I 1942 iverksetter SS-sjefen Heinrich Himmler ”Operation Reinhard”, med ett formål: å gasse ihjel flest mulig jøder på kortest mulig tid. En rekke hemmelige dødsleire opprettes. En av dem er Sobibor. I løpet av atten måneder slukkes en kvart million liv her. Barn og kvinner drepes først. Bare seks hundre mennesker skånes, inntil videre, for å jobbe som slaver. En eneste tanke holder dem oppe: Å flykte. Dødsleirens kommandant har fått klare ordre: For hvert menneske som greier å flykte, skal like mange fanger henrettes. Med dette i bakhodet iscenesettes den andre verdenskrigs mest dristige rømningsplan. Alle skal flykte. Samtidig!

Stroud, a crime magazine's crusading editor has to post-pone a vacation with his wife, again, when a glamorous blonde is murdered and he is assigned by his publishing boss Janoth to find the killer. As the investigation proceeds to its conclusion, Stroud must try to disrupt his ordinarily brilliant investigative team as they increasingly build evidence (albeit wrong) that he is the killer.

General Ivolgin, forester Kuzmich, and good-natured Lyova lose their way on a fishing trip and wind up in a neighboring country, where they decide to have a good time anyway but end up leaving their vodka and fishing equipment behind.

Den hardbarkede politimannen Cates er på jakt etter to brutale politimordere. Han trenger hjelp av den frekke Reggie, som sitter inne for et storslått ran. Cates klarer å få Reggie løslatt i 48 timer og nå må de jobbe som partnere. Det blir en kamp mot klokka, og gutta oppdager at de har én ting til felles: Begge kunne ha drept for å finne skurkene... hvis de ikke dreper hverandre først!

Seven episodes, each taking place on a different day of the week, on the theme of suicide and violent death.

Wife and mother Valerie Plame has a double life as a CIA operative, hiding her vocation from family and friends. Her husband, Joseph Wilson, writes a controversial article in The New York Times, refuting stories about the sale of enriched uranium to Iraq, Then Valerie's secret work and identity is leaked to the press. With her cover blown and other people endangered, Valerie's career and personal life begin to unravel.

Vår gamle, hardtslående venn, Bud Spencer er atter på farten! Denne gangen er han en forhenværende storbokser som av visse grunner måtte legge boksehanskene på hylla! I mellomtiden har han vært sjømann, og ser seg nå om etter nye hyre, da han tilfeldig redder en heller mislykket bokse-manager som har fått et par muskelbunter på nakken. Han kommer - etter å ha rasert stort sett det som finnes av barer og kneiper i Napoli - tilbake i ringen igjen. Denne gangen mot sin gamle erkefiende. Rocky hadde ikke kjedet seg ringside i denne kampen!

Two young insurance corporation employees try to pretend that their murdered employer is alive by puppeteering his dead body, leading a hitman to attempt to track him down to finish him off.

A popular beauty surprisingly asks a nerd to take her to the prom. He wakes up hours later in a sleazy alley. She's missing but he remembers nothing about it.

After the death of his father Murat II, Mehmet II ascends to the Ottoman throne. After braving internal and external enemies, he decides to complete what he was destined to do: Conquer Constantinople.

'Sugar' Ray is the owner of an illegal casino and must contend with the pressure of vicious gangsters and corrupt police who want to see him go out of business. In the world of organised crime and police corruption in the 1920s, any dastardly trick is fair.

When teacher Randall Thomasson is killed during a carjacking, an unexpected visitor shows up at his funeral - his estranged brother, Karl Thomasson. An ex-Green Beret turned mercenary, Karl signs on as a new substitute teacher in order to investigate Randall's murder.

At the height of the October Revolution during the 1919 allied intervention in Arkhangelsk, the exploits of one-legged Canadian soldier Lt. John Boles are told, after he is taken in from the cold by a dysfunctional Russian family and mistakes a local woman for his presumed dead lover.

15 år Scott Roper er en kvikk og vittig spesialist på gisselforhandlinger, visstnok den beste på markedet. Roper slår seg sammen med en ung snikskytter som er ute etter å lære Ropers forhanlingskunster. Tross uenigheter dem i mellom greier de å fange en gal psykopat. Men konfliktene øker da psykopaten greier å rømme og er ute etter hevn. Sammen støter de på en psykopat som er ondere og mer utspekulert enn noen gisseltager de tidligere har vært borti, noe som skaper store problemer for dem begge.

A male prison escapee heads for his hidden loot, electronically attached to a female prisoner.

The host of an investigative news show is convinced by the CIA that the friends he has invited to a weekend in the country are engaged in a conspiracy that threatens national security.

China O'Brien; big city police woman; martial arts trainer, is forced to hand in her badge and head home to her father and the small town where she grew up. The peaceful town she knew is now struggling against the clutches of organized crime. When her father, the town sheriff, is killed China decides to run for his position and clean up the town. The poll results spark a series of confrontations that finally decide who runs the town . . .

An agoraphobic woman notices a strange hole growing in a wall of her home as she fights off a growing illness.

Set in the 22nd century, when a battered salvage ship sends out a distress signal, the seasoned crew of the rescue hospital ship Nova-17 responds. What they find is a black hole--that threatens to destroy both ships--and a mysterious survivor whose body quickly mutates into a monstrous and deadly form.

The year is 2087, the setting is the moon. Pluto Nash, the high-flying successful owner of the hottest nightclub in the universe, finds himself in trouble when he refuses to sell his club to lunar gangster Mogan, who just happens to be helping the mysterious Rex Crater mastermind a plan to take over the entire moon.