A stuntman and a saxophonist stand in for two billionaires threatened by killers.

A recently widowed, now single father struggles to raise his sixth-grade son with autism. The pressure of his job and coping with the loss of his wife proves to push him nearly to the breaking point.

During a summer stay on the mainland, Tinker Bell is accidentally discovered while investigating a little girl's fairy house. As the other fairies, led by the brash Vidia, launch a daring rescue in the middle of a fierce storm, Tink develops a special bond with the lonely, little girl.

A Saiyan Space pod crash-lands on Earth out of which a wounded Saiyan crawls: Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan. The wounded Broly shouts out in frustration and turns into normal form. The place soon freezes, trapping him in it and he falls into a coma.

As Halloweentown prepares to celebrate its 1,000th anniversary, Marnie Piper and her brother Dylan return to Witch University, where trouble is in session from the Sinister Sisters and from someone who's plotting to use Marnie's powers for evil.

Po izumu stroja, ki ustvarja padavine v obliki hrane in rešitvijo sveta pred nepredvidljivimi stranskimi učinki poblaznele naprave, se mlademu izumitelju Flintu vendarle uresničijo sanje. Genialni znanstvenik Chester ga povabi v svoj laboratorij, ki združuje največje svetovne ume.

SANJAY'S SUPER TEAM follows the daydream of a young Indian boy, bored with his father's religious meditation, who imagines "a kind of ancient, Hindu version of The Avengers," with the gods appearing like superheros.

After retrieving the Crystal Skull in Utah, Flynn Carsen receives a map in the mail with the secret location of King Solomon's Mines. When the scroll is stolen, Judson explains the power of the Key of Solomon's book and assigns Flynn to retrieve the map. The map is useless without the legend piece to decipher it, which is located in Volubilis near the Roman ruins in Morocco. Flynn heads to Casablanca to the ruins where he is chased by a group of mercenaries leaded by General Samir. They too want to find the location of King Solomon's mines. Flynn teams-up with Professor Emily Davenport working in the dig and they escape from General Samir and his men. While traveling to Gedi, they save the local Jomo from death and the trio faces a dangerous journey through the wild Africa.

Nekdanji uslužbenec CIE Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) se vrne v akcijo – s posebno in zelo osebno nalogo, zaradi katere se znajde v vlogi nasprotnika svojega nekdanjega učenca (Luke Bracey). Zaščititi mora pomembno pričo (Olga Kurylenko), pri tem pa se zaplete v smrtonosno vohunsko igro mačke z mišjo, v katero so vpleteni visoki uradniki CIE in celo novoizvoljeni ruski predsednik.

Rainbow press reporter Ludo is sentenced to 8 months, but is released on probation. But he has to work 300 hours for a local daycare center and meets Anna who has unfinished business with him.

Holly is tired of moving every time her mom Jean breaks up with yet another second-rate guy. To distract her mother from her latest bad choice, Holly conceives the perfect plan for the perfect man, an imaginary secret admirer who will romance Jean and boost her self-esteem.

V novem nadaljevanju, skozi niz nesporazumov, so Alvin, Simon in Theodore prepričani, da se je Dave odločil, da bo predlagal za svoje novo dekle v New Yorku. Tri veverice se odločijo za pot, da jo preprečijo, vendar imajo le tri dni, da jo ustavijo in hkrati zmanjšajo možnost, da bi dobili strašnega polbrata.

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Medtem ko je v prvem delu Obleganih vsestransko izurjeni Casey Ryback reševal ladjo, bo tokrat na vlaku spremljal svojo najstniško nečakinjo Sarah na potovanju v Los Angeles. Ne bi se moral bolj ustrezno znajti ob pravem času na pravem mestu, saj je edini, ki se lahko zoperstavi teroristom, ki zajamejo vlak, da bi se tako dokopali do skrivnostnega satelita in povzročili množično uničenje. Navihani Sarah se še sanja ne, kako zelo uporaben je njen včasih kar preveč pokroviteljski stric.

Two years have passed. There is a normal life, but handsome Ludo meets his old love, and Anna is very jealous...

Ko se po krajših počitnic pri babici Arthurjeva družina odpravlja domov, pajek spusti v Arthurjevo roko riževo zrno s sporočilom: ‘Pomagaj!’. Arthurju je jasno, da je njegova Selenija v nevarnosti in se brez omahovanja poda na pomoč … Četudi to pomeni, da mora improvizirati nevaren prehod, pasti na glavo v Maxov bar, naleteti na vojsko Kroba ter se boriti s podganami, z žabami in s kosmatimi pajki. Ko po vseh teh dogodivščinah prispe v vas, odkrije, da ga sploh niso klicali na pomoč. Kdo je mlademu junaku nastavili zahrbtno past?

Veveriček Alvin se z bratoma in prijateljicami veveričkami ter človeškim prijateljem Davom opravi na križarjenje preko oceana. A nesreča nikoli ne počiva – obilica nerodnosti in trenutek nepazljivosti sta dovolj, da se mali glodavci znajdejo na osamljenem otoku. Med iskanjem hrane in drugimi pustolovščinami v džungli si pomagajo z zabavnim petjem in svojimi nemogočimi vragolijami. Da bi našli pot domov, pa morajo združiti moči in prisluhniti živalskemu nagonu, ki so ga v mestu že povsem pozabili. Zabavni veverički Simon, Theodore, Brittany, Jeanette in Eleanor se vračajo v nepozabnem tretjem delu.

Jake Kimble, the sole survivor of the Chicago massacre, is killed while in solitary confinement. His doctor begins investigating the claims he made about a long-haired woman in white, as a mysterious Japanese woman arrives at his old apartment building to help them get rid of the curse.

Red Riding Hood is training in the group of Sister Hoods, when she and the Wolf are called to examine the sudden mysterious disappearance of Hansel and Gretel.