terjera Maksa ierastā ikdienas rutīna pajūk, kad viņa saimniece Keitija kādu vakaru atved mājās milzu suni vārdā Grāfs.

Maggie Peyton, the new owner of Number 53 - the free-wheelin' Volkswagen bug with a mind of its own - puts the car through its paces on the road to becoming a NASCAR competitor.

Wayne Szalinski is at it again. But instead of shrinking things, he tries to make a machine that can make things grow. As in the first one, his machine isn't quite accurate. But when he brings Nick & his toddler son Adam to see his invention, the machine unexpectedly starts working. And when Adam comes right up to the machine, he gets zapped along with his stuffed bunny.