A comprehensive documentary about the making and legacy of the TEEN WOLF, including interviews with writers Jeph Loeb and Matthew Weisman; producers Mark Levinson and Scott Rosenfelt; stars Susan Ursitti-Sheinberg, Jerry Levine, Matt Adler, Jim MacKrell and Troy Evans; basketball double Jeff Glosser; casting director Paul Ventura; production designer Chester Kaczenski; special effects make-up artist Jeff Dawn; and editor Lois Freeman-Fox. With a runtime of 2 hours and 23 minutes, the documentary also delves into the controversial urban legend regarding the final scenes of the film.


  拉特兰周末电视台介绍了预制四人组:德克、巴里、斯蒂格和纳斯蒂; 更广为人知的名称是《规则》。 这部纪录片讲述了他们从早期在利物浦和汉堡臭名昭著的 Rat-Keller 的职业生涯,到他们在全球范围内取得的惊人成功。 对披头士狂热和许多关于披头士乐队的严肃纪录片的模仿。


In a small American town, a diabolical circus arrives, granting wishes for the townsfolk, but twisted as only the esteemed Mr. Dark can make them. Can two young boys overcome the worst the devil himself can deal out?

In Cameron, a group of hunters is attacked by a wild animal, and Charlie Cowley survives, but sees his brother Scott dying. Seven years later, his teenage nephew Derek Cowley steals the key of his stepfather's cabin in the isolated Fire Road 13, and travels with four classmates and his friend Sam to spend the weekend having a party with booze and sex. However, they are attacked by a Beast that kills his friends in a sadistic way. Sam and Derek survive, and they suspect that his stepfather, Mitchell Toblat, is a werewolf. When Charlie meets Derek and Sam, they decide to collect evidence to prove that Mitchell is the Beast and kill him, but Mitchell discovers their plot and chases the trio.

Ashens goes on a quest to find the legendary and elusive piece of electronic tech known only as the GameChild.

  这部浪漫喜剧是对大都会中人们盲目追求财富地位,与道德良知趋微的现代价值观加以探讨。   道格是一家纽约高级饭店门房,他十分积极进取,履履为饭店客人创造奇迹。他梦想有朝一日也能拥有自己的豪华旅馆,于是缩衣节食,将每分钱存下。终于,他遇上一位富商肯出资帮助他完成心愿,条件是服侍他的情妇。眼见理想马上就要实现,道格却发现自己逐渐陷入爱情漩窝,面临爱情和面包的抉择。



The story of an egotistical crime writer who gets involved with the case of a notorious art thief (who is believed to be dead) while at the same time romancing a lovely young actress who's in a play that also happens to be the cover for massive jewel job. Art connoisseur and criminologist George Melville is hired to track down art thieves, assisted by perky Claire Peyton and goaded by Phil Bane, the roaring newspaper editor who has employed him. The mastermind poses as a theatrical impresario and stages a war drama, replete with loud explosions, to divert attention from his band of thieves, who are cracking safes in a bank adjacent to the theater.


  伊文蓝道(赖瑞德瑞克饰)一直梦想成为和父亲一样做个医生,当他真正成为小镇医生后,因为妻子突发无可救药的心脏病,使她陷入疯狂境界,为了挽救妻子,他开始实验活体心脏移植,结果一次计划出差错使他变成神经病送进精神病院,在院中他又悄悄进行解剖活人夺取心脏的恐怖实验,在对一位医生不用麻醉药开取心脏后,他逃出医院回到小镇,企图重拾他已经破碎的医生美梦。   1957年,埃文·伦德尔(Evan Rendell)因杀害多名患者为生病的妻子寻找替代心脏而被私刑处死后逃离。35年后,埃文从精神病院逃脱,并回到镇上报仇,一个接一个地杀死居民。当詹妮弗和她的朋友们出于病态的好奇心闯入伦德尔家时,埃文注意到詹妮弗患有与他母亲相似的心脏病,并决定让她成为他最后的受害者。

Investigating the mysterious deaths of a number of farm animals, vet Rack Hansen discovers that his town lies in the path of hordes of migrating tarantulas. Before he can take action, the streets are overrun by killer spiders, trapping a small group of townsfolk in a remote hotel.

The mailmen, Šime, is one of the favorite people of a small town, on an island in the middle of the sea. Šime is very intelligent and the locals have high regards for him because he is unusually well versed in all the events and destinies in the small town. He knows the weather forecast, what winds will blow, what the sermon on the Sunday mass will be. For all the locals Šime is an untouchable genius. However, unlike the locals, the viewers soon find out that the Sime's ingenuity is based on his reading of the mail. Fascinated by other people's destinies, Šime has perfected a way for opening letters and keeping complete records on the people living on the island. He keeps a precise track of who gets what kinds of letters, and that gives him insight into discrete and private affairs of people. One day a beautiful woman named Dea moves into town, and all the men try and court her...

The people of a fishing village is about to witness a miracle thanks to the new mysterious friend of a young, lonely boy.

Ex-gangster Tony Banks is called out of retirement by mob kingpin God to carry out a hit on fellow mobster "Blue Chips" Packard. When Banks demurs, God kidnaps his daughter Darlene on his luxury yacht.

Great Britain. 150AD. When four messengers sent by Rome to a plague infected Caledonia, with a message of peace and help for their King, go missing Rome has no choice but to send ten of their finest across Hadrian's Wall to find and bring them back. Led by their Captain, Domitius, (George McCluskey, "The Zombie King"), and two of their strongest warriors, Grackus, (Stuart Brennan, "Risen") and Nerva, (Mark Paul Wake, "Plan Z"), the legion soon realise that what lays in wait for them is something much worse than any plague or army known to man - And with them being picked off one by one on their journey back to the wall by a beast none of them can match, and survival being their only hope, will there be anyone left to warn Rome of the dangers it may now face. Fight For Rome. Fight For Caesar. Fight To Survive.


Dan is about to introduce the woman of his dreams to his family, but as they are so quirky, will everything go to plan?