Joel is a 28 year old slacker who gets up every morning to drink beer and play his guitar. His older sister interrupts his daily routine by asking him to take care of her 6 year old kid. Joel thinks he can handle it, but things get complicated when the kid disappears from the house.
Filmed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane during its two scheduled performances on January 17-18, 2022, tells the story of Bonnie and Clyde. At the height of the Great Depression, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow went from two small-town nobodies in West Texas to America's most renowned folk heroes and the Texas law enforcement's worst nightmares. Fearless, shameless, and alluring, Bonnie & Clyde is the electrifying story of love, adventure and crime that captured the attention of an entire country.
2023年11月2日,披头士乐队发行了一首单曲《《Now and Then》,这首带有迷幻摇滚风格的歌曲被称为“披头士乐队的终曲”,这也是披头士自1996年发行《Real Love》时隔27多年的第一首新歌,也是披头士乐队解散50年后第三首单曲,其中,利用了一盘约翰列侬当年在家中录制的小样,历经千辛万苦才由团员们一起制作完成,献给列侬,也是献给所有披头士乐迷的歌,为了那个伟大的时代。 而这部高分短片就记录了歌曲背后的故事。
电影史上制作精致,构思严谨的宏篇巨制。外景地多达一百六十多处!场面壮阔,气势磅礴,继承了苏联在拍摄历史题材与军事题材影片方面的传统,完美的融托尔斯泰原着精神于其中,再现了俄法战争时期俄罗斯大地广阔的历史画卷。 影片以1812年俄国卫国战争为中心,反映了1805年至1820年的重大事件,包括奥斯特利茨大战、波罗底诺会战、莫斯科大火、拿破仑溃退等。通过对四大家庭以及安德烈、彼埃尔,娜塔莎在战争与和平环境中的思想和行动的描写,展示了当时俄国社会的风貌。 影片共分四部。
在发现南方公园小学的一位老师拥有 OnlyFans 页面后,兰迪被迫开始仔细审视网红世界的肮脏下流。
A gunfighter after killing the ones responsible for his brother's death, joins by mistake a gang of smugglers
The Warner Brothers (and the Warner Sister) go on a quest to find a fallen wishing star to help Dot with her illness. Unfortunately the rest of the town, including an evil king, also hear about the star and want to get to it first to have their own wishes come true. It's a race against time and it's up to the three zany siblings to get there first.
Helena, is about to give birth and face a rosy future in a modern city, as the pregnant wife of an important factory manager. However, all her illusions soon perish, as the dead body of a newborn intersex baby is found in the middle of their factory. Helena needs to find out what happened here for the safety of her own child, but she runs into her own prejudices.
人类社会在名为 "第二次冲击 "的灾难中毁灭,15年后,幸存的人类面临着另一场考验:被称为“使徒”的巨大生物体出现了。没有人知道他们的起源或动机。 为了阻止这一致命威胁,联合国委托秘密组织NERF制造巨型机器人EVA。本片以原电视版内容为基础,重新剪辑、改编的一个约60分钟篇幅的总集篇。
导演库斯图里卡自2005年开始,用两年的时间拍摄了这部关于球王马拉多纳的记录片。本片多次使用了导演昔日作品《你还记得多莉贝吗?》、《爸爸出差了》以及《黑猫白猫》中的电影片段。马拉多纳的“世纪进球”因背后巨大的意义而反复在电影中出现。 马拉多纳深受球迷爱戴,阿根廷有所谓的“马拉多纳教堂”用以表达球迷的信仰,意大利那不勒斯的人们无法忘记马拉多纳为他们带来的荣光。退役后的岁月里,马拉多纳与卡斯特罗结为好友,在查韦斯身边怒斥布什。那段吸毒引发生命垂危的经历,那些身边亲人朋友的支持,马拉多纳都在镜头前娓娓道来,库斯图里卡用他的电影,展示了这位传奇球王鲜明又特异的魅力。
The plot chronicles the exploits of Michael, a teenager who is using marijuana and stealing his father's beer. His younger sister, Corey, is worried about him because he started acting differently. When her piggy bank goes missing, her cartoon tie-in toys come to life to help her find it. After discovering it in Michael's room along with his stash of drugs, the various cartoon characters proceed to work together and take him on a fantasy journey to teach him the risks and consequences a life of drug-use can bring and save the world.
