The Webslinger faces the ultimate challenge when his arch-nemesis discovers his identity and kidnaps his one true love, Mary Jane Watson.

Entertainingly led by famous Hollywood historian Scott Michaels, this epic documentary employs never-before-seen autopsy reports, dozens of rare photographs, original Manson Family music recordings, and modern-day visits to the locations where the action went down, in the most complete retelling of the Manson Murders ever put on film.

تذهب الإمبراطورة سيسي إلى قصر جودول بالمجر لتقيم مع ابنتها الصغيرة وبعض رجال البلاط، وهناك تشعر سيسي بتحررها الكامل من جميع قيود قواعد البلاط الصارمة بالنمسا، وسرعان ماتكتشف إصابتها بمرض السل، وتعتقد الدكتورة سبيرجر، أن سيسي لن تبقى على قيد الحياة خلال فصل الشتاء.

بعد اختفاء عدة أطفال على يد قاتل متسلسل في "القطاع 36"، يُجبر شرطي فاسد على التحقيق في قضية مرعبة مهما كلفه الأمر.

بعد اختياره حامي العالم ضد أعداء الإنسان السبعة القاتلين - الكبرياء والحسد والجشع والكراهية والأنانية والكسل والظلم - يقبل الشاب بيلي باتسون مصيره ككابتن مارفل. يقاتل بيلي جنبا إلى جنب مع سوبرمان ضد آدم الأسود الشائن ، وسرعان ما يكتشف التحدي الذي يواجهه الأبطال الخارقون في نهاية المطاف: هل هو انتقام أم عدالة؟

بعد أن علما نيمو ووالده مارلن أن دوري عرفت مكان عائلتها يقرران مساعدتها في البحث، ويذهبان إلى كاليفورنيا من خلال التيار السريع بمساعدة السلاحف، وعند وصولهم إلى هُناك عانوا الصعوبات بعد أن واجهوا حباراً مُفترسا طاردهم حتى وصلوا إلى منطقة آمنة، ذهبت دوري إلى سطح الماء بعد أن سمعت صوتاً خفياً، لكنها اختُطفت من قِبل عمال المعهد البحري في مورو باي، وانفصلت عن نيمو ووالده

Emerald Green is the stunning conclusion to Kerstin Gier's Ruby Red Trilogy, picking up where Sapphire Blue left off, reaching new heights of intrigue and romance as Gwen finally uncovers the secrets of the time-traveling society and learns her fate.

As Halloweentown prepares to celebrate its 1,000th anniversary, Marnie Piper and her brother Dylan return to Witch University, where trouble is in session from the Sinister Sisters and from someone who's plotting to use Marnie's powers for evil.

With "little captain" Cambrai raising serious doubts about the reality of the so-called "super spy," Colonel Toulouse kidnaps Christine and forces Francois to play again the character of "The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe" in some fake adventures. All this to stop the investigation into the death of Colonel Milan.

In 1980s Hong Kong, troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun accidentally enters the notorious Kowloon Walled City. Lok-kwun, a refugee from the mainland, struggles to survive by participating in underground fighting rings. He seeks to buy a fake ID to improve his life but is betrayed by Mr. Big, a local crime syndicate boss. In a desperate move, Lok-kwun steals drugs from Mr. Big and flees to the Walled City, where he encounters Cyclone, the local crime lord who rules the area with a mix of authority and compassion.

When a violent act kills her parents, Sita vows to debunk the idea of supernatural torment after death — a fixation that leads her on a dark quest.

A year after the first movie, the four friends are enjoying their lives to the fullest, get in trouble once again with Bholi, who is released from prison earlier than expected and is broke.

A man who served prison time for intent to molest a child tries to build a new life with the help of a sympathetic psychiatrist.

After retrieving the Crystal Skull in Utah, Flynn Carsen receives a map in the mail with the secret location of King Solomon's Mines. When the scroll is stolen, Judson explains the power of the Key of Solomon's book and assigns Flynn to retrieve the map. The map is useless without the legend piece to decipher it, which is located in Volubilis near the Roman ruins in Morocco. Flynn heads to Casablanca to the ruins where he is chased by a group of mercenaries leaded by General Samir. They too want to find the location of King Solomon's mines. Flynn teams-up with Professor Emily Davenport working in the dig and they escape from General Samir and his men. While traveling to Gedi, they save the local Jomo from death and the trio faces a dangerous journey through the wild Africa.

In this sequel to the 1980 classic, two children are stranded on a beautiful island in the South Pacific. With no adults to guide them, the two make a simple life together and eventually become tanned teenagers in love.

يتمحور فلم حول عودة جعفر -الشخصية الشريرة- من الجزء الأول، الذي يعود لينتقم من علاء الدين وأصدقائه: الأميرة ياسمين، الجني، وآبو، والسجاد، وسلطان، و بغباء ياغو الذي انقلب ضد جعفر الذي حاول أن يصبح حاكم مدينة اجرباه

Tiffani attempts to help her geeky but very cute friend Casey find true love - or at least a sexy hunk. Taken under Tiffani’s wing, Casey pretends to be Ryan, Tiffani's hot, straight, stripper ex-boyfriend, in order to seduce the smoldering Zack online, which works, until the real Ryan shows up!

(دوج جلات) يلتحق بخط الاحتياط بعد أن تزوج ورُزق بطفل، فيحاول الاستقرار في حياته من خلال وظيفته كبائع تأمينات. لكن عندما يتولى خصمه اللدود (آندرس كاين) فريق (هايلاندرز) المنافس ويهدد بتمزيق فريق الأول، يعود دوج أخيرًا للعبة من جديد.

Yuna is a famous YouTube influencer but always looks down on others. She is invited to a cosmetic brand launching party but things don’t go the way she had wanted. Tired and extremely stressed, she takes couple of shots and falls asleep after calling a designated driver. When Yuna opens her eyes, she realizes she’s trapped in the trunk of her car. The kidnapper asks her for ransom, not just cash but to broadcast a ‘kidnapping live-stream’ and beg for money from the viewers. But everyone thinks she’s playing out a self-fabricated scenario…