Ryan is not unlike millions of people – fresh out of college, a dead-end job, and an endless search for meaning in his life. Offered a new start via a self-help group, simply known as The Center, and their highly charismatic leader Vincent, Ryan soon finds himself enmeshed in a world that seemingly offers him hope. But, there is a dark side to everything, and The Center has many secrets.

In the hours after the Titanic struck an iceberg 100 years ago, a team of shipbuilders and engineers raced against time to save the stricken vessel. Based on eye-witness accounts, this film reveals what went on below decks in the hours before the Titanic sank, telling the previously relatively unheralded stories of engineers who fought courageously to hold back the power of the sea and keep the power systems running, even when they learned that all was lost. Most of these men died but their actions bought enough time to save many lives. This drama-documentary tells a poignant story of self-sacrifice by the Titanic's engineers, stokers and firemen in the face of impending death.

Taken from The Arabian Nights, the film tells the story of a wicked sorcerer who tricks Prince Achmed into mounting a magical flying horse and sends the rider off on a flight to his death. But the prince foils the magician’s plan, and soars headlong into a series of wondrous adventures.

A woman's past as a convict follows her everywhere and because of this she doesn't open up to others. But then she strikes up a friendship with a broken child who has suffered from domestic violence and decides to save the girl from the cruel world. A man who holds feelings for the woman, tries to protect her in his own way.

With the help of government-issued pamphlets, an elderly British couple build a shelter and prepare for an impending nuclear attack, unaware that times and the nature of war have changed from their romantic memories of World War II.

When the space shuttle Challenger blew up in 1986, it was the most shocking event in the history of American spaceflight. The deaths of seven astronauts, including the first teacher in space Christa McAuliffe, were watched live on television by millions of viewers. But what was more shocking was that the cause of the disaster might never be uncovered. The Challenger is the story of how Richard Feynman, one of America's most famous scientists, helped to discover the cause of a tragedy that stunned America.

Giovanni currently lives a dreary life of near non-stop work. At school, his peers ridicule him incessantly, and his employer at work is distant and cold. As his isolation from society becomes unbearable, he suddenly finds himself on a train heading far away from his miserable home. Accompanied by Campanella, an acquaintance from school, Giovanni embarks on a journey that will define the rest of his life.

It is written among the limitless constellations of the celestial heavens, and in the depths of the emerald seas, and upon every grain of sand in the vast deserts, that the world which we see is an outward and visible dream, of an inward and invisible reality ... Once upon a time there was a golden city. In the center of the golden city, atop the tallest minaret, were three golden balls. The ancients had prophesied that if the three golden balls were ever taken away, harmony would yield to discord, and the city would fall to destruction and death. But... the mystics had also foretold that the city might be saved by the simplest soul with the smallest and simplest of things. In the city there dwelt a lowly shoemaker, who was known as Tack the Cobbler. Also in the city... existed a Thief, who shall be... nameless.

Cesare Botero, an ambitious and corrupt young minister, hires a new spokesman, honest and polite high school professor Luciano Sandulli.

A mysterious teenager named Ángelo cares for Klaus, a German doctor with a dark past who lives trapped in an iron lung.

Ученият доктор Салватор, за да спаси живота на сина си Ихтиандър, му прави операция - присажда му хриле от млада акула. Така младежът се превръща в човек-риба. Скоро из града се разнася слух за "морски дявол". Ихтиандър се влюбва в девойката Гутиере, за която иска да се ожени богатият собственик на кораби Педро Зурита. Зурита успява да залови съперника си и да го застави да му работи като търсач на бисери, а по-късно го затваря в каца с вода. От дългия престой във водата дробовете на младежа се повреждат. Бягството, организирано от приятелите на доктор Салватор, се осъществява твърде късно...

A revisionist version of American history as a small mouse comes to live with Benjamin Franklin and turns out to be responsible for many of his ideas; including the beginning of the Declaration of Independance!

Jack Flowers is an American hustler trying to make his fortune in 1970s Singapore in small time pimping. His dreams of building a fortune by running a brothel himself and returning to the States is materialized when he is offered the opportunity by the CIA to run a brothel for the R&R activities of U.S. soldiers on leave in Singapore.

Ari Ben Canaan, a passionate member of the Jewish paramilitary group Haganah, attempts to transport 600 Jewish refugees on a dangerous voyage from Cyprus to Palestine on a ship named the Exodus. He faces obstruction from British forces, who will not grant the ship passage to its destination.

Джон Скилпа е незабележим банков служител, който съвестно си върши работата в малкото градче Пийкок, щата Небраска. Но освен привидния начин на живот, Джон пази една голяма тайна. Никой не знае за дамата, която всяка сутрин почиства къщата и приготвя закуската му. До деня, в който нещата се объркват и всичко излиза наяве. Дебют за Майкъл Ландър, в който откриваме звезден актьорски състав, включващ носителката на "Оскар" Сюзън Сарандън, номинираната за "Оскар" Елън Пейдж, номинирания за "Златен глобус" Силиън Мърфи и Бил Пулман от "Денят на независимостта".

A mystery-thriller about an Italian woman who moves to Davenport to open a restaurant. After her husband commits suicide, she spends fifteen years recovering at a Minnesota mental hospital. When she builds herself up enough to begin another restaurant, she discovers that a murder took place there fifty years earlier. She decides to investigate and finds a secret plot.

Игралният дебют на Джим Джармуш, заснет на 16 mm скоро след като авторът завършва киноучилище. Филмът представлява косвено изследване на младеж, скитащ се из улиците на Ню Йорк. Докато се шляе, той се среща случайно с крадец на коли, саксофонист, прошарен ветеран от войната и други чешити. Те му разказват историите си, а той започва да се чувства все по-изолиран. Дори връзката с приятелката му става напрегната. Може би филмът не е толкова чаровен, колкото следващия По-странно от рая, но тук вече се забелязва несъобразяващият се с общоприетите условности епизодичен подход на Джармуш към филмовия разказ.

Πpигoтвeтe се зa мнoгo cмяx c ĸoмиĸa Бъpни Мак и нoминиpaнaтa зa Оскар Aнджeлa Бaceт. Cлeд ĸaтo пpaви 3000-ия cи бeйзбoлeн xит, Cтaн Рос e cигypeн, чe вeчe e влязъл в бeзйбoлния Πaнтeoн нa cлaвaтa. Eдвa 10 гoдини пo-ĸъcнo тoй oтĸpивa, чe 3 oт xитoвeтe мy нe се пpизнaвaт. Peшeн дa yвeĸoвeчи имeтo cи, тoй се зaвpъщa в бeйзбoлa, зa дa зaĸpъгли цифpaтa.

There's been a glitch — all the humans are gone! Can you help pampered pet siblings Pud and Ham journey to the center of the universe to fix it?

След като брат му Робисън изчезва без следа, докато обикаля Африка в търсене на легендарното "бяло племе", Алан Куотърмейн решава да тръгне по стъпките му, за да разбере какво е станало с него. Скоро след пристигането му открива изгубения Град на златото, управляван от злия лорд Агон и осеян с капани от легионите му бели роби. Дали тук Робисън е намерил смъртта си?