Nakon ponovnog ujedinjenja s Gwen Stacy, Brooklynov prijateljski nastrojeni Spider-Man iz susjedstva katapultira se preko Multiverzuma, gdje susreće tim Spider-ljudi zaduženih za zaštitu njegovog postojanja. Ali kada se heroji sukobe oko toga kako se nositi s novom prijetnjom, Miles se nađe suprotstavljen drugim Spiderima i mora redefinirati što znači biti heroj kako bi mogao spasiti ljude koje najviše voli.

The Flash finds himself in a war-torn alternate timeline and teams up with alternate versions of his fellow heroes to restore the timeline.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

Bruce Wayne je stariji, nakon osam godina izbivanja ni njegova fizička sprema nije onakva na kakvu smo navikli a negativac nikada nije bio brutalniji…. No, ipak Batman (Christian Bale) izlazi iz svoje jazbine i bori se za svoj grad jer zločinci su ovoga puta oštriji no ikada… Bane (Tom Hardy) i Catwoman (Anne Hathaway) poigrat će se s njegovim umom i iskušati sve njegove granice….

The Doctor has retired to 1892 London. Despite the protests of his allies, he is determined to keep out of mankind's affairs. However, a governess named Clara has stumbled upon a plot which only the Doctor can unravel, involving the death of her predecessor in ice and the sinister Dr. Simeon, who controls monsters made of sentient snow. And there is another mystery afoot: Clara is the spitting image of Oswin Oswald, whom the Doctor saw die in the Dalek asylum...

Batman has not been seen for ten years. A new breed of criminal ravages Gotham City, forcing 55-year-old Bruce Wayne back into the cape and cowl. But, does he still have what it takes to fight crime in a new era?

Nakon što još jedan incident u kojeg su upleteni Osvetnici rezultira velikom kolateralnom štetom vlada SAD-a osniva političko tijelo koje bi trebalo nadgledati i kontrolirati ovaj tim superjunaka. Takav razvoj situacije podijeliti će Osvetnike i od starih prijatelja stvoriti suparnike. Steve Rogers i dalje želi štititi čovječanstvo bez uplitanja vlade, dok je Tony Stark uvjeren da je došlo vrijeme za promjene. Istovremeno, dok Osvetnike razaraju unutarnji sukobi, nad Zemlju se nadvila nova prijetnja.

Nakon događaja Kapetana Amerike: Građanski rat, Peter Parker, uz pomoć svog mentora Tonyja Starka, pokušava uravnotežiti svoj život kao obični srednjoškolac s borbom protiv kriminala kao Spider-Man. Pojavljuje se nova prijetnja, Vulture.

Capturing Avatar is a feature length behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Avatar. It uses footage from the film's development, as well as stock footage from as far back as the production of Titanic in 1995. Also included are numerous interviews with cast, artists, and other crew members. The documentary was released as a bonus feature on the extended collector's edition of Avatar.

Chosen the world’s protector against the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man – pride, envy, greed, hatred, selfishness, laziness and injustice – young Billy Batson accepts his destiny as Captain Marvel. Battling alongside Superman against nefarious Black Adam, Billy soon discovers the challenge super heroes ultimately face: is it revenge or justice?

U filmu Iron Man 3 koji nam dolazi direktno iz studija Marvel briljantni industrijalist Tony Stark/Iron Man suočava se s neprijateljem koji ne poznaje granice. Nakon što neprijatelj u potpunosti uništi Starkov osobni život, on kreće u sudbonosnu potragu za odgovornima. Na svakom koraku avanture njegova hrabrost biti će testirana, a kada se nađe prislonjen uza zid, Stark će morati preživjeti koristeći svoje vlastite inovacije, osloniti se na svoju ingenioznost i instinkte kako bi zaštitio one koji su mu najbliži. Dok se bori za vlastiti povratak, Stark otkriva odgovor na pitanje koje ga je potajno proganjalo: čini li čovjek odijelo ili odijelo čini čovjeka?

A new documentary that showcases the making of the epic limited series. Features never-before-seen, behind-the-scenes footage, interviews and visits to the creature shop and props department.

The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen now presented as an over two-hour unabridged and seamless animated feature. Witness the no-holds-barred battle between the Justice League and an unstoppable alien force known only as Doomsday, a battle that only Superman can finish and will forever change the face of Metropolis.

Set in the African savannah, the film follows Kion as he assembles the members of the 'Lion Guard'. Throughout the film, the diverse team of young animals will learn how to utilize each of their unique abilities to solve problems and accomplish tasks to maintain balance within the Circle of Life, while also introducing viewers to the vast array of animals that populate the prodigious African landscape.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

Ronan, borbeni pilot i Izraleac po 'Zakonu o povratku' (izraelski koji daje pravo Židovima koji nisu iz Izraela i preobraćenima, da dođu i žive u Izrael, te da dobiju izraelsko državljanstvo), srušen je i zarobljen u Siriji nakon misije. S obzirom da je sin američkog senatora, poslana je zajednička američko-izraelska postrojba da spasi Ronana u roku od 36 sati.

Elon Musk i inženjeri tvrtke SpaceX započnu povijesnu misiju kako bi NASA-ine astronaute vratili na Međunarodnu svemirsku postaju i promijenili svemirska putovanja.

Benny and Claire, a down-on-their-luck couple, find a discarded Chitauri weapon referred to as 'Item 47'.

Freddy Lupin, heir to a proud family line of werewolves, is in for a shock when on his 14th birthday his first 'warfing' goes awry, turning him into a ferocious poodle. The pack elders give Freddy until the next moonrise to prove he has the heart of a wolf, or risk being cast out forever. With the help of an unlikely ally in a streetwise stray named Batty, Freddy must prove he's 100% Wolf.

John Connor šalje Kylea Reesea natrag kroz vrijeme kako bi zaštitio svoju majku Saru Connor, no kada se vratio u 1984. godinu, ništa nije bilo onako kako je očekivao.