System of a Down at Cidade do Rock, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on September 24, 2015. Setist: I-E-A-I-A-I-O / Suite-Pee (Incomplete) / Attack / Prison Song / Know / Aerials / Soldier Side - Intro / B.Y.O.B. / Soil / Darts / Radio/Video / Hypnotize / Temper / CUBErt / Needles / Deer Dance / Bounce / Suggestions / Psycho / Chop Suey! / Lonely Day / Question! / Lost in Hollywood / Vicinity of Obscenity / Forest / Cigaro / Toxicity (with Chino Moreno) / Sugar

Hatun Aynur Sürücü, a German woman of Kurdish origin, was shot dead by her brothers at a bus stop in 2005. The story of a woman who fought for her freedom and independence despite her family's objections, and whose life ended in a horrific murder.

Miltonas gyvena ramų įprastą gyvenimą mažame vakarų Pensilvanijos miestelyje, tačiau jo diena pasikeičia, kai kieme avariniu būdu nusileidžia NSO ir nežemiškas keleivis. Netrukus Miltonas užmezga artimus santykius su ateiviu, kurį pavadina Džulijumi. Viskas komplikuojasi, kai apie šį svečią sužino dvi kaimynės, o vyriausybės agentai sparčiai tęsia paieškas. Beprotiškos, išradingos ir smagios kelionės dėka, trys kaimynai ateivio dėka gyvenime vėl atranda ryšį ir prasmę.

Florencia and Vicente are getting divorced. When both are promoted at their jobs, they will do anything in order to do not keep custody of their children.

Based on the life of Sam Manekshaw, who was the Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian Army during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, and the first Indian Army officer to be promoted to the rank of Field Marshal.

Numatytą egzekucijos dieną nuteistam serijiniam žudikui atliekama psichiatrinė ekspertizė, kurios metu jis teigia, kad yra demonas, bei, kad kol baigsis egzekucijos laikas, psichiatras pats įvykdys tris žmogžudystes.

After a deadly earthquake turns Seoul into a lawless badland, a fearless huntsman springs into action to rescue a teenager abducted by a mad doctor.

A woman tries to survive the invasion of Berlin by the Soviet troops during the last days of World War II.

Kabir, a genius yet hostile medical student, falls in love with Preeti from his college. When Preeti's father spots the couple kissing, he opposes their relationship and decides to marry her off.

As his wedding day approaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of Atlanta with product.

In an effort to reunite with his daughter after a period of absence, a father takes her on a road trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Along the way they encounter some interesting characters and obstacles while sorting out their relationship.

Kai tinklaraštininkas paima interviu iš technologijų guru ir sustabdo išpuolį prieš jį, vaikinas randa keistą žiedą. Šis daiktas turi paslaptingą galią, kuri nukelia penkiasdešimt septynioms sekundėms atgal į praeitį...

Alyssa moves into a luxury apartment complex but is unaware she is being watched by her disturbed landlord, Robert, via hidden cameras. Robert will do anything to fill the void left by his estranged daughter–even if that means replacing her.

Sem, indų kilmės amerikietė paauglė, gyvena idiliškame priemiestyje su konservatyviais tėvais. Sem kultūrinis nesaugumas didėja dėl jos atsiskyrusios draugės Tamiros, kuri nuolat nešiojasi keistą stiklainį. Pykčio akimirką Samida sudaužo Tamiros stiklainį ir išlaisvina senovės indų demonišką jėgą, kuri pagrobia Tamirą. Sem ieško Tamiros, sekdama jaunuolio, atlikusio mirtiną ritualą, pėdsakais, kol demoniškoji būtybė pradeda taikytis į ją, nužudo jos vaikiną ir griauna jos realybę siaubingomis vizijomis. Sem turi susivienyti su tėvais ir simpatiška mokytoja, kad išgelbėtų Tamirą ir nutrauktų demono terorą.

Kvalifikuota specialiųjų pajėgų karė perima jos tėvo baro nuosavybę po to, kai šis netikėtai miršta, ir netrukus patenka į konfliktą su gauja, siaučiančia jos gimtajame mieste.

An assassin on a final assignment in Fuerteventura, to kill a man he has never met. When his target is delayed, he finds himself drawn to the island, people and a ghostly shipwreck. Instead of following protocol he stays. But when the target returns, the world has shifted. Before everything was simple, now nothing is.

1981. Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, aka OSS 117, is back. For this new mission - more delicate, more dangerous and more torrid than ever - he is forced to team up with a young new colleague, the promising OSS 1001.

My name's Arthur, a huge Internet star who's just hit 3 million subs. While in the midst of throwing an epic party to celebrate, the universe had the balls to bring on the effing apocalypse and cut my night short. What was supposed to be a perfect hangover, has turned into an epic fight for survival.

This follow-up to the George Romero/Stephen King-launched anthology series features five new tales of horror and a wraparound. The main stories deal with alternative realities ("Alice"), possessed communication devices ("The Radio"), vampires and serial killers in lust ("Call Girl"), mad inventors ("The Professor's Wife"), and hauntings from beyond the grave ("Haunted Dog").