The Central Park Concert is a two-disc DVD by the Dave Matthews Band. The album was recorded on September 24, 2003 on the Great Lawn of Central Park in New York, New York in front of a crowd of 121,382, the band's largest audience to date.



An uncannily revealing portrait of American photographers Andy Sweet and Gary Monroe and the vibrant community of Jewish retirees they obsessively focused their camera's lens on in the sunburned paradise of 1970s Miami Beach.

特雷弗是个 16 岁的光头党,有时会对人施暴,蔑视权威,他宁愿花时间去偷车,也不愿呆在被送去的拘留中心。他的社工哈里-帕克(Harry Parker)尽力而为,但特雷弗只对他能从中得到的东西感兴趣。拘留中心的管理者试图让特雷弗遵守社会规范,但他根本不理会,宁可口出狂言,大骂种族歧视。

  故事发生在美国西弗吉利亚的亨廷顿小镇上,那里有一支令全镇人民骄傲不已,同时也在全美国大学校队中位处顶尖的马歇尔大学橄榄球队。长久以来,马歇尔大学橄榄球队早已成为了当地历史的一部分,一代又一代队员们坚韧不拔的运动精神在时间和汗水中不断的被传承着。   1970年,是大家不愿意记起却又无法忘记的一年,参赛归来的马歇尔大学橄榄球队乘坐飞机返回亨廷顿。途中,可怕的空难发生了,包括队员、教练、后勤在内的75名乘客全部丧生。人们被这一噩耗惊呆了,悲伤和压抑的气氛迅速席卷了整个小镇。这时,一个名叫杰克(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)的橄榄球教练站了出来,善良的他不忍看到居民们就此消沉,他决定要用自己的力量,延续马歇尔大学橄榄球队的辉煌。

1888: a luthier, Vedder, has to step aside when his home, opposite the recently completed Central Station in Amsterdam, must yield for the planned Victoria Hotel. His cousin Anijs, pharmacist in the Northern provinces of the Netherlands, has gotten into a fix after illegal medical practices, and is looking for a way out. For himself and his wife Martha, but also for a colony of poor peat cutters whom he promises a future in the United States. Committed - or is it pride? - the two of them think up a scheme from which they all will fully benefit. With tragic consequences.

由于心脏病发作,贾克斯(布莱恩·考克斯 Brian Cox 饰)又一次的住进了医院,躺在病床上的他明白自己时日无多,可他经营的酒吧却后继无人。在医院里,贾克斯结识了神情萎靡颓废而又沮丧的年轻人卢卡斯(保罗·达诺 Paul Dano 饰),他来到这里的原因是自杀未遂。卢卡斯的境遇让贾克斯很是感慨,在一股不知所以然的冲动下,卢卡斯成为了贾克斯心目中的继承人选。


Frost is arrested and committed for murder after he is apprehended burying his victims in the garden. However, even while under psychiatric care and tight hospital security, it becomes obvious that Mr. Frost is not all he seems to be.

总被班上同学戏称为女孩的青涩男孩丹尼尔·盖雷,与名字老被人联想成汽油的转学生西奥·勒卢瓦尔,老被排挤的哥俩好为自己的苦闷找到出口,突发奇想计划一场疯狂冒险。随着暑假来临,两个小鬼头一点都不想和家人共度无聊的夏天。一台割草机引擎与几片木板,他们以土法炼钢的创意打造自己专属的动力房车, 踏上横跨广大法国城镇的公路旅行。


Four rogues, who were best friends as kids, have one big problem: they're sitting on both sides of the law. Martin is a policeman, while Nikolai, Ralf, and Timo can't distinguish between personal possessions and the possessions of others! When all four find themselves in a fix, they're forced to return to their former tricks against a common foe, Mr Niemeyer. Martin is not as successful, however, either at his job or marriage, and thinks he deserves a better life. Now he sees an opportunity to save his career by "playing" with his old friends on a mission that is so crazy that even the two foolish brothers can do some good.

It follows 15-year old Quinn Perkins, who will be spending the summer working as an intern with her best friend Daniela. Mysterious events start to occur, and they assume that they are being haunted by local legend Everly Fallow.

  故事发生在十七世纪的西班牙,阿拉特里斯德(维果·莫特森 Viggo Mortensen 饰)是誉满全国的军队上尉,同时亦是巴尔博亚(尤纳克斯·乌高德 Unax Ugalde 饰)的监护人。阿拉特里斯德希望能够将巴尔博亚培养成为和自己一样孔武有力的真正的男子汉,然而巴尔博亚却爱上了名为安杰丽卡(埃琳纳·安娜亚 Elena Anaya 饰)的危险女子,这令阿拉特里斯德忧心忡忡,因为安杰丽卡的父亲路易斯(Jesús Castejón 饰)和自己曾经有过一段恩怨。   受宗教裁判所首领弗雷(布兰卡·波蒂洛 Blanca Portillo 饰)所托,阿特拉里斯德和路易斯接受了一项十分危险的刺杀任务。然而,在执行任务之时,阿拉特里斯德却被刺杀对象的崇高精神所折服,将两人放走,亦给自己带来了麻烦。

文森特(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)是一名经验丰富的警探,他凭借着冷静的思考个高超的智商破获了一起又一起疑难杂案,深受同僚和市民们的信任。在负责调查一宗重大案件时,文森特震惊的发现,自己一直在追捕的幕后黑手,竟然是自己的亲生儿子乔伊(詹姆斯•弗兰科 James Franco 饰),原来,早年间,文森特离开了妻子和儿子,因为父亲的缺席,乔伊心中充满了痛苦与愤怒。

电影描绘了几位年近半百的人们及他们身边的家人和爱人的有趣生活 ,年龄的增长给他们每个人的生活都带来了一些问题。迭戈因电台要引入年轻血液而被替换,因不满电台安排辞职,之后却遭遇了更多的不顺利。单身的安吉拉一直找不到适合的伴侣,她听从闺蜜的意见和年轻男士约会,却意外的约到了闺蜜的儿子。五十岁的乔治有一位年轻貌美的女友,但却不经意间喜欢上一位与自己年龄相近的理疗师斯特凡尼娅,他谎称自己是单身,并和她偷偷约会,让自己陷入窘境。弗兰科在大家眼中是一位不服老的运动健将,可他因年事已高,心脏已经不能承受太多剧烈运动,但是运动确实他唯一可以让他不去想念已故妻子的办法。年龄问题给他们每个人都带来不同的困扰或尴尬的遭遇。但在一番挣扎之后,他们都找到了更加适宜自己的生活方式。

After getting fired from his job, a slick, fast-talking businessman is thrown into an elf competition to become Santa¹s next second-in-command. Put through a series of rigorous training exercises to prepare for the contest, The Miz and another aspiring elf go head-to-head in the hopes of becoming Santa¹s Little Helper.

Two over-loyal Celtic fans kidnap their opponent's star player in order to guarantee their team the championship.

For Beary Barrington, The Country Bears' young #1 fan, fitting in with his all-too-human family is proving im-paws-ible. When he runs away to find Country Bear Hall and his heroes, he discovers the venue that made them famous is near foreclosure. Beary hightails it over the river and through the woods to get the Bears in the Band back together for an all-out reunion concert to save Country Bear Hall.