A look behind the lens of Christopher Nolan's space epic.

Darius Lovehall is a young black poet in Chicago who starts dating Nina Moseley, a beautiful and talented photographer. While trying to figure out if they've got a "love thing" or are just "kicking it," they hang out with their friends, talking about love and sex. Then Nina tests the strength of Darius' feelings and sets a chain of romantic complications into motion.

A queer lady holiday movie that follows the lives of three very different couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely interrelated tales all set right before Christmas through New Years.

In 1880s Australia, a lawman offers renegade Charlie Burns a difficult choice. In order to save his younger brother from the gallows, Charlie must hunt down and kill his older brother, who is wanted for rape and murder. Venturing into one of the Outback's most inhospitable regions, Charlie faces a terrible moral dilemma that can end only in violence.

Mladú čašníčku Sarah brutálne znásilnia traja muži. Obžalovaní postavia svoju obhajobu na tvrdení, že je podnapité a vyzývavo sa správajúce dievča, ktoré má naviac aj záznam v trestnom registri, vyprovokovalo. Mladá prokurátorka Murphyová sa len ťažko zbavuje nedôvery voči Sarah, keď navyše dodatočne prizná, že pred vstupom do baru, v ktorom došlo za hlasnej podpory povzbudzujúcich divákov k znásilneniu, fajčila marihuanu. Šanca na spravodlivé potrestanie vinníkov je sotva 50-percentná...

A young woman who has faded to the point of becoming invisible must find her way back with the help of the one man who can see her.

Jedno príslovie hovorí: "Jedz preto, aby si žil. Neži preto, aby si jedol." Lenže starý indiánsky mýtus Weendigo zase rozpráva o tom, že ten, kto požije mäso svojho nepriateľa, získa jeho silu a dušu. Má to však háčik každý, kto to urobí, dostane aj neukojiteľný hlad po ďalšej ľudskej potrave, zmení sa na dravca a tomuto neblahému osudu môže uniknúť iba vlastnou obeťou. Americko-britský film Vyhladovaní, ktorý je kombináciou kanibalského a upírskeho hororu, sa odohráva v polovici 19. storočia na zabudnutej pevnosti v kalifornskom pohorí Sierra Nevada. Práve sem je na zimu prevelený kapitán John Boyd, vyznamenaný za hrdinstvo v mexicko-americkej vojne. Lenže, ako to už pri vojnových konfliktoch býva, všetko sa v skutočnosti odohralo trochu inak. V bohom zabudnutom mieste však Boyda čaká najťažšia bitka jeho života, stret s kanibalom Colqhounom, ktorý prenikne do pevnosti a vláka jej posádku do pasce.

A warrior-in-training and his bumbling friends go in pursuit of a stolen sword.

Three people driving into Los Angeles for a Dodgers game have car trouble and pull off into an old wrecking yard where they are held at bay by a bloodthirsty psycho and his crazy girlfriend.

John Peterson lives with his partner Eric and their adopted daughter in Southern California. When he is visited by his aging father Willis from Los Angeles who is searching for a place to retire, their two very different worlds collide.

After a mysterious global crisis, a young girl is left alone to hide from a malevolent power that stalks her home. Her parents eventually return and the struggle begins to save their daughter.

In this direct-to-video sequel, Gabriel returns to try to destroy the human race he despises so much, with the help of a suicidal teen and the opposition of the angel Daniel.

During a routine case in L.A., NY private investigator Harry D'Amour stumbles over members of a fanatic cult who are preparing for the resurrection of their leader Nix, a powerful magician who was killed 13 years earlier.

Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past, but then makes the terrible discovery that his own son has fallen into a life of crime.

The "sematary" is up to its old zombie-raising tricks again. This time, the protagonists are Jeff Matthews, whose mother died in a Hollywood stage accident, and Drew Gilbert, a boy coping with an abusive stepfather.

Former gunfighter Django has become a monk and abandoned his violent former ways. His daughter is kidnapped by rogue Hungarian soldiers using slave labor to run a silver mine. Django casts off his habit and digs up his machine gun to practice a little liberation theology.

A self-help guru's televised teachings inspire a down-and-out businessman to pursue his dream of making a movie.

Detektív Dani Simionescu pracuje v Bukurešti na veľmi komplikovanom prípade vrážd, ktorých obetiam bolo z tela vytrhnuté srdce. Agent Interpolu John Riegert je poverený pomôcť Danimu s pátraním. Alisson, ktorý pracuje v miestnom kostole, nájde zavraždeného kňaza a záhadnú bibliu, v ktorej je ešte stále napísaná posledná kapitola. Hlas anjela jej prikáže, aby Bibliu ochránila pred démonom, ktorý ju chce použiť vo vojne s anjelmi.

Artie Logan is the new guy on Campus. Suddenly, he meets Tally Fuller: the most popular and beautiful girl at Fairfield college and she finally agrees to go on a date with him. But that night she is brutally killed by a blowtorch-wielding maniac and Artie is wrongfully arrested. Despite protests from other Police officers, detective P.J. Decker believes Artie's story and gives him 24 hours to track down the real killer.

Leo Vincey receives a map from his late father, leading him to the legendary city of Kor in search of an explanation for his mysterious ancestry.