Mahesh, a studio photographer and owner of the studio. As the story moves on, Mahesh encounters an anonymous fight ending up with taking revenge that leads to certain realizations in his life.


《时光依旧》跨越了从1948年到现在60多年的时间,通过一个人的遭遇审视了发生在以色列的巨变。   《时光依旧》是一个半自传性的电影,记录了一个家庭生活中四个标志性的片段。这部电影以我父亲的私人记事本为素材,从1948年他作为一名抵抗战士开始讲述,同时参杂了我母亲写给她流亡海外的亲人的家书和我关于父母亲的私人回忆。电影描绘了这些巴勒斯坦人日常生活的画卷:他们留在他们出生的土地上,被划入“阿拉伯以色列人”,在自己的国家作为少数派而存在着。   从1948年以色列建国至今,透过一名巴勒斯坦抵抗组织成员福阿德的故事,呈现出他儿子对自我身份认同的追问。这场政治浩劫的现实让伊利亚•苏雷曼不得不思考这样一个问题:是他将巴勒斯坦带到了他所到之处,还是巴勒斯坦自己延伸到了世界的其他地方?

Tomek and Ania finally decide to get married. The wedding, according to the wishes of Ania, will take place at the family members of Tomek with whom he has had no contact for years. It turns out that his brothers and his mother are like an Italian family where every conversation threatens to lead to an explosion and where a loving relationship and a quarrel are close together. Also the mother of Ania does not make a good impression on the mother of Tomek when she appears at the wedding with a much younger partner. The unexpected arrival of Tomek's father, whom he has not seen for years, is the drop that makes the bucket overflow .

昭和38年,明石组系与神和会系两派发动的广岛战争愈演愈烈,期间不断有无辜市民遇害。受舆论和民众的巨大压力,警方动员所有力量,发动名为“顶上作战”的打击黑势力的行动。广能昌三(菅原文太 饰)为壮大实力,说服中立派义西会会长冈岛友次(小池朝雄 饰)加入明石一派。同时,广能组干部河西清(八名信夫 饰)被刺,双方战争扩大化,袭击事件频发。明石组岩井(梅宫辰夫 饰)出计借河西葬礼之际集结西日本同盟,给山守组突然袭击。然计划被打本(加藤武 饰)泄漏,山守义雄(金子信雄 饰)向警方检举,广能被捕。之后广能组成员遇袭、冈岛被刺等一系列事件使明石一派处于劣势。但很快义西会干部藤田正一(松方弘树 饰)填补空缺,和山守组少壮派武田明(小林旭 饰)展开新一轮对抗。而警方针对所有黑帮干部的行动也同时开始……

When theatre actor Giuliano receives an unexpected visit from his childhood friend Tommasso, the encounter is bittersweet. This reunion is their first meeting in many years, triggered by Giuliano’s failing health and his decision to forgo treatment. Instead he is focussed on putting his affairs in order: distributing possessions, reconciling past disputes, and, most importantly, finding a home for his beloved canine, Pato. Over four days, the two men walk the streets of Rome, visiting bookshops, restaurants, veterinarians and friends, examining their lives and speculating on what the future holds.

Posing as a hangman, Mace Bishop arrives in town with the intention of freeing a gang of outlaws, including his brother, from the gallows. Mace urges his younger brother to give up crime. The sheriff chases the brothers to Mexico. They join forces, however, against a group of Mexican bandits.

  本片根据法国女作家葛朋畅销小说“安琪丽Angelica”改编(共有5集)曾获德国金像奖,此为第三集。 安热莉克已经退休,但国王路易十四委托她执行一项任务,波斯大使巴克蒂娅·贝伊也参与其中。这位外交官很快就爱上了这位年轻女子,并为了征服她的抵抗而限制了她。当她回到法庭时,Angélique成了谣言的对象;据说她是国王的新情妇,这激怒了德蒙特斯潘夫人。


地下社会中首屈一指的城市猎人讶羽獠,平常以新宿为据点经营侦探事务所,与他的搭挡慎村香一起接受各式各样的委托。此时,模特儿进藤亚衣因遭到不明人士袭击,前来委托讶羽獠担任保镖。獠爽快地接下美女的委托,却在摄影棚内色性大发恣意妄为,像是在更衣室偷窥等…。 亚衣接下某间IT企业的宣传模特儿工作,该公司的社长御国真司竟然正好是阿香的青梅竹马。 御国睽违多年在拍摄现场与阿香重逢,直接邀她去约会。然而,獠却一点都不关心阿香,对亚衣的色心火力全开…… 另一方面,海坊主与美树收到情报,察觉有佣兵在新宿集结。而不知为何,那些佣兵的目标竟是亚衣…… 正在寻找敌人真实身份的冴子得知了隐藏在背后的巨大阴谋!来到日本的武器商人文斯·英格勒以及最新的兵器——在御国的出现后獠和阿香之间的距离也越走越远。城市猎人能否成功保护下亚衣和新宿!?

When aspiring romance novelist Kim Rossi is unceremoniously dumped by her soon-to-be-published romance novelist boyfriend, Kim takes stock and decides to take a leap. She signs up for a romance writing retreat at a quaint Vermont Inn shortly before Christmas, where a top romance novelist is scheduled to attend and read the work of one lucky writer. Shortly after arriving, she crosses paths with Zeke, whom she initially finds to be intrusive and, naturally, ends up being her assignment partner. Worse yet, her ex is also at the retreat. Despite these bumps in the road, Kim steps outside her comfort zone and plunges into the writing exercises, surprising herself. Equally unexpected is the attraction that seems to be building between her and Zeke that promises to take her down a road she never imagined traveling. Based on the book by Richard Paul Evans.


Northern Spain, October 1944. Several groups of guerrilla fighters, former Republican soldiers exiled in France after the end of the Spanish Civil War, infiltrate the country in order to provoke a popular uprising against General Franco's dictatorship.


Jesus, who's hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so wrong it must be from comedians Porta dos Fundos.


莫拉一个人旅行到了风景优美寂静的罗格河畔,她准备在这里将刚过世的父亲的骨灰撒下去。 在河边她遇到一个善良和蔼的人,盛情难却就住到了那个人家里。 这里的生活似乎如罗格河般平静···但真相是,她来到罗格河的时候开始,就已经进入了黑暗扭曲的世界。最后,莫拉能否平安逃出这场噩梦,让父亲得到安息呢?


《伦敦地下城市》一个女记者被派遣到罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特调查一个地下自杀邪教“死魂灵”。她很快就陷入了他们的黑暗世界,无法找到回头路,从而被迫加入他们,迎接一项极为恐怖的事情... .