Born into tragedy, Galib rises from village outcast to criminal mastermind "Toofan" in 90s Bangladesh. As authorities close in, he takes desperate measures to maintain his empire, sparking a dangerous game of power and identity.

Bivši tenisač Tony Wendice sazna da njegova lijepa i nježna supruga Margo ima ljubavnika. To je pisac kriminalističkih romana Mark Halliday koji im dolazi u posjet. Tony smisli savršen plan koji treba rezultirati njezinim ubojstvom, nakon čega bi naslijedio novac. Angažira sumnjivog tipa s kojim je nekad pohađao koledž da ubije Margo, međutim, ne ide sve po planu.

Sisters moving from Hunan to Hong Kong in the 1990s are faced with an identity crisis, poverty, and their father's drug addiction.

A ferocious, bullying music teacher teaches a dedicated student. The short film the 2014 film was based on.

Emocije Sreća, Strah, Tuga, Ljutnja i Gađenje imaju novog posla u Rileyinom umu. Dok su se u prvom nastavku morale nositi s privikavanjem na novu okolinu zbog selidbe u novi grad, sada dobivaju društvo novih emocija jer Riley ipak odrasta u mladu djevojku. Tinejdžerske godine znaju biti emotivno jako zahtjevne.

Tek preminuli par iz Nove Engleske traži pomoć od poremećenog egzorcista demona kako bi prestrašio imućnu njujoršku obitelj iz svog doma.

Four schoolboys go on an awe-inspiring expedition back through time, where they behold landscapes and creatures that have long since vanished from the earth.

Divine G, imprisoned at Sing Sing for a crime he didn't commit, finds purpose by acting in a theatre group alongside other incarcerated men in this story of resilience, humanity, and the transformative power of art.

For over 40 years Val Kilmer, one of Hollywood’s most mercurial and/or misunderstood actors has been documenting his own life and craft through film and video. He has amassed thousands of hours of footage, from 16mm home movies made with his brothers, to time spent in iconic roles for blockbuster movies like Top Gun, The Doors, Tombstone, and Batman Forever. This raw, wildly original and unflinching documentary reveals a life lived to extremes and a heart-filled, sometimes hilarious look at what it means to be an artist and a complex man.

Bivši marinac bori se protiv korupcije u gradiću kad lokalna policija nepravedno zaplijeni vreću novca koja mu treba da izvuče brata iz zatvora.

Kako se sezona oluja pojačava, putevi bivše lovice na oluje Kate Carter i bezobzirne superzvijezde društvenih medija Tylera Owensa sudaraju se kada se oslobode zastrašujuće pojave koje dosad nisu viđene. Njih dvoje i njihovi konkurentski timovi nalaze se točno na stazama višestrukih olujnih sustava koji se skupljaju iznad središnje Oklahome u borbi njihovih života.

Radnja prati oca (Josh Hartnett) i kćer tinejdžericu koji odlaze na pop koncert, no otac usput shvati da se zapravo nalaze na jednom sasvim drugačijem događaju. Cijeli koncert je zamka za opasnog serijskog ubojicu za kojeg se zna da se nalazi na događaju, a dok ga se ne uhvati – izlaza nema.

A former clergyman finds himself back in his old boarding school where the disturbances experienced by its community might help him regain his faith and tie up loose ends in regards to his son's death by a deadly spirit.

Winner is a brilliant young misfit from Texas who finds her morals challenged while serving in the U.S. Air Force and working as an NSA contractor. A fresh take on the traditional whistleblower thriller, the coming-of-age story follows an idealistic young woman persecuted for standing by her principles.

Lost in a hostile forest, the Marquis d'Urfé, a noble emissary of the King of France, finds refuge in the home of a strange family.

After a sexist joke goes viral, Cédric loses his job and embarks on a therapeutic journey to free himself from sexism and misogyny. He and his girlfriend hire a mysterious and liberated babysitter to help shake things up.

U središtu radnje je Lilith, ozloglašena odmetnica s tajanstvenom pozadinom. Vraća se na svoj rodni planet, Pandoru, u potrazi za nestalom kćeri negativca, Atlasa. Tijekom svog putovanja, Lilith se ujedinjuje sa šarolikom grupom saveznika: Rolandom, vrhunskim plaćenikom; Tiny Tinom, mladom stručnjakinjom za rušenje; Tannis, nekonvencionalnom znanstvenicom; i robotom Claptrapom, poznatom po svojoj oštroumnosti. Ova eklektična skupina udružuje se kako bi pomogla pronaći nestalu djevojku, stvarajući neočekivanu koaliciju.

Priča o podrijetlu jedne od najtajanstvenijih junakinja izdavačke kuće Marvel. Cassandra Webb je bolničarka s Manhattana koja se suočava s otkrićima o svojoj prošlosti, povezujući se s tri mlade žene koje čeka moćna budućnost... ako uspiju preživjeti smrtonosnu sadašnjost.

Unlikely friends in a melting pot of confusion. Simon Murray fights for the French Foreign Legion. Pascal Dupont fights for himself. War torn men question honour, hope, morality...because you can desert everything...except yourself.

A day in the life of a couple trapped in a sadomasochistic relationship. When Marie decides to break up with Bruce, their conversation devolves into a torrent of foul-mouthed rippings and ferociously humorous musings on their marriage, love, hate and committment.