In the fourth installment of the Gabriel's Inferno series, Professor Gabriel Emerson has embarked on a passionate, yet clandestine affair with his former student Julia Mitchell, but when they return from their romantic holiday in Italy, their happiness is threatened. Will Gabriel succumb to Dante's fate?

After barely surviving a violent attack by an elusive serial killer, crime boss Jang Dong-su finds himself forming an unlikely partnership with local detective Jung Tae-seok to catch the sadistic killer simply known as K.

Potem, ko je pretrpel tragedijo vsled napada ruskih vojakov v Donbasu, se ukrajinski učitelj fizike želi maščevati. Osredotoči se na elitnega ruskega ostrostrelca, čigar eliminacija bi lahko pomenila prelomnico v vojni...

Shang-Chi, kung-fu mojster, se mora soočiti s preteklostjo, za katero je mislil, da jo je pustil za seboj, ko ga nenadoma povlečejo v mrežo skrivnostne organizacije Ten Rings (Deset prstanov).

Tajni agent James Bond se je umaknil iz aktivne službe ter uživa mirno življenje na Jamajki. A njegov mir ne traja dolgo, saj ga njegov stari prijatelj Felix Leiter iz CIE prosi za pomoč. Misija reševanja ugrabljenega znanstvenika pa se izkaže za veliko bolj zahrbtno, kot je bilo pričakovati, najboljšega agenta njenega veličanstva pa vodi na sled skrivnostnega negativca, oboroženega z nevarno novo tehnologijo.

The most renowned and feared chef in the world loses his title of God of Cookery because of his pompous attitude. Humbled, he sets out to reclaim his title.

Veteran comedy writer Charlie Berns, who is slowly but surely losing his grip on reality, befriends a talented young New York street singer Emma Payge. Together, they form an unlikely yet hilarious and touching friendship that kicks the generation gap aside and redefines the meaning of love and trust.

In the wake of The Death of Supermen, the world is still mourning the loss of the Man of Steel following his fatal battle with the monster Doomsday. However, no sooner as his body been laid to rest than do four new bearers of the Superman shield come forward to take on the mantle. The Last Son of Krypton, Superboy, Steel, and the Cyborg Superman all attempt to fill the vacuum left by the world's greatest champion. Meanwhile, Superman's death has also signaled to the universe that Earth is vulnerable. Can these new Supermen and the rest of the heroes prove them wrong?

‘Kozmoblisk’ je nova zgodba studiev Disney in Pixar o nastanku Kena Kozmobliska, mladega testnega vesoljskega robota iz popularne franšize Svet igrač. V samostojnem filmu spremljamo priljubljenega astronavta Kozmobliska in njegovo pot k uresničitve največje želje – postati kapitan Enote za zaščito vesolja, ki je osredotočena na boj proti zlobnemu carju Zurgu.

Witness the legendary origin of renowned Justice League member Wonder Woman as she fights for good with her sword and magic lasso. Equally strong in body, heart and will, she makes it her mission to help a troubled young girl enlisted by a deadly organization known as Villainy, Inc., whose criminal members have their sights set on invading Themyscira, Wonder Woman’s paradise home. The battle will be epic, because if there's one thing an Amazon knows, it’s war!

Cristina, a journalist of Mexican origin, travels to her ancestral home in Veracruz to investigate a story of sorcery and healing. There, she is kidnapped by a group of locals who claim she's the devil incarnated.

Lena is a talented midwife and gynaecologist, her husband Serezha is an actor at a provincial drama theatre. They are close and gentle with each other, but there is no sex. Lena suspects that Serezha has an affair, but she worries quietly and does not reveal her jealousy. Instead of sorting out her relationship with her husband, Lena starts to betray him with chance acquaintances. Gradually Lena’s parallel life gets out of control and changes her original life.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

A robotics company vying to win a lucrative military contract team up with a corrupt CIA agent to conduct an illegal live field test. They deploy four weaponized prototype robots into a suspected drug manufacturing camp in the Golden Triangle, assuming they'd be killing drug runners that no one would miss. Six doctors on a humanitarian mission witness the brutal slaughter and become prime targets.

What are the rules that determine how attraction and desire are set free? Glances, unexpected smiles, confiding in unknown women. Long cherished fantasies, intimate friendships and unexpected meetings. In Volume 2 of the Sexual Tension diptych, Marco Berger and Marcelo Mónaco take us on a journey through the twists and turns of female seduction: two guests of a hostel become roommates (and more); a keen shop assistant helps a woman uncertain about what dress to buy; the outset of a great passion between two girls during a picnic, even though one of them has a boyfriend. In the film we also find a conversation about Woody Allen between a waitress and a woman, which goes too far; and two high-class escorts who discover that they are attracted to each other, when they are in bed with a client. The film finally shows what could happen, but never did happen, and will probably never happen, to two thirty-year-old women. Maybe it would be better not to have sex with people we love. Sex ...

After getting a taste for blood as children, Hansel and Gretel have become the ultimate vigilantes, hell-bent on retribution. Now, unbeknownst to them, Hansel and Gretel have become the hunted, and must face an evil far greater than witches... their past.

Carter se po dva mesecih kome prebudi v smrtonosno pandemijo (ki izvira iz DMZ-a), ki je že opustošila ZDA in Severno Korejo. Ne spominja se svoje preteklosti, najde pa skrivnostno napravo v svoji glavi in smrtonosno bombo v ustih. Glas v ušesih mu govori naj se ne ubije in mu izda ukaz, ki ga popelje v skrivnostno misijo. Medtem so mu agentje CIA-e in severnokorejske tajne službe, ki ga lovijo, prišli zelo blizu.

Four people plan to rob a bank on new year's eve, when no one will notice because of the celebrations.

Though no one can see him, Hollow Face lurks in the corners, desperately desiring love but only knowing how to spread fear and hate. He creeps into the life of John Farrow after Farrow’s beloved 13-year-old daughter Mia is assaulted in their home. The line between the real and the imaginary blurs as fissures start to open within the family unit. It seems that no security measure can keep Hollow Face out.

Mystery writer Grace Miller has killer instincts when it comes to motive - and she'll need every bit of expertise to help solve her sister's murder.