A journey through the incredible story of Renato Zucchelli, the last travelling shepherd living in a metropolis, who conquered the city with only his sheep and the power of fantasy.
Karin Oriyama, 16 years old. She is in high school and... she's about to get married!
Príbeh legendy bojových umení a akčných filmov... Hoci od smrti tohto majstra bojových umení uplynulo už polstoročie, jeho pseudonym pozná každý. Ale ak poviete "Lee Jun-fan zo San Francisca", máloktorý Američan čínskeho pôvodu si na to spomenie. Bruce bol mužom dvoch kontinentov. Narodil sa v Amerike, ale vyrastal v Ázii. Bez disciplíny a umenia, ktoré si osvojil v Hongkongu, by sa v Hollywoode nepresadil. Tento dokumentárny film pútavým a vizuálne ohromujúcim spôsobom zobrazuje jeho život aj dlhodobý obrovský vplyv na svet bojových umení a filmový priemysel.
Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha, the founders of Christianity and Buddhism, are living together as roommates in a Tokyo apartment while taking a vacation on Earth. The comedy often involves jokes about Christianity, Buddhism, and all things related, as well as the main characters' attempts to hide their identities and understand modern society in Japan.
Ana, an eight-year-old girl living in Madrid with her grandmother and two sisters, mourns the death of her mother.
James Gillespie is 12 years old. The world he knew is changing. Haunted by a secret, he has become a stranger in his own family. He is drawn to the canal where he creates a world of his own. He finds an awkward tenderness with Margaret Anne, a vulnerable 14 year old expressing a need for love in all the wrong ways, and befriends Kenny, who possesses an unusual innocence in spite of the harsh surroundings.
E movie revolves around bio-war and its potential dangers and how poor gullible Indians are made victims by International pharmaceutical companies that come to India to uses its people as Guiana Pigs to test their new formulations.
Registration of the sixt theatre program by the Dutch comedian Theo Maassen.
When an unexploded WWII bomb is accidentally detonated in Pimlico, it reveals a treasure trove and documents proving that the region is in fact part of Burgundy, France and thus foreign territory. The British government attempts to regain control by setting up border controls and cutting off services to the area.
Inspector Amaia Salazar must return to the Baztan valley in order to solve a series of suicides that seem to follow a similar pattern.
Lapland Odyssey is a comedy about Janne, a man from Lapland in northern Finland, a man who has made a career out of living on welfare. Inari, his girlfriend, is tired of Janne's incapability of getting a grip on life, Janne wasn't even able to buy a digital TV box that Inari had given money for. Inari gives an ultimatum: a digital box needs to arrive by dawn or she leaves. Janne sets out into the night with his two friends to find a box. On their way to the city of Rovaniemi, Janne and his friends face many challenges, obstacles and temptations. They learn that they need to be daring. There's no room to give into bitterness. The most important thing isn't success, but rather the journey in itself.
Láska japonských stredoškolákov Mikako Nagamine a Noboru Tera je vystavená skúške, keď je Mikako vyslaný bojovať proti mimozemšťanom vo vzdialenom vesmíre a prenos hlasových správ na Zem a zo Zeme trvá mesiace až roky.
Doktor Parnassus kedysi dávno vyhral nesmrteľnosť v stávke s diablom pánom Nickom. O mnoho storočí neskôr našiel pravú lásku a s diablom podpísal novú zmluvu. V nej stálo, že sa vzdáva svojej nesmrteľnosti výmenou za mladosť, ale jeho prvorodené dieťa sa v deň svojich šestnástich narodenín stane majetkom pána Nicka. Teraz sa čas Parnassovej dcéry Valentiny naplnil a on sa trápi, ako ju zachrániť pred neúprosným osudom. Pán Nick prichádza, aby si prevzal svoju cenu. Rád sa však stávkuje, a preto sa rozhodne znovu riskovať. Valentínu získa ten, ktorý prvý zvedie päť nových duší.
Počas horúceho madridského leta sa odvíja päť príbehov lásky, partnerských vzťahov a ich vtipných sexuálnych úchyliek. Milenecké páry musia prelomiť spoločenské konvencie, aj vlastné zábrany, aby preskúmali svoje skutočné erotické túžby a obnovili vzájomnú vášeň. Postupne objavujú nezvyčajné zdroje sexuálneho pôžitku, ktoré majú za cieľ okoreniť ich partnerský život. Jednotlivé tabu sú odhaľované jeden po druhom s hravosťou a humorným nadhľadom.
Tracey Berkowitz, 15, a self-described normal girl, loses her 9-year old brother, Sonny. In flashbacks and fragments, we meet her overbearing parents and the sweet, clueless Sonny. We watch Tracey navigate high school, friendless, picked on and teased. She develops a thing for Billy Zero, a new student, imagining he's her boyfriend. We see the day she loses Sonny and we watch her try to find him.
A medieval tale with Pythonesque humour: After the death of his father the young Dennis Cooper goes to town where he has to pass several adventures. The town and the whole kingdom is threatened by a terrible monster called 'Jabberwocky'. Will Dennis make his fortune? Is anyone brave enough to defeat the monster?
Semi-biographical film based on the experiences of gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson.
The irreverent host of a political satire talk show decides to run for president and expose corruption in Washington. His stunt goes further than he expects when he actually wins the election, but a software engineer suspects that a computer glitch is responsible for his surprising victory.
Včera bola britská študentka Mina bezstarostná tínedžerka, dnes je sirota. V noci prepadli ich dom v Oxforde brutálni vlamači a zavraždili oboch rodičov. Okrem nej prežila len mladšia sestrička. To, čo na prvý pohľad vyzerá ako nezmyselný zločin, bola dlho plánovaná operácia afganského vojenského vodcu Khalila. S týmto mužom žila jej matka pred dvadsiatimi rokmi a dnes chce biologický otec svoju dcéru späť. Po náročnom výcviku sa Mina zapojí do operácie MI6, aby ho vypátrala. Odchádza do Afganistanu ako volavka, aby pomstila rodičov a vydala teroristu spravodlivosti.