Six fearless surfers travel to the north coast of Iceland to ride waves unlike anything they've ever experienced, captured with high-tech cameras.
A young aspiring violinist unwittingly becomes involved with a criminal gang.
Graži, gyvenimu besidžiaugianti mergina atsiduria tarp dviejų ugnių: airių katalikų veidmainystės ir meilės britų lakūnui.
Tita is passionately in love with Pedro, but her controlling mother forbids her from marrying him. When Pedro marries her sister, Tita throws herself into her cooking and discovers she can transfer her emotions through the food she prepares, infecting all who eat it with her intense heartbreak.
A gangster, Nino, is in the Cash Money Brothers, making a million dollars every week selling crack. A cop, Scotty, discovers that the only way to infiltrate the gang is to become a dealer himself.
A couple decide to get married in a church out in the country. It is 1 hour drive from Reykjavik but things do not go as planed.
Video game expert Alex Rogan finds himself transported to another planet after conquering the video game The Last Starfighter, only to find out it was just a test. He was recruited to join the team of best Starfighters to defend their world from the attack.
In 1944 France, an American Intelligence Squad locates a German Platoon wishing to surrender rather than die in Germany's final war offensive. The two groups of men, isolated from the war at present, put aside their differences and spend Christmas together before the surrender plan turns bad and both sides are forced to fight the other.
Edo Oukino gyvenimas nedžiugina. Jis turi prastą darbą, neištikimą žmoną, jį kankina nemiga. Kartą, negalėdamas užmigti, jis nuvažiuoja į Los Andželo oro uostą. Ant jo automobilio gaubto netikėtai užgriūva nepažįstama moteriškė, kurią persekioja teroristai. Prasideda linksmos gaudynės.
Tai nuotykių ir veiksmo kupinas trileris. Filme pasakojama apie ginkluotą teroristų grupę, kuri siekia pagrobti milijoną dolerių iš skrendančio lėktuvo. Tačiau įvykusi katastrofa lėktuve sujaukia planus, nes pinigai nukrenta kažkur sniegu ir ledu padengtuose kalnuose. Vienintelis pinigus galintis rasti žmogus – alpinistas Geibas. Jis priverstas paklusti teroristams, nes šie grasina nužudyti paimtus įkaitus.
A group of Vietnam War veterans re-unite to rescue one of their own left behind and taken prisoner by the Vietnamese.
Vienam nugvelbti didelį laimikį – sunku. Tam reikia sugalvoti didelę aferą. Štai keli sukčiai ir sugalvojo neįmanomą dalyką: aplošti legendinį Stivensą...Taigi sukčiavimų genijus Čarlis Mileris, kortų virtuozai Vernonas ir Laris Dženiksas susirinko, kad sugalvotų lošimo planą. Kiekvienam iš jų tikslas pateisina visas priemones, juk nusikaltėlių pasaulyje, kai kalbama apie didelius pinigus, gyvybės kaina tokia niekinga...
In the grand tradition of Disney's great musical classics, Melody Time features seven timeless stories, each enhanced with high-spirited music and unforgettable characters. You'll be sure to tap your toes and clap your hands in this witty feast for the eyes and ears.
Grace King Bichon, who is managing her father's riding-stable, discovers that her husband Eddie is deceiving her with another woman. After confronting him in the middle of the night on the streets of their small home town, she decides to stay at her sister Emma Rae's house for a while to make up her mind. Breaking out of her everyday life, she starts to question the authority of everyone.
Beautiful Mandy Lane isn't a party girl but, when classmate Chloe invites the Texas high school student to a bash in the countryside, she reluctantly accepts. After hitching a ride with a vaguely scary older man, the teens arrive at their destination. Partying ensues, and Mandy's close pal, Emmet, keeps a watchful eye on the young males making a play for Mandy. Then two of the students are murdered.
Silvestras Stalonė kviečia pasižiūrėti smagią istoriją apie šaunų Los Andželo policininką, kuris moka susidoroti su pačiais pavojingiausiais nusikaltėliais, tačiau kuriam sekasi dar geriau, kai į pagalbą atskuba mamytė. Ji ir taikliai pamoko, ir... pašaudo.
Bored with Bollywood movies but fascinated with their Hollywood counterparts from his youth, Ram dreams to become a singer and actor in America, the country where dreams are made. He is encouraged when his American-based close friend, Vijay Rao, comes for visit, and brags about driving a Mercedes and living in a penthouse.
Kovos menus puoselėjančios šeimos palikuonys Erikas ir Kurtas Slounai visą gyvenimą skiria mylimam sportui ir treniruotėms. Kurtas dažnai jaučiasi esąs vyresniojo brolio Eriko šešėlyje. Juolab neturi tokių instinktų ir gebėjimų, kad taptų čempionu. Viename šventiniame renginyje Eriką užkalbina Tailande kovas organizuojanti Marsia. Nors Kurtas bando įtikinti brolį nerizikuoti, Erikas, susigundęs dideliu piniginiu prizu, išvyksta. Nuojautai kuždant, kad brolis gali patekti į pavojų, Kurtas vyksta paskui jį į Tailandą. Muay Thai ringe jo brolis susitinka su žiauriu priešininku Tong Po, kuris kovos metu mirtinai sužaloja Eriką. Mirus broliui Kurtas prisiekia atkeršyti bet kokia kaina. Nepaisydamas įspėjimų palikti Tailandą, gedintis vyras lieka ir pradeda pasiruošimą lemiamai keršto kovai.
An adopted Ohio high school senior discovers he is the inherited heir to a porn empire. Dropped into a bitter power struggle, his new flock of beautiful co-workers come to his aid.
Michelle kills three of her friends in a horrific car accident while driving under the influence. After rehab, Michelle takes a job recommended by her counselor that lands her trapped in a mansion with three psychotic siblings hell bent on physical torture to purge Michelle of her sins.