The special is hosted by Tony Danza and Annie Potts celebrating 50 years of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera's partnership in animation. This is the first animated project to be broadcast in Dolby Surround sound system.


The Top Gear team go on a US adventure. Its the ultimate road trip and finds the guys driving $1000 wrecks over 700 stifling miles to New Orleans. In a Chevy, a Caddy and a Pick-Up, their challenges include preparing a road kill feast and baiting rednecks of Alabama without getting shot.

大卫·林奇最初计划将《穆赫兰道》拍成电视剧集,美国ABC广播电视公司对此表示出浓厚的兴趣。出自林奇之手的《双峰镇》被认为是美国电视史上一部具里程碑意义的重要作品,而《穆赫兰道》无疑将标志着林奇重返电视界。正是在拍摄《双峰镇》剧集时,大卫·林奇产生了《穆赫兰道》的构思。当时林奇在穆赫兰大道上取外景,突然之间闪现出灵感:“‘穆赫兰大道’,这好像是个不错的电影名!” 但开拍不久,ABC临时变卦,枪毙拍摄计划。而《穆赫兰道》已拍完的素材只够剪成2个小时的电影,而且没有结尾。尽管大卫·林奇对作品再三修改,依然没有得到电视公司的通过。在影片制作陷入僵局之时,林奇转而前往欧洲市场寻求支持,并最终得到法国制片皮埃尔·埃德尔曼的赞助。林奇对剧本改动了三分之一,将作品修改为电影。他说:“这是个奇妙的过程,一部讲述生与死的影片同样走过死而复生的道路,如今它获得了全新的面貌,我很满意。”

  为纪念苏联卫国战争30周年,前苏联莫斯科电影制片厂于1970—1972年,拍摄了一部堪称前苏联电影史上耗资最巨、规模最大、场面最为壮观的战争题材影片———《解放》。影片从1943年苏联红军反攻(库尔斯克战役)开始,到强渡涅伯河,解放基辅,最后攻克柏林。分为五集,片长将近8个小时。导演尤里·奥泽洛夫为强调“纪实性”、“史诗性”,在影片中穿插了大量的真实历史文献镜头。影片还出现了不少历史人物,如斯大林、朱可夫、罗斯福、丘吉尔、希特勒、墨索里尼等。此外,影片还蕴涵丰富感人的故事情节,从苏、德两军统帅到普通士兵,从苏军反攻到德军覆没,成功地表现了一种攻无不克、战无不胜的革命乐观主义精神。 这是第五部。

Scooby-Doo and Shaggy travel to Arabia to become the Caliph's Royal Food Tasters. But they bite off more than they can chew and are forced to run for their lives! It's a wild magic carpet ride as Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and their genie (Yogi Bear) and a jolly sailor named Sinbad (Magilla Gorilla) take you on an adventure of mistaken identities, exotic locations and fun-filled action and surprises!

This documentary focuses on the careers of influential partners in trash film, John Waters and Divine. The film includes interviews with Waters' parents and sister, actress Edith Massey sings two songs (Punks, Get off the Grass and Fever), as well as a live performance of Divine performing his song Born to be Cheap.

Hüseyin Al Baldawi arrives in Brussels in August 2015. He has traveled thousands of kilometers until he got there from Iraq. A year after his arrival, he receives his residence permit and decides to go to Greece. This journey from Brussels to Athens involves the viewers on the difficulties faced by Hüseyin and thousands of other immigrants. While the story of Hüseyin is taking shape through the countries he travels, the forgotten people he meets and the selfish society of Europe give us many messages, as well.

Chased by fans and the paparazzi, Michael Jackson dances his way through trouble, while dressed as "Spike," a fictional rabbit.

Leave behind the dark and dreary November and embark on the holiday of your dreams! Turquoise lagoons and luxurious villas will make you forget about your mundane worries. A romantic getaway is waiting to maximize your relaxation. Soak up the sun on a sandy beach with a cocktail or spend a sporty holiday of your choice. The hotel’s restaurant world, spa and gym provide a wonderful setting for a memorable holiday. Direct flights and airport transportations included.

Chemical flame retardants are everywhere: on our furniture, our homes, even our bodies. Yet, they don't seem to stop fires...but they do make us sick. This film reveals how three chemical companies and Big Tobacco had a hand in contributing to this dangerous standard...and how a courageous group of citizens have begun the fight to expose this shadowy campaign of deception.

Three friends leave their village for a retirement home travelling the countryside

Ramu, a visually impaired man, leads a happy life with his sister and his lover. However, his happiness dissipates soon after he gets cheated by a rich businessman.

Two silent movie actors escape from their film. Forced to find a way to survive in the real world, they will only cause troubles to the people they will meet along the way.


The Cenacle, a unique restaurant offers single-table work. In a ruined temple every night there is a last supper. Diners sitting at the table, define something important in their lives. Four stories plus the secret that bond the owners. Superb music.

The abolition of slavery in the British Caribbean in 1834 prompts Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Company in Calcutta, a part of the East India Company, to recruit Coolies from India to fill the resulting labor void. The company hires Sinha, a fierce small-timer to sell dreams of El Dorado to the unsuspecting, impoverished Coolies who are signed to five-year contracts as indentured servants. Upon the Coolies' arrival in British Guiana in 1838, the British planters promptly enslave them to ensure that the growth of sugar in the British West Indies will continue uninterrupted. John Scoble of the British and Foreign Anti Slavery Society arrives on the colony a year later to discover a new form of slavery; this time on the backs of Indians.

An unfortunate mix-up leaves an unsuspecting victim in a situation of life or death.

A psychological story of a loner in lockdown who has been spending all his time in binge watching TV Shows, finds out he has been laid off and he has no source of income left for him.