The evil is set to damper another Christmas season for the children's home. Can the Scooby gang warm his heart?

Brooklynin naapuruston ystävällinen Spider-Man sinkotuu yhdessä Gwen Stacyn kanssa halki multiversumin, missä hän ohtaa olemassaoloaan suojelevat Hämähäkki-ihmiset. Mutta kun sankarit riitelevät kuinka käsitellä tätä uutta uhkaa, joutuu Miles vastakkain muita Hämähäkkejä vastaan ja hänen on määriteltävä uudelleen, mitä sankarina oleminen tarkoittaa, jotta hän voi pelastaa ihmiset, joita hän rakastaa eniten.

As the deceased soul Ja-hong and his three afterlife guardians prepare for their remaining trials for reincarnation, the guardians soon come face to face with the truth of their tragic time on Earth 1,000 years earlier.

Yhdysvaltain tiedusteluviranomainen Amanda Waller on päätellyt, että vain salaa koottu ryhmä, joka koostuu epätavallisista ja halveksituista henkilöistä, joilla ei ole mitään menetettävää, voi suorittaa tehtävän arvoituksellisen ja ylivoimaisen tahon kukistamiseksi, joka uhkaa yhdysvaltoja ja koko maailmaa. Waller kokoaa maailman vaarallisimmista, vankilaan teljetyistä superroistoista tiimin, antaa heille tehokkaimmat valtion viranomaisten hallussa olevat aseet ja lähetettää heidät Corto Maltesen syrjäiselle, vihollisia kuhisevalle saarelle. Ryhmän jäsenet kuitenkin tajuavat, ettei heitä valittu onnistumaan, vaan heidän ilmiselvän syyllisyytensä takia ja koska he väistämättä tulevat epäonnistumaan. Päättääkö Suicide Squad taistella kuolemaan asti vai huolehtiiko jokainen vain itsestään taistelussa?

Not many people know that every house is secretly inhabited by little monsters! These furry creatures take care of a family’s house but cannot be seen. Finnick is a little monster, who doesn’t seem to care about his responsibility of making a home out of the house. But everything changes after a new family comes to his house. When Finn meets 13-year-old Christine, inexplicable events begin to happen in the city and life will never be the same again!

France, 1963. Anne is a bright young student with a promising future ahead of her. But when she falls pregnant, she sees the opportunity to finish her studies and escape the constraints of her social background disappearing. With her final exams fast approaching and her belly growing, Anne resolves to act, even if she has to confront shame and pain, even if she must risk prison to do so.

Villi Vonkalla on loputtomasti ideoita ja hän on päättänyt muuttaa maailmaa herkullinen suupala kerrallaan ja samalla todistaa, että parhaat asiat elämässä alkavat unelmasta - ja että joka onnekseen tapaa Villi Vonkan huomaa, että mikä tahansa on mahdollista.

In 1961, a 60-year-old taxi driver stole Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. It was the first (and remains the only) theft in the Gallery’s history. What happened next became the stuff of legend.

Eddie Brock pyrkii elämään avaruudesta laskeutuneen, loisen tavoin toimivan symbioottinsa Venomin kanssa. Samalla kun Eddie haluaa saada toimittajan uransa takaisin raiteilleen edellisen elokuvan tapahtumien jälkeen, Venom haluaa syödä ihmisiä ja paljastaa itsensä maailmalle. Etsiessään seuraavaa jymyjuttuaan Brock saa yksinoikeuden haastatella kuolemaantuomittua sarjamurhaaja Cletus Kasadya. Kasady karkaa vankilasta ja saa selville Eddien salaisuuden, saatuaan tartunnan symbiootti Carnagesta.

A female boxing trainer discovers that her champion cage-fighter boyfriend has been cheating on her with her sister and decides to seek revenge by training up his arch-rival to challenge him.

A military contractor hired to seize a weapon that turns people into savage killers seeks revenge when his brother falls victim to the device.

A bartender and a domestic helper of Filipino origin living in Hong Kong find themselves falling in love, but they each have different plans for their future.

Follows the Díaz-Aguirre family, whose perfect universe turns upside down after the death of the patriarch, who in his will asks his wife to recover the 'Sardinete', his first fishing boat which is rusting in a Moroccan port.

Paperiton meksikolaisnainen muuttaa epätoivoissaan ränsistyneeseen asuntolaan Clevelandissa. Siitä alkavat ahdistavat äänet ja aavemaiset näyt.

A young American couple travel to the arctic mountains of Norway. After pulling over during a snowstorm, they wake up trapped in their SUV, buried underneath layers of snow and ice.

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.

A disgraced parole officer is indebted to a local gang leader and forced to pull off a series of dangerous drug heists within twelve hours in order to pay the $2 million dollars he owes, rescue his kidnapped pregnant wife, and settle a score with the city's corrupt police chief, who is working with the gang leader and double-crossed him years ago.

An artist, Robert Pickman, becomes obsessed by visions of unworldly horror, revealed to him through an ancient artifact discovered in an abandoned church.

After running out of money while backpacking in a tiny, male-dominated town in the Australian outback, two friends resort to a working holiday at the Royal Hotel. When the locals' behavior starts crossing the line, the girls find themselves trapped in an unnerving situation that grows rapidly out of their control.

Socially awkward teenager Ryan discovers that the night his sister disappeared, she had played 'The Elevator Game' — a ritual conducted in an elevator in which players attempt to travel to another dimension using a set of rules found online. Ignoring warnings, he resolves to follow and find her.