Осам година након што је Бетмен преузео одговорност због злочина Дволичног, нови терористички лидер, Бејн, преузима контролу над најутицајнијим људима Готама. Мрачни витез је приморан да се врати како би заштитио град угрожен од непријатеља.

Ник Фјури је на челу међунарнодне организације ШИЛД чији је задатак одржавање мира на Земљи. Када се појави нови непријатељ, Торов брат Локи, Фјури окупља екипу суперхероја чији је задатак да се супротставе Локију и својим моћима спасу свет од катастрофе.

Per her mother's last wish, an 8 year old girl sets out to reunite her father with his college best friend who was in love with him.

После још једног међународног инцидента у који су Осветници били умешани и у коме је дошло до колатералне штете, расте политички притисак да се успостави систем одговорности и управљачко тело које ће одлучивати када тим треба да буде ангажован. Нови „статус кво“ дели Осветнике док покушавају да заштите свет од новог опаког зликовца.

Middleton prepares for its bicentennial, and Grey House is to be the party venue. Good witch Cassie is remodeling it as B&B. her first and only guest, Nick Chasen, claims to be a distant relative. He produces papers to prove he's the heir of the builder, colonial era captain Hamblin, while the Grey lady was his mistress and stole it. Police chief and lover Jake Russell goes all the way to motivate her to fight and disprove the claim before she's effectively disowned. Brandon is dared to pass a rascals-initiation by local brat Steve and Duke. George's gardening skills lead to romance.

Gwen has just discovered, that she's the final member of the secret time-traveling Circle of Twelve. Now she has to juggle with constant trips to the past, her relationships with Gideon and figuring out dark secrets surrounding the Circle.

A lonely 40-ish man, likely to remain a bachelor, has a chance to find the love of his life when he falls for a vivacious young woman.

Крајем Другог светског рата, Стив Роџерс највише од свега на свету жели да постане војник. Једини проблем је у томе што не може да прође телесни тест који је неколико пута покушао да прође под различитим именима. Др. Абрахам Ерскин примећује његову велику амбициозност те га регрутује да буде део посебног војног експеримента. Роџерс бива трансформисан, како ментално, тако и физички, у супер војника, а његова мисија постаје борба против нацистичке организације, Хидра, и њеног вође познатог као Црвена лобања.

Сад кад су Дом и Лети на меденом месецу, Брајан и Миа се повукли из игре, а остатак екипе ослобођен свих оптужби, овај тим који вечито путује по свету почео је да води нешто налик нормалном животу. Али кад мистериозна жена заведе Дома у свет криминала из ког изгледа да не може да побегне и кад изда оне најближе њему, екипа ће се сусрести с најтежим изазовом који ће их довести пред тест какав никад пре нису имали. Од обала Кубе и улица Њујорка, преко ледених равница код Баренцовог мора, наша елитна јединица ће прећи цео свет не би ли спречила анархисту да покрене хаос на светској сцени... и вратила кући човека који је од њих направио породицу.

Sixteen-year-old Poppy has everything her unlimited credit cards can buy, and a spoiled attitude to match. After a final thoughtless prank, her exasperated father ships her off to boarding school in England. There, Poppy meets her match in a stern headmistress and a class full of girls who will not tolerate her selfishness.

Checco, an uneducated but self-satisfied fellow from Milan, who has always dreamed of becoming a police officer, fails his entrance exam for the third time. It must be said that at the oral examination Checco said that the reason why he wanted to join the police was benefits in kind and cronyism! But the young man has connections and he soon finds himself a security agent at the Milan Cathedral. Of course the bumbling idiot proves a living catastrophe! Spotted by Sufien, an Arab terrorist who is preparing an attack against the cathedral, Checco appears as the perfect sucker. To manipulate him, he sends his charming sister Farah to him, with the mission to seduce him...

Тор ће се наћи у борби да спаси Земљу и Девет Царстава од мрачног непријатеља који је старији од универзума. Бориће се за успостављање реда у целом космосу, али древна раса предвођена осветнички настројеним Малекитима враћа се с намером да цео свет врати у таму. Суочен с непријатељем коме чак ни Один ни Асгард не могу да се одупру, Тор ће морати да се упусти на досад најопасније путовање и да се удружи са превртљивим Локијем да би спасио не само оне које воли... већ и цео свет.

Yale University, 1961. Stanley Milgram designs a psychology experiment that still resonates to this day, in which people think they’re delivering painful electric shocks to an affable stranger strapped into a chair in another room. Despite his pleads for mercy, the majority of subjects don’t stop the experiment, administering what they think is a near-fatal electric shock, simply because they’ve been told to do so. With Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial airing in living rooms across America, Milgram strikes a nerve in popular culture and the scientific community with his exploration into people’s tendency to comply with authority. Celebrated in some circles, he is also accused of being a deceptive, manipulative monster, but his wife Sasha stands by him through it all.

During the warlords era in China, a village located in rural area called Pucheng fell into dangerous situation when its government allocated all its military force to the front line, the cruel commandant Cao from the enemy troops arrived the village and killed the innocent, the guardians of Pucheng were desperate to fight against Cao for justice and to protect their homeland.

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

A man helps the victim of an auto accident, not realizing that the man has actually been shot. The men who shot him are now after the man who helped him, in order to eliminate him as a potential witness. Soon they are killing everyone he even comes in contact with in order to get him.

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.

This film is the record of a traumatic reaction to the terrorist acts in the Moscow subway of March 29, 2010.

After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his old heroes and tries to bring the grown-up guys back together with the help of his dreaded side puller. Leon's former best friend Fabi has meanwhile founded his own team, the girls' team, "The Beastly Beasts", and challenges "The Wild Soccer Bunch" to a duel in the Nattern Cave.