In the year 2080, the Earth and the moon were at peace. Tired of the same old daily routine, the ordinary robots 'Bolts' and 'Blip' coincidentally are chosen as battle robots. They join the perennially bad 'Thunderbolts' team to fight in the Moon League. However, as the competition begins, 'Blip' realizes he has specials powers and soon becomes the hero of the planet. Just then, 'Dr. Blood' threatens to take over the Earth and 'Bolts', who was jealous of popular 'Blip', teams up with Dr. Blood. Now it is left to 'Blip' to face the challenge of saving the planet and regaining his friend 'Bolts'.

A group of the smartest kids at a seemingly perfect orphanage uncover a dark secret about their home, and set in motion a dangerous and desperate escape plan.

Some of the boys from South Park Elementary find themselves on a balloon ride to an imaginary land. Upon their arrival they're faced with an unimaginable threat.


19世纪后半叶,世界迎来了最重要的变革期。工业革命和封建王朝发生激烈碰撞,这点连闭关锁国、偏居住世界一隅的日本也无法避免。欧洲人的大炮轰开日本的国门,萨摩藩武士之子阿龙(悠木碧 配音)在战火中失去父母。在此之后,他和好友中冈慎太郎(高桥伸也 配音)被维新派收养,在大久保利通的麾下接受了常人无法想象的严苛训练。在此期间,他邂逅了一生的恩人兼挚友坂本龙马(藤原启治 饰),也了解到这个世界上究竟存在多少有趣的事物。但是在各方势力此消彼长的乱世,他们必须投入相互猎杀的残酷命运战场之中……   本片是Animemirai 2013公映的4部动画影片之一。


动画时间设定在[银翼杀手]、[银翼杀手2049]两部之间的2022年。 美国西海岸出现了原因不明的大规模停电,食品供应陷入危机。 全世界都在指责停电是因为复制人,于是法令禁止再造复制人。 为了拯救世界危机而出现的科学家华莱士(电影中由杰瑞德·莱托饰演),开发了解决粮食困难的新生态系统,并开始着手研究新型复制。

Patrick SquarePants is a SpongeBob SquarePants DVD featuring Patrick. It features episodes where Patrick plays a very big role. The DVD contains 3 episodes from Season 2, 1 episode from Season 3, 5 episodes from Season 4, 2 episodes from Season 7 and 3 episodes from Season 8.

When mysterious Russian gunslinger Ivan Turchin rides into a small Texas town, he runs afoul of a bloodthirsty outlaw gang known as The Hellhounds. Outmanned and outgunned, the town must put their trust in Turchin to protect them from annihilation at the hands of the bandits. The gunslinger finds allies in the form of Marshal Austin Carter and Sheriff Vernon Kelly, and together the three must make a desperate stand against impossible and violent odds.

The discovery of a chopped-off hand in a Brussels canal forces Belgian police diver Kiki to face deep guilt from the past, her own and her country’s. Based on the book ‘Ritual’ by Mo Hayder.

Alex Walker and Evan Campo make an independent film about warring drug gangs in New York City. They finance the film selling drugs and the services of an erotic masseuse, Cindy, who is also their producer.

Adventurer Jack Hunter sets off in pursuit of a legendary tomb, meeting dangerous old adversaries, and even more dangerous old flames, along the way.

1943年 欧洲战场局势神秘莫测,卡特兰的异形军横行霸道,不可一世,令世界笼罩在恐怖与死亡的阴影中。关键时刻,一群少女挺身而出,与邪魔军团展开殊死较量。这些少女被称为“魔法少女(Witch)”,自远古时代她们便冲锋陷阵,凭借深藏体内的魔力与各种威胁人类存在的怪兽展开搏斗。在魔法少女组成的机械化航空步兵的阻击下,异形军最终败退,而这群女孩也功成身退,散落世界各地。美丽少女宫藤芳佳(福圆美里 配音)即是其中的一员,战后她返回故乡扶桑皇国,以成为优秀的医师作为奋斗目标。这一天,扶桑皇国海军学校一号生服部静夏(内田彩 配音)前来拜访,邀请芳佳前往欧洲的威尼西亚公国留学。身怀绝技的美丽魔法少女们从四面八方再次云集,欢乐玩笑之际,却不知贼心不死的异形军正悄悄逼近……

A Kentucky-born maiden realizes her dream of becoming a country music star. However, she discovers that her single-minded determination has caused her to lose things far more precious than fame or money when she gets involved with a group of corrupt music executives.


A man goes through extreme measures to attempt to stop the ghosts of the girls he murdered in a snuff film from haunting while trying to keep the authorities off his back as well.


Following a night in the life of four young Blackfullas from Redfern, Road depicts fleeting romance in the face of systemic oppression and violence – the solace they find in one another, a healing necessity.