Pong meets an aggressive girl named Pik who he gets a crush on. However, Pik likes Book and wishes to play soccer with him. After eating cupcakes made by Pik, she and Pong switch bodies. Pik uses this as a chance to get close to Book as she can finally play soccer with him.

Despite agreeing to an arranged marriage to a childhood friend, a successful businessman tries to track down a beautiful woman that he met at a Halloween party.

An aspiring Hindu director falls in love with a Christian girl whose parents disapprove of their impending relationship.

Invited to a wealthy client's mansion, time-traveling witch Yuko and her companions arrive to find a group of collectors assembled to participate in a mysterious auction. And the mystery only deepens when the collectors go missing one by one. As more guests disappear and strange occurrences abound, Yuko and her friends realize they must solve the mystery before they vanish as well.

"The Wolf Pack" are on a mission to reach Kafr Cenneh. On the way there the 9 commandos must face the enemy which outnumbers them by far.

Slice-of-life melodrama in a Mexico City slum.

In 1953, a sensitive French boy finds out from a neighbor that his family's Jewish. François Grimbert becomes a physician, and gradually peels the layers of his buried family history which resulted in his difficult upbringing, raised as Catholic by his "Aryan" appearing parents. His athletic father labored to stamp out stereotypical Jewish characteristics he perceived in his son, to keep the family's many secrets, as most relatives fought in World War II, and later were hauled off to labor and death camps by the Gestapo.

A day in the life of a barbershop on the south side of Chicago. Calvin, who inherited the struggling business from his deceased father, views the shop as nothing but a burden and waste of his time. After selling the shop to a local loan shark, Calvin slowly begins to see his father's vision and legacy and struggles with the notion that he just sold it out.

In a time of starvation, a survivalist lives off a small plot of land hidden deep in forest. When two women seeking food and shelter discover his farm, he finds his existence threatened.

Ekstremalas ir slaptas vyriausybės agentas Ksanderis Keidžas pogrindyje praleido 14 metų. Tačiau galų gale jam šios atostogos nusibosta ir vyras sugrįžta į aktyvią tarnybą. Vadovaujamas viršininko Augusto Gibonso, Ksanderis surenka tokių pat kaip jis išprotėjusių ekstremalų grupelę ir išvyksta vykdyti naujos užduoties.

Ulises Alpuyeca, a film initiate, wants to make his debut feature and he accepts the first opportunity offered to him to direct a film, without knowing that it is foing to be a porn movie. Gudelio Medina, photographer and Ulysses's old mate, convinces him to do it. All participants in the film, start, unaware of the main porn star gender, making room for hilarious entanglements, but once committed to the project they must discover how to shoot a porn movie and in the process, just maybe, discover love.

Alex, Antoine, Jeff and Manu. Four friends, four years later. Their relationships, friendship, shared secrets, feelings of guilt and their desire to change and improve.

Ksanderio pragyvenimo šaltinis – jo pasiutiškų, keliančių šiurpulį žygių filmuota medžiaga. Joje užfiksuotas ir šuolis su parašiutu iš vogtos mašinos, krentančios nuo 250 m aukščio tilto, ir nutrūktgalviškas leidimasis snieglentėmis, ir panašūs triukai. Jį domina tik tokia veikla, iš kurios gaunamas maksimalus kiekis adrenalino, tik tokie išpuoliai, kai vos neatsiduri – anksčiau laiko – kapo duobėje. Ksanderis turi daugybę draugų ir gerbėjų, kurie sudaro ištisą subkultūrą, metančią iššūkį pačiai mirčiai. Pagaliau vienas susidūrimas su policija viską pakeičia… Ksanderio laukia pats ekstremaliausias jo gyvenime nuotykis.

1950-tieji metai, baržoje, kursuojančioje tarp Glazgo ir Edinburgo, prieglobstį randa jaunas rašytojas Džo Teiloras. Jis keliauja drauge su anglis plukdančia šeima – Ela, jos vyru ir mažuoju sūneliu Džimiu. Vieną rūškaną rytą uosto vandenyse vyrai pastebi plūduriuojantį kūną – dar kelios akimirkos ir iš gelmės glėbio ištraukiamas jaunos merginos lavonas. Vien apatiniais vilkinti skenduolė visoje apylinkėje sukelia daugybę kalbų ir spėlionių. Policija neabejoja, kad ji – nusikaltimo auka. Ši istorija atsiduria pirmuosiuose laikraščių puslapiuose. Niekas nė neįtaria, kad paslaptingasis Džo Teiloras pažinojo mirusią merginą. Tai buvusi jo meilužė Katrina Demli, su kuria vyriškis susipažino paplūdimyje ir užmezgė keletą mėnesių trukusį romaną.

Three converging story lines involving bootleggers, a serial killer and drug dealers are followed. A former drug dealer tries to go straight, but comes across a stash of stolen drugs. Meanwhile, a middle-aged suburban housewife hides a sadistic and vicious streak.

Michel Vaillant is 1 of pilots, undisputed champion in rallying in all circuits in the world. His success arouses admiration and envy. Ruth Wong, director of Team Leader, is determined to break his streak and avenge the memory of his father, founder of Leader. She is capable of anything to achieve her goal.

In the distant future, a federation marshal arrives at a research lab on a remote planet where a genetic experiment has gotten loose and begins feeding on the dwindling scientific group.

A petty crook moves to an Ohio town and courts a factory owner's disabled daughter.

Evan Lake, a veteran CIA agent, has been ordered to retire. But when his protégé uncovers evidence that Lake's nemesis, the terrorist Banir, has resurfaced, Lake goes rogue, embarking on a perilous, intercontinental mission to eliminate his sworn enemy.

In a series of sexual mishaps, a high school senior tries to lose her virginity on the last night before graduation.