The story of John Buultjens, who has dedicated his life to the sport of BMX.

Standup comedian Aziz Ansari ("Parks and Recreation") headlines his third standup special, where he shares his uniquely hilarious perspective on fears of adulthood, babies, marriage, and more. Ansari's look at life on the cusp of 30 years old is smart, unfiltered, and hysterical.

Set in 1991 on the inner-city streets of Oakland, California, cocaine dealer Charles Cosby has his life is changed forever when he writes a fan letter to the "Cocaine Godmother" Griselda Blanco, who is serving time at a nearby federal prison. Six months later, Cosby is a multi-millionaire, Blanco's lover, and the head of her $40 million a year cocaine business.

A young man awakens in the hospital after an accident wipes his memory. Fascinated by a textbook full of drawings of dissections, Hiroshi is drawn to a medical school where he catches the eye of a fellow student. But it's another who becomes his obsession. the dead woman on the cadaver table.

After weeks of traveling through Europe, the immature William finds himself in Copenhagen, the place of his father’s birth. He befriends the youthful Effy, who works in William’s hotel as part of an internship program, and they set off to find William’s last living relative. Effy’s mix of youthful exuberance and wisdom challenges William unlike any woman ever has. As the attraction builds, he must come to grips with destabilizing elements of his family’s sordid past.

Peter Klaven je úspešný realitný maklér, ktorý sa zasnúbi s dievčaťom svojich snov Zooey. K veľkému zdeseniu však zistí, že nemá žiadneho blízkeho kamaráta, ktorý by mu mohol ísť za svedka. A tak sa pustí do pátrania po skutočnom priateľovi. Po sérii bizarných a ponižujúcich stretnutí Peter stretne Sydneyho Fifea, šarmantného a zábavného chlapíka, s ktorým si okamžite padne do oka. Ale čím viac sa obaja úplne odlišní muži zbližujú, tým viac trpí jeho vzťah so Zooey...

Brennan a Dale sú dvaja dospelí flákači, ktorí sa nemajú príliš v láske. Po svadbe svojich rodičov sú nútení žiť pod jednou strechou. Neustále súboje o televízny ovládač a vzájomné hádky oboch nedobrovoľných súrodencov postupne manželstvo rodičov rozbijú. Práve v tú chvíľu im to však príde ľúto a nevyspytateľné duo pripraví šialený plán ako dať oboch rodičov zase dokopy.

Biopic of the famous French writer Emile Zola and his involvement in the Dreyfus Affair.

Nadia Murad, a 23-year-old Yazidi, survived genocide and sexual slavery committed by ISIS. Repeating her story to politicians and media, this ordinary girl finds herself thrust onto the world stage as the voice of her people. Away from the podium, she must navigate bureaucracy, fame and people's good intentions.

Eva Dandridge is a very uptight young woman who constantly meddles in the affairs of her sisters and their significant others. Her brothers-in-law, who are tired of Eva interfering in their lives, decide to set her up with someone so she can leave them alone. They end up paying Ray, the local "playboy," $5,000 to date her. The plan goes by smoothly, but trouble comes when Ray actually falls in love with Eva.

Five years have passed and Jake has turned his back on his family. He's still up to his usual tricks in McClutchy's Bar, unaware, as he downs his latest opponent, that his eldest son, Nig, has died in a gang fight. The uncomfortable family reunion at Nig's funeral sparks a confrontation with second son, Sonny, and sets Jake and Sonny on a downward spiral.

Najrýchlejší muž na štyroch kolesách. To je Ricky Bobby - mohutný vlasatý americký stroj na víťazstvá a jeden z najväčších jazdcov série NASCAR v celej jej histórii. Je to síce trochu zadubený idiot s trochu väčšou dávkou odvahy, ale má všetko, čo si môže priať: luxusný dom, okúzľujúcu manželku a toľko hamburgerov, koľko sa do neho vojde. Rickyho super divoký životný štýl však zasiahne nečakaná rána, keď mu porážku uštedrí namyslená európska jednotka Jean Girard a urobí z neho úbohú, vystrašenú trosku.

Jimmy MacElroy (Jon Heder) je precízny krasokorčuliar, ktorý svojou ladnosťou predčí nejednu ženu, jeho najväčší súper Chazz Michael Michaels (Will Ferrell) si zase získava divácku priazeň provokatívnou nespútanou sexuálnou show. Vzájomná nevraživosť týchto dvoch celkom odlišných športovcov vyvrcholí otvoreným pästným súbojom pri predávaní olympijských medailí. Okamžite nasleduje trest v podobe doživotného zákazu. Zdá sa však, že existuje jedna skulinka v pravidlách - MacElroy a Michaels ako prvý mužský krasokorčuliarsky pár.

Sylvia has turned a blind eye for too long to husband Eddie's flourishing drug business. When his dealing takes a (deadly) turn for the worse, however, her need to protect the lives and futures of her young children compel her to flee. But Eddie will stop at nothing to keep his wife inside the ‘family'.

While Ron Burgundy's rivalry with Veronica Corningstone escalates quickly, a group of unprofessional thieves better known as 'The Alarm Clock' try to make the truth known, whatever that may mean...

Publishing assistant Brett Eisenberg wants to be a big-time editor. However, she lacks self-confidence, a problem that isn't helped by her new, overbearing boss. Brett soon enters into a relationship with Archie, an older man who has plenty of his own issues, including alcoholism, diabetes and a difficult relationship with his daughter. Intent on helping Archie get past his problems, she turns to her dying father for advice.

Diving to save a camera from a fall down a flight of stairs, high school junior Naomi Sukuse wakes with no memory of the last four years. Naomi must remember who she was and figure out who she wants to be in this story of love and second chances.

Fed up of his business partner, Ernest Trend hires the services of two exterminators. When things go drastically wrong and they murder the wrong man, the race is on to frame an innocent video surveillance man.

Riley sa zúfalo snaží nájsť si priateľov potom, ako prešla na novú školu, kde je jej otec Chris učiteľom angličtiny. Keď sa zoznámi so samotárskou Kylou, čoskoro sa spriatelia. Riley v nej nájde dôvernú priateľku, ktorá jej pomáha prekonať ťažké obdobie. Pevné priateľstvo sa ale vážne otrasie, keď Riley zistí, že Kyla je v skutočnosti posadnutá jej otcom. Podarí sa Kyle zviesť Chrisa a odstrániť všetkých, ktorí jej stoja v ceste? Alebo dokáže Riley zachrániť otca skôr, než bude neskoro?

High-school principal Dr. Alfred Carroll relates to an audience of parents that marijuana can have devastating effects on teens: a drug supplier entices several restless teens, Mary and Jimmy Lane, sister and brother, and Bill, Mary's boyfriend, into frequenting a reefer house. Gradually, Bill and Jimmy are drawn into smoking dope, which affects their family lives.