Неодговорни херој Деадпоол ће променити историју Филмског Марвел Универзума са Вулверином!?

У својој другој години борбе против криминала, Бетмен открива корупцију у Готам Ситију која се повезује са његовом породицом док се суочава са серијским убицом познатим као Загонетач.

Принцеза Котулун је ћерка Хаиду Кана из династије Угудеи. Филм прича причу о принцези Котулун, сину Кублај Кана, познатом у западној и источној историји као рвачка принцеза, и њеној борби да поврати своју Златну сутру.

Very seldom shown erotic story of a cuckolded husband who departs his home and unwittingly becomes included with not one, but two, alluring ghosts. [Rim movies Catalog] Mandy and his spouse (that's right, Mandy is a man) will be an uncommon few under any conditions. Mandy fools around with young women while his spouse is within the home, nevertheless the wife isn't bothered a lot. She is just considering in the job she's offered Mandy, which is .... to frequently check with the neighborhood brothelkeeper, and find away if she's found guys with incredibly difficult manhoods. How hard ? Complicated enough to punch an opening in a sack of grain (ouch !). And one more thing. Mandy and his wife are ghosts. Of course, this means you will find people who are seeking to exorcise them. In between residential disputes and pursued exorcisms, there's acres of nudity and lots of sex.

Middleton prepares for its bicentennial, and Grey House is to be the party venue. Good witch Cassie is remodeling it as B&B. her first and only guest, Nick Chasen, claims to be a distant relative. He produces papers to prove he's the heir of the builder, colonial era captain Hamblin, while the Grey lady was his mistress and stole it. Police chief and lover Jake Russell goes all the way to motivate her to fight and disprove the claim before she's effectively disowned. Brandon is dared to pass a rascals-initiation by local brat Steve and Duke. George's gardening skills lead to romance.

Када се један од њених ученика сумњичи за крађу, учитељица Карла Новак одлучује да дође до дна ствари. Ухваћена између својих идеала и школског система, последице њених поступака прете да је сломе.

Powerful, uncompromising drama about two boys' struggle for survival in the nightmare world of Britain's notorious Borstal Reformatory.

Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. After Hawk discovers a mysterious sword in Africa, a band of Satan-worshipping monks kidnap his ex-girlfriend Lorelei, demanding the sword as ransom as well as other pieces of the legendary Armour of God - a magical outfit dating back to the Crusades.

During the holiday season, when the animals of the Central Park Zoo are preparing for Christmas, Private, the youngest of the penguins notices that the Polar Bear is all alone. Assured that nobody should have to spend Christmas alone, Private goes into the city for some last-minute Christmas shopping. Along the way, he gets stuffed into a stocking

The planned reburial of a village elder goes awry as the corpse resurrects into a hopping, bloodthirsty vampire, threatening mankind. Therefore, a Taoist Priest and his two disciples attempt to stop the terror.

Бивши полицијски детектив Такакура прихвата позив старог колеге да му помогне око нерешеног случаја. У међувремену, његова супруга Јасуко упознаје Нишина, тајанственог комшију чије понашање постаје све проблематичније. Идеја да би Нишино могао да буде опасан психопата све више заокупља мисли пензионисаног детектива.

A movies special effects man is hired by a government agency to help stage the assassination of a well known gangster. When the agency double cross him, he uses his special effects to trap the gangster and the corrupt agents.

This Oscar-winning short tells of a bull who preferred to sit under trees and smell flowers to clashing horns with his fellow animals. As luck would have it, an untimely bee reveals Ferdinand's ferocious side via pained howls and wild stomping. This lands him in the bull-fighting arena amidst characters based on Walt's animators with a matador reportedly modeled after Walt himself.

Дуго и напорно путовање браће Елрик завршава се у овом епском финалу, где морају да се суоче са неземаљском претњом широм земље.

A young woman struggling to stay on top of everything in her life meets a married publisher and begins an affair with him.

65 year old doctor Pierfrancesco works as a night-shift medical guard. He’s a grumpy man, full of aches and pains and is very rough with his patients. One night, he’s involved in a road collision with 30 year old delivery man Mario. While uninjured, Mario's bicycle is destroyed, and Pierfrancesco's sciatica flares up, making it impossible for him to drive. With both of their jobs in jeopardy, the doctor has an idea that could help them both: “remotely guided” by Pierfrancesco via wireless headset, Mario will visit his patients, and they’ll also carry out Mario’s delivery in Pierfrancesco’s car. After a range of daring (mis)adventures, they will learn to support each other, and the night will end with their lives both changed for the better.

The story of Javier who, at the age of 16, while kissing a girl for the first time, realized that he had a gift of romantic clairvoyance. Javier can see the future... and he finally knows who the love of his life is.

The comic strip detective finds his life vastly complicated when Breathless Mahoney makes advances towards him while he is trying to battle Big Boy Caprice's united mob.

This film is the record of a traumatic reaction to the terrorist acts in the Moscow subway of March 29, 2010.

Наставак филма "Знам шта сте радили прошлог лета". Преживели из прошлог дела, Џули и Реј, ће и у овом делу бити главни ликови. Џули не живи више у Саутпорту, јер је за то место везују лоше успомене због немилог догађаја. Док је Реј, иначе њен дечко, приморан да ту остане јер ради на броду, као рибар. На факултету у другом граду, Џули је стекла ново друштво. Карла јој је најбоља другарица, а преко ње се упознала са њеним дечком Тајлером и са финим младићем по имену Вил. Карла је добила бесплатно путовање на Бахаме од радио станице као награду за тачан одговор на питање. Може да поведе још три особе. Једна је сигурно Тајлер, а друга Џули, која је одлучила да позове Реја на путовање. Реј је рекао да ће се потрудити да стигне, али да није сигуран. Увидевши да га нема, одлучили су да поведу Вила. Шта је то Реја спречило да стигне на путовање? Шта их чека на Бахамима?