Two recap specials that focus on Team Urameshi's matches in the Dark Tournament and four separate volumes focusing around one of the main characters; Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei, or Kuwabara.

Dunya's perfectly planned graduation party is headed for disaster when she is abandoned by all of her household help. Can this celebration be saved?

John tells the story of a young male, a psychiatric hospital patient who witnesses the death of another Black male patient at the hands of white staff. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, this work draws from real life cases of mentally ill Black men who have died as a result of excessive force of the State.

Un'amica d'infanzia di Aurora Teagarden, Poppy Wilson, è tornata a Lawrenceton per iniziare la sua nuova attività di ricamo. Ma non tutti sono contenti del successo di Poppy finché un giorno viene uccisa. Per trovare l'assassino, Roe deve seguire delle verità sconvolgenti che la guideranno verso il killer.

Aurora trova un membro del suo gruppo di appassionati di crimini, il Real Murders Club, ucciso in un modo che assomiglia inquietantemente al crimine di cui il club stava per discutere. Mentre seguono altri brutali omicidi "imitatori", Aurora dovrà scoprire la persona dietro il terrificante gioco.

In northern England around 1900, the worker John O'Brien lives near poverty in a small house in the worker's district. He falls in love with Mary, the teacher of his highly intelligent younger sister Kathy and daughter of a rich family. Their love is doomed by the social difference, but the vigorous Mary refuses to allow outer circumstances destroying their love.

Un poliziotto duro e la sua capricciosa figlia quattordicenne si scontrano con una potente banda di rapinatori di banche.

A young writer embarks on a journey to find out more about the taxi business in Lagos by becoming a taxi driver, he meets a young lady along the way and becomes fond of her.

About 500 years ago, the five kingdoms around Dholakpur joined together to end Kirmada`s rule. Now a mysterious force has brought him back from the dead. Don`t miss Bheem beat Kirmada & save the kingdom of Dholakpur once again!

After washing his hands, Hu Bayi helped his friend Uncle Ming go to the South China Sea to salvage the pearls. Unexpectedly, he encountered a shipwreck and fell to the bottom of the sea, but accidentally found a thousand-year-old ruins of an ancient country that sank at the bottom of the sea. They went through many hardships and dangers at the bottom of the sea, and finally united to defeat the deep-sea beasts, and cleverly used the equipment in the ruins to escape.

A short, graphically dynamic work contrasting contradictory views of perception and interpretation, by way of society's assumptions vis-a-vis phallocentrism and fetishism.

In un rigido inverno del 1964 nel Massachusetts, la giovane segretaria Eileen rimane incantata dall'affascinante nuova consulente della prigione in cui lavora. La loro nascente amicizia prende una piega contorta quando Rebecca rivela un oscuro segreto, gettando Eileen su un sentiero sinistro.

A group of teachers must defend themselves from a gang of murderous kids when their school comes under siege after hours.

L'omicidio di un camionista avvenuto su di un'autostrada nei pressi di Roma mette in allarme la polizia che affida le indagini all'ispettore Giraldi. Infiltratosi nell'ambiente dei camionisti con il falso nome di Luigi Rossi, Giraldi riesce a scoprire il movente dell'omicidio del camionista, ucciso dai membri di una banda criminale perché aveva preso il posto del fratello ignaro del fatto che era sceso a patti con la banda. Il caso porta il commissario Giraldi a conoscere la cantante Anna, cosicché la tranquillità della famiglia del protagonista corre, per questo motivo, qualche rischio.

Documentary by Mateo Gutiérrez about the life of his father, Héctor "Toba" Gutiérrez Ruiz (1934-1976), which includes interviews with people who witnessed moments in the life of the former president of the House of Representatives, assassinated by the Uruguayan dictatorship

Nel tentativo di porre fine ai suoi incubi, un ragazzino ruba un acchiappasogni costringendo la sua famiglia a combattere per salvarlo da un'entità malvagia. Avranno i legami familiari la forza di liberarlo o il demone porterà tutti in un incubo senza via di fuga?

Barakaldo D.F. is the fourth live album and third live DVD of the band Mägo de Oz

In order to avoid the resurrection of the demon, the immortal Bai Zihua led the immortal world to try to seal the demon again. He and his disciple, the orphan Hua Qiangu, develop a relationship, but face an even greater world crisis.

Failing to confess his love and reluctantly accompanying the famous actress Helin as a mandatory friend Cafer who mocked life coaches, energetic individuals, fortune-tellers, suddenly finds himself as the country's most popular life coach.