R. Burton a C. Eastwood musí osvobodit generála, který je uvězněn na nejnebezpečnějším místě Říše - v "orlím hnízdě", zámku Schloss Adler. Akce prokládaná špionážními prvky v téměř nesplnitelném úkolu spojeneckého komanda v jednom z nejslavnějších válečných filmů.

After avenging his family's brutal murder, Wales is pursued by a pack of soldiers. He prefers to travel alone, but ragtag outcasts are drawn to him - and Wales can't bring himself to leave them unprotected.

A mysterious preacher protects a humble prospector village from a greedy mining company trying to encroach on their land.

Od soudu odchází Rico, gangster, který byl právě zproštěn viny ve všech bodech obžaloby. Venku čeká rozlícený dav, policie Rica a jeho společníky doslova protlačí k autu. Cestou Rica i jeho kumpány zastřelí muž převlečeným za policistu. Je jasné, že kdosi vzal spravedlnost do vlastních rukou. Na případ je nasazen poručík Brix. O vyšetřování se ale na vlastní pěst zajímá i Harry Callahan, který byl před časem suspendován. Harry se večer zastaví u svého bývalého spolužáka Charlieho a získá dojem, že Charlie by mohl být oním mstícím se policistou. Brzy dojde k další akci maskovaného policisty: postřílí bavící se společnost v sídle patřícím také jednomu z šéfů podsvětí...

Offbeat Civil War drama in which a wounded Yankee soldier, after finding refuge in an isolated girls' school in the South towards the end of the war, becomes the object of the young women's sexual fantasies. The soldier manipulates the situation for his own gratification, but when he refuses to completely comply with the girls' wishes, they make it very difficult for him to leave.

John Russell, disdained by his "respectable" fellow stagecoach passengers because he was raised by Indians, becomes their only hope for survival when they are set upon by outlaws.

A year after Sheila is killed in a hit-and-run, her multimillionaire husband invites a group of friends to spend a week on his yacht playing a scavenger hunt-style mystery game — but the game turns out to be all too real and all too deadly.

An aging Texas cattle man who has outlived his time swings into action when outlaws kidnap his grandson.

Marshall Jed Cooper survives a hanging, vowing revenge on the lynch mob that left him dangling. To carry out his oath for vengeance, he returns to his former job as a lawman. Before long, he's caught up with the nine men on his hit list and starts dispensing his own brand of Wild West justice.

With the help of an irreverent young sidekick, a bank robber gets his old gang back together to organise a daring new heist.

Bobbyho Maxwella prepustili pre veľkú brutalitu z armády. Založí teroristickú skupinu a vnikne do skladu munície, kde ukradne veľa zbraní. Pri tom tažko zraní policajta, ktorý chcel krádeži zabrániť. Do nemocnice za zraneným policajtom príde i Harry Callahan. Práve bol preložený z oddelenia vrážd na osobné oddelenie. Umierajúci je jeho priateľ, takže prípad berie Harry osobne. Najviac je prekvapený, že dostává nového parťáka, novopečenú inšpektorku Kate Moorovou. Harry je presvedčený, že u policie nemajú ženy čo robiť, a dá to inšpektorke jasne najavo. Teroristická skupina Bobbyho Maxwella o sebe dáva opät vedieť. Na polícii vybuchne bomba a Bobby hrozí dalšími, pokiaľ nedostane peniaze. Harry a Kate Moorová sa ho snažia zlikvidovať a dostanú sa tak až do pevnosti Alcatraz, kde začíná boj na život a na smrť...

A band of Mexicans find their U. S. land claims denied and all the records destroyed in a courthouse fire. Their leader, Louis Chama, encourages them to use force to regain their land. A wealthy landowner wanting the same decides to hire a gang of killers with Joe Kidd to track Chama.

In 1866 New Mexico, Tom Corbett is a prospector who is called back to his hometown in Laramie Town, Texas at the bequest of a old family friend. Tom arrives in the town to see it under the control of a ruthless and greedy gangster named Jason Scott, who's psychotic and murder-crazed son, Junior Scott, runs it with fear with a posse of thugs who kill anyone who protests their business tactics. Tom finds his brother Jeff, a drunkard looked after by their family maid Mercedes. Tom then tries to persuade Jeff to help him take down the sadistic Scotts so the town can rest easy in peace and harmony again.

In this Depression-era tale, Calef is traveling from Michigan to California and stops in Spooner, Missouri, where Lute hires him for odd jobs. Calef gets involved with Lute's niece, Hannah. But she is married to Sidney, a wife-beating drunk who hopes to inherit his uncle-in-law's money. Sidney and an eccentric preacher plot against Calef, who finds it difficult to conceal his mysterious past and his growing affection for Sidney's wife.

Keď sa Emily Boyntonová nájde mŕtva - otrávená - na archeologickom nálezisku pri Mŕtvom mori, podozrivých je niekoľko ľudí. Prípadu sa ujme Hercule Poirot. Boyntonová bola hrozná žena, ktorá predtým pracovala ako väzenská stráž. Panovala nad svojimi tromi dospelými nevlastnými deťmi, s ktorými chodila na dovolenky do Európy a Svätej zeme. Jej syn sa však v Jeruzaleme zamiluje do doktora Kinga, čo Boyntonová neschvaľovala ...

A double amputee known as Mr. No Legs oversees a drug syndicate while cavorting around in his double shotgun-equipped wheelchair. When one of the syndicate's drug dealers accidentally kills his own girlfriend—whose brother is a cop—after she announces plans to leave him, the game is on to bury the evidence, protect the syndicate and evade the long arm of the law.

A horror retelling of the nursery rhyme Jack and Jill. A group of friends grieving a recent loss meet up with one another only to discover they are being hunted by Jack and Jill.

A group of mercenaries escort a man with a million dollar bounty on his head across the African terrain. Double crosses, back stabbing, and gunfire follows.

After being unknowingly inflicted with the bite of a werewolf while on a visit to Europe, White House press secretary Jack Whittier begins to turn into a deadly beast by night, terrorizing Washington D.C. and presenting a very deadly threat to the President.

BR is a good ball teenager who dreams of being a great soccer player to be able to help your community, Morro Ball. When BR and his friends invade the Lawn Club Bacanas to hit a naked, opened a huge rift between the two communities. And this dispute will only be resolved in a thrilling football, watered the Brazilian music and magic.