Mystery Inc. withdraws from solving crimes after botching a case. When Vincent Van Ghoul contacts the gang about an unfinished investigation from Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby's past, the gang springs into action to finish the job that involves catching the 13th Ghost that escaped from the Chest of Demons and is still at large.

Liana and Alexa (Barbie and Teresa) are best friends who share everything, including their love of singing. Upon meeting a girl inside a mirror, the duo embark on a journey that will put their friendship to the ultimate test.

Austrų rašytojas Leopoldas von Sacher-Masochas sukūrė romaną „Venera kailiuose“, amerikiečių dramaturgas Davidas Ivesas pagal jį parašė pjesę, o lenkų kilmės režisierius Romanas Polanskis adaptavo tekstus dviejų aktorių filmui. Režisierius Tomas (Matthieu Amalricas) ruošiasi statyti spektaklį, tačiau jam nesiseka rasti tinkamos aktorės pagrindiniam vaidmeniui. Į pabaigą artėja dar viena nerezultatyvių susitikimų ir nesėkmingų peržiūrų diena. Jis nori kuo greičiau grįžti namo ir pavakarieniauti su sužadėtine. Tą akimirką į teatro salę įeina lengvabūdiškai nusiteikusi ir nieko gero nežadanti aktorė Vanda (režisieriaus žmona Emmanuelle Seigner). Moteris įkalba režisierių pasilikti kelioms minutėms ir įtikina suteikti jai šansą. Jei Tomas būtų žinojęs, kuo baigsis ši peržiūra, nebūtų sutikęs.

Zero is a brilliant scientist. However, 20 years ago, he was publicly humiliated when he lost Helena, the love of his life. One day, an accidental experience with one of his inventions causes him to travel back in time to 1991. Having taken the opportunity to change history, Zero returns to own time to find totally changed.

On Christmas Eve, Kelly is reluctant to go to a Christmas Eve ball, so Barbie tells her the story of Eden Starling, a glamorous singing diva in the Victorian England and the owner of a theatre house. However, Eden is self-centered and loves only herself. She is frequently accompanied by her snooty cat, Chuzzlewit. She does not believe in Christmas and orders all her employees to work on Christmas.

Experience the show that quickly became a national phenomenon. Get an up-close and personal look at Kevin back in Philly where he began his journey to become one of the funniest comedians of all time. You will laugh 'til it hurts!

"Barbie" stars as Clara in this animated retelling of the classic Christmas ballet, complete with Tchaikovsky soundtrack and ballet choreography.

An everyday conversation between Marta and her mother turns into a tragic race against the clock when Marta receives a phone call from Iván, her six-year-old son, who is on holiday in France with his father.

Hüseyin Al Baldawi arrives in Brussels in August 2015. He has traveled thousands of kilometers until he got there from Iraq. A year after his arrival, he receives his residence permit and decides to go to Greece. This journey from Brussels to Athens involves the viewers on the difficulties faced by Hüseyin and thousands of other immigrants. While the story of Hüseyin is taking shape through the countries he travels, the forgotten people he meets and the selfish society of Europe give us many messages, as well.

Aukščiausios klasės restorano savininkas Monsieur Septime įsivelia į nusikaltimą kai dingsta vienas iš jo garsių klientų.

A tight-knit group of New York City street dancers, including Luke and Natalie, team up with NYU freshman Moose, and find themselves pitted against the world's best hip hop dancers in a high-stakes showdown that will change their lives forever.

The story of the conception of a new British weapon for smashing the German dams in the Ruhr industrial complex and the execution of the raid by 617 Squadron 'The Dam Busters'.

Įskaudinti vieną moterį yra pavojinga, įskaudinti dvi – labai pavojinga, bet įskaudinti tris gali tik savižudžiai! Gražuolė Amber skraidžioja padebesiais, nes jos vaikinas Markas – tobulas vyras. Gražus, protingas, dėmesingas ir sėkmingas. Rodos, jų laimei niekas negalėtų sutrukdyti, bet... vieną dieną smogia žinia – jos ponas Tobulasis yra neištikimas! Dar skaudžiau tai, kad Amber varžovė ne jauna daili mergužėlė, o teisėta Marko žmona. Netikėtai susitikusios ir išsikalbėjusios moterys supranta, kad tarpusavyje jos turi gerokai daugiau bendro nei kiekviena jų su Marku. Ir netikėtai tarp dviejų varžovių užsimezga draugystė. Ir vienas vyras. Netrukus abiejų neištikimybės „aukų“ kelyje pasipainioja dar viena Marko meilužė, ir moterys suvienija savo jėgas, kad atkeršytų šiam niekšui. Nieko neįtariančiam Markui žemėje bus karščiau už karščiausią pragarą...

Based on Molière's play. The children of Harpagon, Cléante and his sister Elise, are each in love but they still haven't spoken to their father yet. Harpagon is a miser who wants to choose the right man and the right woman for his children. When Cléante, at last, tries to speak to Harpagon, the old man informs the family that he wants to marry Marianne, the young girl loved by Cléante. Unaware of his son's sorrow, Harpagon doesn't understand why Cléante has become so angry with him.

Crystal, a rich party girl, finds a little girl's letter to Santa asking for a new mother, and she vows to win over the father and daughter before the holidays.

As a newly crowned princess, Cinderella quickly learns that life at the Palace - and her royal responsibilities - are more challenging than she had imagined. In three heartwarming tales, Cinderella calls on her animal friends and her Fairy Godmother to help as she brings her own grace and charm to her regal role and discovers that being true to yourself is the best way to make your dreams come true.

Eilinė, paprasta – tokia pat kaip ir kitos – darbo diena daugiaaukščiame biurų pastate. Penki atsitiktinai viename lifte susitikę žmonės. Šiek tiek rečiau pasitaikantis, tačiau taip pat visiškai normalus lifto gedimas. Ir netrukus prasidedantis siaubas. Nes vienas iš penkių užstrigusių lifto keleivių yra įsikūnijęs šėtonas.

Florence and Vincent Leroy are a model couple. They have great jobs, a perfect marriage and delightful children. And now they want their divorce to be an equal success. But when they are both simultaneously promoted to their dream jobs, their relationship becomes a nightmare. From that moment on, the gloves are off, the two exes declare war and will do everything in their power to NOT have custody of their children.

Raumeningas ir patyręs policininkas, tvirtas įstatymo sergėtojas, patiria skaudų smūgį – mafija nužudo jo žmoną ir dukteris. Įniršęs kovotojas už teisingumą išsižada savo priesaikos įstatymui ir pradeda be teismo retinti mafijos gretas.Jis per daug patyręs, kad patektų į policijos rankas, ir per daug užsiliepsnojęs pykčiu, kad jį įveiktų nusikaltėliai. "Kaltas tebūnie nubaustas!”

Lambert, a recovering sex addict, tries to redeem himself by becoming a marriage counsellor. He stays abstinent for several months, but his alluring assistant's unbridled sexuality tests his resolve.