一所大学因为学生过多,不得不重新开发50年代建造、但后来因为「闹鬼」而被迫关闭的校舍。在一年一度的万圣节聚会上,一群女学生偷了学校的吉祥物跑到该校舍里狂欢,诡异的灵异事件开始接连发生。她们发现自己被困在了「鬼楼」里,四周不断出现可怕的鬼魂……更要命的是,一个复仇心切的女舍监下决心要将她们全都杀死!Morgan Fairchild和Alessandra Torresani(《卡布里卡》)主演该片。
故事改编自东野圭吾执笔第30周年创作的第80部同名小说。故事起源于一起凶杀案,在两处不同的温泉都发现了不明死尸。地球化学专家-青江教授(樱井翔饰)对现场进行勘察,确认为意外死亡。但是警官中冈怀疑是其中一位死者的年轻妻子为了骗取保险金而策划的杀人。这到底是意外?还是自杀?还是谋杀?就在此时,青江遇到了一位年轻女子-圆华(广濑铃饰) ,随她而来的还有接二连三发生的不明超自然现象。从科学的观点来看,这两次死亡可能是完全偶然的,但也有可能是圆华自带的一些超自然能力导致的死亡。青江尝试停止自己原有的理性思考,开始怀疑圆华。就在此时,一位电影导演出现在现场,他似乎与两位受害者都有关联。他叫甘粕才生,他的妻子和女儿同样死于同种类型的中毒,他的儿子谦人(福士苍汰饰)也因此变成了植物人。这时,青江开始将注意力放在甘粕身上,他得知谦人在接受圆华的脑外科医生父亲的手术后消...
Comic actor Fabio De Luigi is about to have a very special evening: he has received a lifetime achievement award, but he is so shy that he would do without it, avoiding celebrations that are embarrassing to him. In spite of himself, he finds himself in a luxurious hotel starring in a night in which he will discover, along with the audience, that the award is an expedient for a comic and dreamlike journey among prestigious friends and unexpected surprises, all the way to the stage and the well-deserved statuette.
最有名的一部结构式影片,是加拿大导演麦可•史诺(Michael Snow)的《波长》(Wavelength,1967),展现出一种丰富的混事技巧。本片的开始以一个固定于远处窗口的摄影机,描绘性地探究着一间公寓的阁楼。人们进来又出去,然后似乎出现一个死人,然而摄影机却完成无动于衷,仍然专注于记录公寓内光线的细微变化。在此同时,影片也炫耀地展示一种技巧:唐突而倏然的伸缩镜头,间歇性地将画面放大,当镜头放大房里黑暗的墙壁时,显露了一张海洋波浪的照片(是以这部影片也确实是在追溯一个"波长")。除此之外,片中突如其来的色彩,也不断地淹没整个画面,借此作为电影影像平面性的反射性提示。
After a gang of criminals unintentionally unleashes a supernatural force onto the world, a young woman named Frankie is convinced she's being stalked by a killer mannequin. Frankie soon realizes that her friends are in jeopardy too. She must find the man who holds the key to stopping the killings, but Frankie knows that once you see the mannequin, there may be no end in sight, except for your own.
Martine is a tough female cop trying to solve the kidnapping of young Caroline by a gang of pornographers. She already has an accomplice inside the gang feeding her information, but progress is hindered by her own police commissioner. In her private live, Martine likes to hang around with her male colleagues, swapping a younger cop for the more mature and experienced Jean.