Godinu dana nakon događaja iz prošlog nastavka, Batman, poručnik James Gordon i novi okružni tužitelj Harvey Dent uspješno dovode kriminalce iza rešetaka, sve dok se u gradu ne pojavi misteriozni sadistički kriminalac zvan Joker, koji počne stvarati novi val kaosa u Gothamu. Batmanova borba protiv Jokera veoma brzo prijeđe na osobnu razinu, što će Batmana prisiliti na velike kompromise kako bi ga uspio zaustaviti.

Nakon što otkriju novu crvotočinu, grupa istraživača i znanstvenika krene na putovanje kroz nju da prekorače prijašnje granice ljudskog putovanja svemirom i pokore ogromne daljine međuzvjezdanog putovanja. Među putnicima se nalazi strojar i udovac koji se posvetio mirnom životu na farmi s dvoje djece, i sada mora donijeti tešku odluku da napusti svoju djecu kako bi otputovao u drugu galaksiju s ciljem da spasi čovječanstvo.

Rome, Italy. After committing a heinous crime, a senior police officer exposes evidence incriminating him because his moral commitment prevents him from circumventing the law and the social order it protects.

A rich woman and a calculating insurance agent plot to kill her unsuspecting husband after he signs a double indemnity policy. Against a backdrop of distinctly Californian settings, the partners in crime plan the perfect murder to collect the insurance, which pays double if the death is accidental.

In a run-down South American town, four men are paid to drive trucks loaded with nitroglycerin into the jungle through to the oil field. Friendships are tested and rivalries develop as they embark upon the perilous journey.

In 16th century Japan, peasants Genjuro and Tobei sell their earthenware pots to a group of soldiers in a nearby village, in defiance of a local sage's warning against seeking to profit from warfare. Genjuro's pursuit of both riches and the mysterious Lady Wakasa, as well as Tobei's desire to become a samurai, run the risk of destroying both themselves and their wives, Miyagi and Ohama.

When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan. When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie, in jeopardy.

Errol Morris's unique documentary dramatically re-enacts the crime scene and investigation of a police officer's murder in Dallas.

Mladi Afroamerikanac Chris sa svojom djevojkom Rose tijekom vikenda odlazi na udaljeno imanje kako bi se upoznao s njenim roditeljima, majkom Missy i ocem Deanom. Njihovo pretjerano uslužno ponašanje Chris u početku tumači kao nervozni pokušaj ublažavanja činjenice da se njihova kći zabavlja s tamnoputim mladićem, ali kako vikend odmiče, otkriva niz pojedinosti koje ga vode do zastrašujućih događaja koje nije mogao niti zamisliti.

In the carefree days before World War I, introverted Austrian author Jules strikes up a friendship with the exuberant Frenchman Jim and both men fall for the impulsive and beautiful Catherine.

Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) slučajno je poslan natrag u 1885. kada ga je pogodio grom. No, uspio je poslati Martyju (Michael J. Fox) pismo, napisavši u gdje se nalazi vremenski stroj. Napisao je kako ne dolazi po njega i da uništi stroj čim se vrati u 1985. Marty počne raditi s Docom iz 1955. i oni iskopavaju De Lorean iz rudnika. Prije nego što su napustili rudnik, otkrivaju nadgrobnu ploču na kojoj piše kako je tu 1885. pokopan Doc. Doca je u leđa upucao Biffov pradjed Buford "Ludi pas" Tannen zbog osamdeset dolara. Marty odlučuje, unatoč Docovim uputama, vratiti se u 1985. kako bi spasio prijatelja.

Composer Gustav von Aschenbach travels to Venice for health reasons. There, he becomes obsessed with the stunning beauty of an adolescent Polish boy named Tadzio who is staying with his family at the same Grand Hôtel des Bains on the Lido as Aschenbach.

Priča je bazirana na istinitim događajima koji su se u periodu od 1977. do 1979. dešavali u jednoj kući u engleskom gradu Brimsdownu. Radi se o jednom od najvažnijih dokumentiranih paranormalnih slučajeva u svijetu koji su pogodili obitelj Hodgson, a Ed Warren je ovaj slučaj naveo kao jedan od najstrašnijih iskustava tokom njegove karijere.

Jesus Camp is a Christian summer camp where children hone their "prophetic gifts" and are schooled in how to "take back America for Christ". The film is a first-ever look into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America's political future.

Kultna vampirska parodija Romana Polanskog u kojoj se smotani profesor i učenik bore protiv vampira i spašavaju prekrasnu damu u nevolji. Stari profesor Abronsius i njegov introvertirani i povučeni učenik Alfred su na putu za Transilvaniju, gdje im je cilj suočiti se s vampirima koji ugrožavaju lokalno stanovništvo.

Bill is worried that he is 'different' to his sister and parents. They mix with other 'upper class' people while Bill is more down to earth. Even his girlfriend seems a bit odd. All is revealed when Bill returns home to find a party in full swing. Not for the weak of stomach.

Demotiviranom piscu Xavieru ukaže se prilika koja bi mu napokon mogla obrnuti lošu sreću, a on zna da ne smije zeznuti stvar.

An elderly heiress is killed by her husband who wants control of her fortunes. What ensues is an all-out murder spree as relatives and friends attempt to reduce the inheritance playing field, complicated by some teenagers who decide to camp out in a dilapidated building on the estate.

A single mother and her slacker sister find an unexpected way to turn their lives around in this off-beat dramatic comedy. In order to raise the tuition to send her young son to private school the mom starts an unusual business – a biohazard removal/crime scene clean-up service.

After a catastrophe destroys most of humanity, recluse Del lives in his small, empty town, content with the utopia he has methodically created for himself, until an interloper, young Grace, disrupts his solitude.