This sequel to "Pandora's Box" continues director Jeffrey Lau's adaptation of the Buddhism saga "Journey to the West". Stranded five centuries in the past, Joker Monkey King must battle a variety of monsters, seductive women and super-powered villains to save the dying Pak Jing-Jing.

Smulkus vagišius Singas ir jo bičiulis trokšta tapti gangsteriais. Jie ryžtasi apsimesti garsiausios miesto nusikaltėlių grupuotės nariais ir apvogti kaimelio kirpėją. Visiškai nepavykęs pokštas iš tiesų atkreipia gangsterių vado dėmesį ir šis paskelbia kaimelio gyventojams viešą mirties nuosprendį. Juos pradeda terorizuoti negailestingi gangsteriai ir legendinis samdomas žudikas "Pabaisa", kuris net neįtaria, kad tarp tų neturtingų kaimiečių yra keli profesionalūs kung fu meistrai. Linksma ir originali veiksmo komedija jau pagerino visų laikų finansinius rekordus Kinijoje, Honkonge ir Taivanyje, taip pat puikiai pasirodė Toronto ir "Sundance" kino festivaliuose.

Wan Tin-Sau is an actor who cannot seem to catch a break, since his only professional jobs are limited to being a movie extra. As well as being an actor, he is also the head of his village's community center.

A poor construction worker, who struggles to keep his son in private school, mistakes an orb he finds in a junkjard for a toy which proves to be much, much more once the young boy starts to play with it.

Kai kuriems žmonėms nėra nieko švento. Taip ir vienas verslininkas nepagailėjo šventosios relikvijos – Budos statulėlės ir pavogė ją iš vieno kaimo. Tikslas? Savaime suprantama, kad pinigai. Tačiau ne visi susitaikė su tokia netektim ir jaunas atletiškas Bootingas iškeliavo susigrąžinti statulėlės...

A trickster-for-hire, known as the Tricky Expert, is hired to ruin the lives of a father and son by making them think that he's a part of the family.

An imperial agent gets ridiculed for his various inventions, until his supportive wife encourages him to attend a conference, which's actually a trap to kill all the doctors serving the emperor, where his crazy inventions come in handy.

For never-do-well compulsive gambler Fong, there's only one thing more fearsome than debtors at his doorstep - having to coax a crying baby. But what if the baby becomes his golden goose to fend off his debtors? Can he overcome his phobia of diapers, milk bottles, and cloying lullabies?

After a giant dinosaur skull is stolen, the head of the Chinese secret police decides to assign the case to the force's most incompetent reject: a rural butcher who stands around all day drinking martinis (shaken, not stirred). With a trunkload of insanely useless gadgets and a contact who constantly tries to kill him, the young agent must locate the skull and find out just what is going on here.

Star Chow is about to be kicked out of the Royal Hong Kong Police's elite Special Duties Unit. But a senior officer decides to give him one last chance: Star must go undercover as a student at the Edinburgh High School in Hong Kong to recover the senior officer's missing revolver.

When a friendless old widow dies in the seaside town of Crythin, a young solicitor is sent by his firm to settle the estate. The lawyer finds the townspeople reluctant to talk about or go near the woman's dreary home and no one will explain or even acknowledge the menacing woman in black he keeps seeing.

An unscrupulous lawyer with an equally eccentric kung-fu sidekick wife tries to bring justice to the court.

At a huge pillar stadium, the Grand Line Cup Final is being held. The "Straw Hat Pirate Team"(Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper) are having a tie breaker shoot out against the "Villian All Star Team"(Buggy, Bon Clay, Jango, Hatchan, and a soccer like head player named Odacchi). Everyone of them gets a turn in kicking the ball to the goal. While Coby is taking the goalie position, and isn't doing too good in blocking the goal. One after another, the game eventually comes to a sudden death match. Which team will win the Grand Line Cup?

When Milo the cat and Otis the dog are separated, they each set off on an adventurous and often perilous quest across mountains, plains, and snow-covered lands to reunite with one another.

Jordan White and Amy Blue, two troubled teens, pick up an adolescent drifter, Xavier Red. Together, the threesome embarks on a sex- and violence-filled journey through a United States of psychos and quickie marts.

Viename pastate bunda penki žmonės. Kai kurie jų sužaloti, vienas prirakintas antrankiais. Niekas nepamena, kas jie ir kas įvyko. Visi pradeda ieškoti išėjimo, tačiau pastatas įrengtas kaip kalėjimas. Atmintis pamažu ima grįžti, ir žmonės suvokia, kad kai kurie iš jų yra įkaitai, o kiti – banditai, paėmę juos dėl išpirkos. Tačiau kas yra kas? Kol atmintis iki galo negrįžo, bendromis jėgomis mėginama rasti išeitį.

Kalifornijos dykumoje patenka meteoritas, iš principo dar vienas iš tų, kurie susiduria su mūsų planeta. Bet šis meteoritas sukels chaosą, nes jame bus svetimas gyvenimas, o tai suteiks naują prasmę stipriausiųjų įstatymui. Viskas pradeda blogėti, kai aplink pasirodo įvairiausių keistų klaidų, tačiau ateiviai nesuvokia, kad tai komanda, kurią sudaro Ira, Allison, Harry ir Wayne, ir grupė mokslininkų, kurie bandys sutramdyti daugiau nei tikėtina precedento neturinti nelaimė.

Shi-Jie is a brilliant martial artist from the Kung Fu School. One day, he encounters a group of youths playing basketball and shows off how easy it is for him, with his martial arts training, to do a Slam Dunk. Watching him was Chen-Li, a shrewd businessman, who recruits him to play varsity basketball at the local university.

A murder victim is brought back to life by a mysterious crow. With the help of a beautiful woman, he exacts revenge on his killers – only to realize his enemy has discovered the one weakness that can destroy him forever.

Vienuolis Be Vardo - rytų kovų meistras, kurio pareiga yra saugoti ypatingų galių turintį senovinį pergamentą. Ieškodamas žmogaus, kuris galėtų pratęsti jo darbą ir tapti ištikimu partneriu, vienuolis atvyksta į Niujorką. Šiame mieste jis sutinka kišenvagį Karą. Žaismingas jaunuolis puikiai pažįsta gyvenimo gatvėje taisykles ir pelno duoną kraustydamas svetimas kišenes. Vienuolis prišnekina naująjį bičiulį išmėginti jėgas - jis pradeda treniruoti Karą. Netrukus du visiškai skirtingi vyrai tampa puikiu tandemu, kurio rankose – senojo pergamento likimas. Galingas verslininkas jau daug metų mėgina gauti šį rankraštį, todėl kovotojų porelei teks gerokai pasistengti, kad apsaugotų vertingojo pergamento paslaptis nuo piktų kėslų.