is the continuation of the Mexican film El Chanfle (1979) Chespirito, which aired in theaters in 1982. At that time the cast of the neighborhood (with some absences: the Carlos Villagran, who decided not to continue working with Roberto Gomez Bolaños by a personal decision, he left in 1979. Ramon Valdez next year decides to accompany him, also leaving to work with Chespirito. returned with him in 1981, but a health problem that was detected in the early 80's, was prevented from participating in this film), it left room for the story of a lowly stagehand football team that achieves his dream beside his wife Tere, of having a child. In this film, the situation is a little different.

Mallik is a henchman of Aslam Bhai, a Mumbai underworld kingpin. He inducts local hothead Chandu into the gang, and the two of them soon form a formidable faction within the gang, eventually displacing Aslam. As the empire grows, however, the two of them start drifting apart.

Upon his return from battle in the previous film, the great warrior Hercules learns that his lover, Daianara, has lost her senses. Acording of the oracle Medea, Dianara's only hope is the Stone of Forgetfulness which lies deep in the realm of Hades. Hercules, with two companions, Theseus and Telemachus, embarks on a dangerous quest for the stone, while he is unaware that Dianara's guardian, King Lico, is the one responsible for her condition and plots to have the girl for himself as his bride upon her revival.

The Story of longtime UFC Featherweight champion and the struggles facing him on the road to the top.

Shots fired inside a club frequented by black Brazilians in the outskirts of Brasilia leave two men wounded. A third man arrives from the future in order to investigate the incident and prove that the fault lies in the repressive society.


  供职于某药品公司服务部门的库伯(克里斯•马奎特 Chris Marquette 饰)是一个吊儿郎当混日子的小青年,他上班迟到、工作马虎、对同事恶作剧,种种恶习让主管玛丽安(Deborah Geffner 饰)大为不满。在库伯被解雇的那个早晨,一场未知的灾难突然袭来。当库伯从昏迷中苏醒时,发现全身缠满白茧,四周凌乱不堪。更令他难以置信的是,身形硕大的甲虫来往穿梭,对他进行猛烈的攻击。一番搏斗之后,库伯侥幸得胜,他随后营救了玛丽安及其女儿莎拉(Brooke Nevin 饰),但玛丽安最终被昆虫虏上天空。经过莎拉和库伯德一番努力,他们又拯救了多个被困的人类,这群幸存者必须想尽办法和这群巨大的昆虫进行搏斗,以抓住生存的机会……


Six years ago, the space alien ALF was on his way back to his new home when the Alien Task Force finally caught up with him. Now he is being studied at a top-secret base. There he finds allies who feel that ALF's existence should be announced to the world to ensure his safety... especially when they learn that the abrasive Colonel Milfoil wants ALF destroyed.

Ezra discovers he has a unique ability to make food appear in his hands. He quickly uses his new super powers to impress his friends and to become popular around school for the first time in his life.


The beautiful world of Gaya is home to two similar humanoid species: Zeldons who are the furry majority residents, and Snurks, who are goblin-like outcasts. But suddenly all Gayans are facing imminent danger when a magic stone which protects their world, "the Dalamite", is beamed away by a mysterious force. Three Snurks immediately go after it, hoping to be the heroes for once. They are shortly followed by some standout Zeldons: Zino the trouble-prone popular guy & his sidekick, clever but somewhat cowardly inventor Boo, as well as rebel princess Alanta. Their journey ends up leading them all on a dangerous interdimensional quest to find the stone, while they must also figure out a way to get back to Gaya.

After Sabrina is abducted, she finds herself in an underground lair, forced to do battle with other innocent women for the amusement of unseen spectators. Each of these reluctant warriors has something to lose, but only one will remain when the game is done.


Large doses of humor, ingenious nods to Spain's most recent national cinema, an artistic cast highly linked to comedy and a high reserve of surprises constitute the ingredients of this crazy comedy: Spanish Movie.

A detective duo hunts a criminal organization, which is using an unknown liquid explosive material.


在军事化的斯巴达,列奥尼达(西恩•马奎尔 Sean Maguire 饰)经过与巨型企鹅的恶战证明了自己是斯巴达最强悍的战士,成功得到斯巴达王位,并迎娶玛戈为皇后。某日,正在对儿子进行毒打训练的列奥尼达接待了波斯使者,对方狂妄的宣称薛西斯王将统治希腊,斯巴达的孩子以后只能在血汗工厂中生产NIKE鞋。怒不可遏的列奥尼达杀死使者以及一干美国偶像,用化妆品贿赂先知请求开战,然而得到的却是丑女贝蒂神女的警告。列奥尼达仍然决定出征,他率领13名用喷漆画出腹肌的战士赶赴隘口布防,用街舞击败了波斯先头部队。肥佬薛西斯用蓝屏电脑特技制造出的大军压境,被列奥尼达弃用的帕里斯•希尔顿又告知波斯人包抄斯巴达军的小路,列奥尼达率众与洛奇、恶灵骑士等波斯大军展开了殊死搏杀。   本片改编自《斯巴达300勇士》,用恶搞手法对原片进行了重新演绎。

被卢浮宫馆长扶养长大,却因为某白化病刺客杀死馆长而被迫四处流浪的露西(洁玛·梅斯),在墨西哥“自由摔角”大闹过后的难民爱德蒙(卡尔·潘)。近来“航班蛇患”事件中的生还者苏珊(芳恩·钱伯尔斯)和来自“X战警社区”却没有超能力的变种人彼得(亚当·坎贝尔),这四个可怜孤儿终于走到了一起。   不幸的四人受邀进入怪人威利·旺卡的“巧克力冒险工厂”参观,结果露西在一个房间发现了神秘的魔衣橱。好奇的露西打开衣橱,竟然发现它可以通到传说中的“哪里呀”王国!在王国里,他们遇见了上半身是人而下半身却长着羊蹄的小鹿,打扮花哨的海盗头子杰克船长,巫师学院的哈利波特,而他们都是正义狮神阿斯兰大军的成员。为了对抗邪恶的“白衣贱女巫”,他们加入了狮神阿斯兰的队伍,成为王国的统领,带着虾兵蟹将,拯救“哪里呀”王国!

  男青年威尔(马特•兰特尔 Matt Lanter 饰)从一场诸多电影情节和明星串联而成的噩梦中惊醒,发现这天正是他梦中显示的世界末日——2008年8月29日。威尔不能确定与女友艾米(凡妮莎•米尼洛 Vanessa Minnillo 饰)的关系,后者愤而离去。为了弥补遗憾,已经25岁的威尔为自己举办甜蜜16岁的生日派对,这场疯狂派对变成了一场无尽恶搞电影的狂欢,所谓乐极生悲,狂欢中的人们突然发现城市已经陷入地动山摇陨石坠落的大灾难之中,混乱中威尔和艾米失散了,为了找回真爱,威尔偕同加尔文与女友、怀孕的朱妮踏上了前往博物馆解救艾米的旅程,一路上绿巨人、钢铁侠等英雄纷纷被灾难击溃,威尔一伙儿也连续击败欲望都市女郎、魔法奇缘王子等人,在这场无厘头电影中向博物馆前进。