Pokračovanie nebezpečného putovania, ktorého cieľom má byť zničenie prekliateho prsteňa moci, sa začína tam, kde sa skončilo Spoločenstvo Prsteňa... Frodo, ako nekorunovaný vodca zvláštnej, špeciálne pre túto neľahkú úlohu vytvorenej deväťčlennej skupinky, zastupujúcej záujmy hobitov, elfov, čarodejníkov, trpaslíkov i ľudí, pokračuje po prvých bolestných stratách priateľov sám, sprevádzaný len verným Samom, v ceste na vrchol sopky - aby tu prsteň raz a navždy zničil..

Pútavé skúmanie zvádzania, zakázanej lásky a vykúpenia, strhujúci a vášnivý príbeh o úteku jedného človeka z vlastného osobného pekla, keď sa snaží získať nemožné: odpustenie a lásku.

Detektív poručík William Somerset pomaly končí svoju kariéru a jeho poslednou úlohou je zaučiť mladého a ambiciózneho detektíva Davida Millsa. Obaja sú nasadení na vyšetrovanie prípadu brutálnej vraždy, ktorý ich neodvolateľne vtiahne do pomýleného a zvráteného sveta psychicky narušeného, ale inteligentného a rafinovaného zločinca, s krycím menom Johna Doe. Vražedný maniak v besnom zabíjaní pokračuje - už na druhý deň sa nájde zohavené telo najlepšieho advokáta v meste, vedľa ktorého je krvou napísané slovo „chamtivosť“. Zdá sa, že to nie je posledná obeť a kým polícia vraha vypátra, bude každý zo siedmich smrteľných hriechov - obžerstvo, chamtivosť, lenivosť, smilstvo, pýcha, závisť a hnev - kruto potrestaný.

Almost as soon as Jake and Cassie decide to get married on Christmas Eve, complications arise.

Baahubali a Bhallaldev sú bratia z mocného kráľovstva Mahishmati, ktorí sa zamilujú do krásnej princeznej Devaseny z malého kráľovstva Kunt. Devasena sa zamiluje do Baahubaliho, čím narušia zámery kráľovnej Matky a spôsobia rozkol v kráľovskom paláci. Ctižiadostivý Bhallaldev sa obáva popularity svojho brata a prikáže preto sluhovi Kattappovi zabiť Baahubaliho.

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

I am Chris Farley tells his hilarious, touching and wildly entertaining story - from his early days in Madison, Wisconsin, to his time at Second City and Saturday Night Live, then finally his film career (which included hits like Tommy Boy and Black Sheep). The film showcases his most memorable characters and skits from film and television and also includes interviews and insights from his co-stars, family and friends - including the likes of Christina Applegate, Dan Aykroyd, Mike Myers, Bob Odenkirk, Bob Saget and Adam Sandler.

Rohan is a kind, happy young man who has been blind since birth and works as a voice-over artist for a living. Through friends, he meets Supriya, a working woman who is also blind, but proudly independent. The two start liking each other and get married. Rohan toughest journey starts in his quest of vengeance for Supriya's indirect murderers.

Barry Seal je znudený dopravný pilot, ktorému potrebnú životnú energiu dodá spolupráca so CIA. Barry pre ňu z lietadla mapuje oblasti, do ktorých sa úrady len tak ľahko nedostanú. Je v tom čertovsky dobrý. Až tak, že s ním chcú spolupracovať všetci.

Ayan falls in love with his soulmate, Alizeh, but she doesn’t reciprocate the feeling. Later, a relationship with Saba helps him realize Alizeh’s value in his life, irrespective of their relationship status.

If hugs are tangible why am I hugging the void

Alex, an immigrant from Ukraine comes to Canada and becomes involved with an online criminal organization called Darkweb. What starts off as a way to help his parents financially, soon becomes a personal vendetta against the entire banking system, when his mother is fired from her job at the bank

When two cash-strapped UK-based Indians become male escorts amid an economic downturn, money flows right in but everything else in their lives starts falling apart.

At an international school in Jakarta, a philosophy teacher challenges his class of twenty graduating seniors to choose which ten of them would take shelter underground and reboot the human race in the event of a nuclear apocalypse.

Werner and Holgi are friends, but also lifelong rivals. Now Werner finally has enough of being the eternal second and is planning his revenge. With his special motorcycle, the 'Red Porsche Killer', he challenges Holgi and his car.

Takmer rok ubehol od chvile, kedy upiri zdecimovali obyvatelstvo alijasskeho mesta Barrow. Stella, ktora vtedy prisla o manzela, od tej doby cestovala po celom svete, aby ostatnych presvedcila o existencii upirov. Ked jej skupinka stratenych dusi ponukne uskutocnit odplatu na samotnej upirej kralovnej, Stella sa vydava na misiu, ktora ma jedinu ulohu: Zastavit zlo skor, nez sa znovu odhodla k utoku.

Ernest Krakenkrick and Bachir Bouzouk are about to become pilots in the French army. But after the bad consequences of a test undertaken with the centrifuge, they are forced to give up their dream. They are eventually given the position of baggage handler at Orly-West Airport in Paris. But one night, there is a hostage-taking in the airport and the "Moustachious", a group of terrorists, take hold of the control tower.

Rayne, a half-human half-vampire warrior, is in the America's 1880's Wild West to stop the vampired Billy the Kid and his posse of vampire cowboys.

A woman uncovers sinister secrets while investigating the apparent suicide of her sister.