Born in the small town of Feira de Santana, in the interior of Bahia, Divaldo has lived with mediumship since he was 4 years old. Disturbed by what he sees, rejected by other children and repressed by his father, the boy does not have an easy childhood. At 17, he is convinced that it is useless to try to deny his gift. With the support of his mother, he comes into contact with Spiritism and moves to Salvador to study the doctrine. Under the guidance of his spiritual guide, Joanna de Ângelis, the young man overcomes the homesickness and the loneliness of the big city and embraces his mission. A few years later, that strange boy from Feira de Santana becomes one of the most important mediums of all time and gives up his personal life to dedicate himself to charity.

Set in 1959, Diner shows how five young men resist their adulthood and seek refuge in their beloved Diner. The mundane, childish, and titillating details of their lives are shared. But the golden moments pass, and the men shoulder their responsibilities, leaving the Diner behind.

Когато южноамерикански терористи взимат за заложници учениците в специален интернат, група непокорни бунтари рискуват живота си в отчаяна и смъртоносна операция, за да спрат престъпниците. Училище „Реджис“ е мястото, където най-могъщите американски семейства изпращат своенравните си деца, след като са били изхвърлени от останалите по-престижни училища. Но когато терористи отправят смъртоносна заплаха, най-трудният сред размирните ученици изненадва училищния директор с брилянтен и смел план за спасяване на връстниците си.

Кид е поканен на домашно парти при приятеля си Плей, но след като се сбива в училището, баща му го наказва да не излиза от вкъщи. След като изчаква родителя да заспи Кид се промъква тайно, за да отиде на забавата. Но той не знае, че трима негови врагове в училището са решили точно тази вечер да му дадат урок как трябва да се държи прилично.

Млада двойка купува голяма къща в скъп квартал на Сан Франциско. Реновират я и планират да пуснат под наем два апартамента, за да покрият разходите си, но след нанасянето на мъж, изглеждащ благонадеждно на пръв поглед, плановете им се провалят.

12-year-old Henry Rowengartner, whose late father was a minor league baseball player, grew up dreaming of playing baseball, despite his physical shortcomings. After Henry's arm is broken while trying to catch a baseball at school, the tendon in that arm heals too tightly, allowing Henry to throw pitches that are as fast as 103 mph. Henry is spotted at nearby Wrigley Field by Larry "Fish" Fisher, the general manager of the struggling Chicago Cubs, after Henry throws an opponent's home-run ball all the way from the outfield bleachers back to the catcher, and it seems that Henry may be the pitcher that team owner Bob Carson has been praying for.

Самотна майка излиза в лятна отпуска и оставя децата си на бавачка от "Ада" да ги наглежда през това време. Когато бавачката умира от тромбоза, децата изпращат тялото й в моргата и тогава разбират, че парите им за лятото са били в нейната чанта. Сега, те трябва да намерят начин да преживеят лятото без пари. Това значи работа.

Ъруин Флетчър Флеч, е журналист във вестник и специалист по дегизирането. Когато наскоро починалата му леля му оставя в наследство кретащото си имение, Флеч пътува до провинциална Луизиана, където в началото нещата потръгват добре, особено когато успява да свали флиртуваща южна красавица. Но когато на другата сутрин се събужда, той е шокиран жената е убита. В опит да залови убийците и да оневини себе си, безстрашен майстор на преправянето като хамелеона Флеч трябва да се внедри сред паството на Джими Ли Фарнсуърт, алчен местен свещеник, който иска да завземе земята на Флеч, за да построи тематичен библейски парк.

Roberta is a bored suburban housewife who is fascinated with a woman, Susan, she only knows about by reading messages to and from her in the personals section of the newspaper. This fascination reaches a peak when an ad with the headline "Desperately Seeking Susan" proposes a rendezvous. Roberta goes too, and in a series of events involving amnesia and mistaken identity, steps into Susan's life.

After a spate of murders, the villagers of Schtettel kill the depraved perpetrator, Count Mitterhouse. Fifteen years later the Circus of Nights appeared in the plague-ridden village and its performers include Mitterhouse's mistress, children and cousins. They have come to Schtettel to fulfil the Count's last words, an evil, vicious curse of death and destruction on those who participated in his impaling. The children of Schtettel become the targets for a brutal and devastating revenge as the Vampire Circus rehearses for its most deadly performance.

Талантливият рекламен агент Маркъс Греъм е шикозен, но опасен хищник, чиято жертва са жените - той ги преследва, подлудява от страст и после сменя една след друга, без никакви скрупули.

Уволнено ченге и безполезен адвокат започват работа като частни охранители, за да открият, че са попаднали в корумпиран профсъюз.

When unemployed dockworker Joey Coyle finds $1.2 million that fell off of an armored car, he decides to do the logical thing: take the money and run. After all, he says, finders keepers. He turns to his ex-girlfriend Monica, who works in an investment firm, for advice, before turning to the mob for help laundering the money. While Joey makes plans to leave the country, however, a detective is following his ever-warmer trail in order to recover the cash.

Brothers John and Matt have inherited an island cabin from their recently deceased uncle. Along with Matt's girlfriend, Nicki, and other mutual friends, the siblings travel to the cabin for a relaxing weekend getaway. But, not long after arriving, the group is besieged by ravenous dogs. They watch in horror as another vacationer, Luke, is eaten alive. Soon, they discover a training facility where the dogs have been bred to kill.

Chris Black possesses a power that could lead to the destruction of the current regime, and they will stop at nothing to destroy him. The chase is on as Chris runs for his life in this sci-fi thriller set in an alternate and futuristic Los Angeles.

In a future in which most water has disappeared from the Earth, we find a group of children, mostly teenagers, who are living at an orphanage, run by the despotic rulers of the new Earth. The group in question plays a hockey based game on roller skates and is quite good. It has given them a unity that transcends the attempts to bring them to heel by the government. Finding an orb of special power, they find it has unusual effects on them. They escape from the orphanage (on skates) and try to cross the wasteland looking for a place they can live free as the storm-troopers search for them and the orb.

Alain, the architect, lives secluded in his luxurious finca in the outback. He solely wears women's clothes und avoids any contact to people. When he's forced to break out, neither the outside world nor his inner world seem to be ready.

The animated character Careless Charlie once again comes under attack from typhoid carried by lice, flies and mosquitoes. The film proposes solutions and demonstrates how people can protect themselves from the diseases carried by insects.

Носителят на "Оскар" Марлон Брандо играе заедно с Вал Килмър в тази нова екранизация на класическата новела на Уел за брилянтния, но умопомрачен учен, който извършва генетични експерименти с хора и животни, които имат ужасяващи последствия.