Aparajito picks up where the first film leaves off, with Apu and his family having moved away from the country to live in the bustling holy city of Varanasi (then known as Benares). As Apu progresses from wide-eyed child to intellectually curious teenager, eventually studying in Kolkata, we witness his academic and moral education, as well as the growing complexity of his relationship with his mother. This tenderly expressive, often heart-wrenching film, which won three top prizes at the Venice Film Festival, including the Golden Lion, not only extends but also spiritually deepens the tale of Apu. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 1996.

A Yenish boy is placed in a mental hospital and experiences the Nazi euthanasia program. Aware of what was happening and attached to friends, the lad attempts to sabotage the program. The film addresses the complexities of the program director, the lives of the child victims, and the struggles of the child protagonist. More than five thousand children died in the Nazi euthanasia program.

După ce ies din închisoare, trei jefuitori de bancă se duc la locul unde și-au ascuns prada, dar descoperă că acesta e acum în interiorul unei secții de poliție.

After witnessing a haunting in their hospital, two doctors become dangerously obsessed with obtaining scientific proof that ghosts exist.

A hippie radical, Huey Walker has been a fugitive for decades, accused of a crime that he may not have committed. Finally apprehended, Walker is escorted to trial by uptight 20-something FBI agent John Buckner. While the two seem to be polar opposites, it turns out that Buckner may have more in common with Walker than is initially apparent, a point that is driven home when the pair faces off against a sinister small-town sheriff.

A magician who has been turned into a raven turns to a former sorcerer for help.

When a factory is bound to close, a group of workers decides to take action against the owner.

Buddhadev Gupta, a 64-year-old chef, falls in love with a 34-year-old software engineer, Nina. However, their future becomes uncertain when he discovers that her father is six years his junior.

DNA revolves around a woman with close ties to a beloved Algerian grandfather who protected her from a toxic home life as a child. When he dies, it triggers a deep identity crisis as tensions between her extended family members escalate revealing new depths of resentment and bitterness.

When he hears talk radio host Fran Ambrose discussing the topic of matricide, Norman calls in under a false name to tell his story.

A gangster takes a doctor and his family hostage.

Britt Reid, the heir to the largest newspaper fortune in Los Angeles, is a spoiled playboy who has been, thus far, happy to lead an aimless life. After his father dies, Britt meets Kato, a resourceful company employee. Realizing that they have the talent and resources to make something of their lives, Britt and Kato join forces as costumed crime-fighters to bring down the city's most-powerful criminal, Chudnofsky.

The crew of an experimental underwater nuclear base are forced to struggle for their lives when their explorations disturb a creature who threatens to destroy their base.

După ce a trăit evenimente traumatizante în timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, părintele Lankester Merrin își ia un an sabatic de la Biserică pentru a conduce săpături arheologice în Africa de Est administrată de britanici. Merrin descoperă o veche biserică bizantină despre care se crede că a fost construită și apoi imediat îngropată pentru a opri răul din cripta de dedesubt. Nativii sunt convinși că descoperirea bisericii a dezlănțuit un demon și încep să se ciocnească violent cu trupele militare britanice. Pe măsură ce satul se dezintegrează rapid în haos și război, Merrin trebuie să se confrunte cu demonul care a luat stăpânire pe cineva apropiat.

Bântuit de acte teribile la care naziștii l-au forțat să participe, părintele dezamăgit Lankester Merrin își concentrează energiile pentru a ajuta la o săpătură arheologică în partea de nord a Keniei. Acolo, echipajul descoperă o biserică care precede misiunile creștine în zonă, dar descoperirea provoacă, începutul unor evenimente ciudate -- inclusiv schimbări fizice aduse unui băiat tânăr, cu dizabilități, despre care Merrin ajunge să îl suspecteze că a fost posedat de un demon.

Patru tinere pleacă la țară pentru a petrece un weekend idilic. Dar ceea ce le așteaptă e departe de evadarea de vis pe care și-o imaginaseră.

As a lone spaceship proceeds on its long voyage across space, the crew are surprised to encounter a strange pyramid form. Surprise turns to horror as one by one, they discover that their darkest nightmares are all starting to become real. The pyramid has to be behind it all somehow, but how can they save themselves from its influence?

Damien Thorn is dead, but his prophecy is reborn in a mysterious girl named Delia, who is adopted by two attorneys.

Părintele Lamont (de data asta interpretat de Richard Burton) este trimis de către cardinalul Paul să descopere cauza morții părintelui Merrin (Max von Sydow). De asemenea, el trebuie să afle de ce este încă posedată Regan de demonul Pazuzu. Pentru a afla răspunsul la această întrebare, părintele Lamont călătorește în Africa în căutarea unei persoane posedate de același demon, care a fost exorcizată de Merrin. În ajutorul lui vine chiar... spiritul părintelui Merrin.

An ordinary family goes on a trip by car, but their car breaks down. The dutiful father of the family immediately sets off to get help and seems to find it with a nice elderly lady. The woman invites the whole family to dinner, but the hospitality soon turns out to be an ambush.