The Up in Smoke Tour is a West Coast hip hop tour in 2000 featuring artists Ice Cube, Eminem, Proof, Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Nate Dogg, Kurupt, D12, MC Ren, Westside Connection, Mel-Man, Tha Eastsidaz, Doggy's Angels, Devin The Dude, Warren G, TQ, Truth Hurts and Xzibit.
Pong meets an aggressive girl named Pik who he gets a crush on. However, Pik likes Book and wishes to play soccer with him. After eating cupcakes made by Pik, she and Pong switch bodies. Pik uses this as a chance to get close to Book as she can finally play soccer with him.
In Fucking Different XXX, the passion for explicit sex scenes brought eight international filmmakers together. The eight short films shot in Paris, Berlin and San Francisco are about intensive sex, quick sex, romantic sex, funny sex, the first sex, and the last sex. The range goes from a lesbian quickie in the toilet, a bloodthirsty orgy, romantic fisting all the way to wet teenage dreams. The result is a never seen before look upon sexual tastes and varieties, far from clichés, with a fresh and sometimes humorous approach.
Plain, timid and obsessed with jellyfish, Tsukimi is a far cry from her idea of a princess. Her tepid life as a jobless illustrator comes complete with roommates who harbor diehard hobbies that solidify their status as hopeless social rejects. These wallflowers run a tight, nun-like ship, but their no-men-allowed-not-no-one-not-no-how bubble is unwittingly burst after Tsukimi brings home a rescued sea jelly and a beauty queen... who's actually a guy. When the threat of losing their cozy convent inspires this glamour boy to turn the neurotic entourage into a portrait of success, will Tsukimi take her chance to bloom, or will she end up a hot mess?
Matt je synom významnej čarodejníckej rodiny, od ktorého Rada čarodejníc očakáva, že sa ožení so svojou dobrou priateľkou Lizzie. Keď však Matt stretne psychiatričku Sáru a preskočia medzi nimi iskry, jedna noc všetko zmení - jeho schopnosť čarovať sa stratí a Sára zasa zrazu ovláda magické sily a kúzla.
Ronny Chieng ("The Daily Show," "Crazy Rich Asians") takes center stage in this stand-up special and riffs on modern American life and more.
An aspiring Hindu director falls in love with a Christian girl whose parents disapprove of their impending relationship.
Slice-of-life melodrama in a Mexico City slum.
In 1953, a sensitive French boy finds out from a neighbor that his family's Jewish. François Grimbert becomes a physician, and gradually peels the layers of his buried family history which resulted in his difficult upbringing, raised as Catholic by his "Aryan" appearing parents. His athletic father labored to stamp out stereotypical Jewish characteristics he perceived in his son, to keep the family's many secrets, as most relatives fought in World War II, and later were hauled off to labor and death camps by the Gestapo.
Príbeh, ktorý popisuje jeden deň zo života v holičstva v južnej časti Chicaga. Calvin, ktorý zdedil holičstvo po svojom otcovi, v ňom vidí iba záťaž a stratu času. Až keď ho predá, začína pomaly chápať otcov pohľad a pokúša sa holičstvo získať späť.
Up-and-coming sports reporter rescues a homeless man ("Champ") only to discover that he is, in fact, a boxing legend believed to have passed away. What begins as an opportunity to resurrect Champ's story and escape the shadow of his father's success becomes a personal journey as the ambitious reporter reexamines his own life and his relationship with his family.
Ulises Alpuyeca, a film initiate, wants to make his debut feature and he accepts the first opportunity offered to him to direct a film, without knowing that it is foing to be a porn movie. Gudelio Medina, photographer and Ulysses's old mate, convinces him to do it. All participants in the film, start, unaware of the main porn star gender, making room for hilarious entanglements, but once committed to the project they must discover how to shoot a porn movie and in the process, just maybe, discover love.
Tentokrát sú na rade chlapíci, ktorí sa zmocnili tajného zariadenia nazvaného Pandorina skrinka, s ktorého pomocou sú schopní vám až z obežnej dráhy hodiť vybraný vojenský satelit priamo na hlavu. S presnosťou jedného metra. Plus mínus. Pri niekoľkotonovej družici zas na nejakom tom metre nezáleží… Keďže oficiálne vládne zložky si s tým nevedia rady, je načase, aby Xander Cage dal dokopy tím jemu čo najpodobnejších šialencov, ktorí neriešia služobné postupy, legálnosť zvolených prostriedkov a varovný výstrel vypáli až na konci akcie. Alebo nikdy. Jediný rozkaz, ktorý sú ochotní si aspoň vypočuť, znie „Nakopte im zadok.“ Našťastie Xander a jeho partia stoja väčšinou na tej správnej strane ľudstva a naviac sa vedia lyžovať v pralese, surfovať na motorke, pobiť sa v stave beztiaže, alebo zneškodniť padajúci satelit dopravným lietadlom.
Alex, Antoine, Jeff and Manu. Four friends, four years later. Their relationships, friendship, shared secrets, feelings of guilt and their desire to change and improve.
Všetko nasvedčuje tomu, že Walter Wade zavraždil mladého černošského študenta a bude za svoj čin potrestaný. Lenže tento uhladený vrah je z prominentnej rodiny, ktorá môže ihneď zložiť vysokú kauciu a “odpratať” synáčika z dosahu polície. Po dvoch rokoch sa Walter tajne vráti do Spojených štátov a detektív Shaft, ktorý ho vypátral, je presvedčený, že teraz konečne dostane slovo spravodlivosť. Ale aj tentoraz ju peniaze umlčia. Shaft na protest vracia policajný odznak a na vlastnú päsť spolu s bývalou kolegyňou Carmen začína zhromažďovať dôkazy a hľadať jedinú priamu svedkyňu, ktorá sa skrýva. Aj jej život je v ohrození...
Tetovanie. Vyholená hlava. Chodiaca reklama proti autoritám. Prvé písmeno jeho krstného mena má vytetované na krku trikrát všetkými mysliteľnými spôsobmi. Xander Cage je xXx. Živí sa internetovou distribúciou svojich šokujúcich kaskadérskych kúskov, či už ide o zoskok padákom z kradnutého auta, ktoré vo výške 700 stôp zíde z mosta, alebo o iné aktivity, ktoré sú zárukou vysokej hladiny adrenalínu, či blízkej smrti. Xander má vo svojom okolí mnoho priateľov a obdivovateľov, zahrávajúcich sa so smrťou.
A young drifter working on a river barge disrupts his employers' lives while hiding the fact that he knows more about a dead woman found in the river than he admits.
Michel Vaillant is 1 of pilots, undisputed champion in rallying in all circuits in the world. His success arouses admiration and envy. Ruth Wong, director of Team Leader, is determined to break his streak and avenge the memory of his father, founder of Leader. She is capable of anything to achieve her goal.
A petty crook moves to an Ohio town and courts a factory owner's disabled daughter.
A comedy special that tackles some of 2021's highlights that people probably want to forget about.