On 10th December 2007, Led Zeppelin took the stage at London's O2 Arena to headline a tribute concert for dear friend and Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun. Founding members John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant were joined by Jason Bonham, the son of their late drummer John Bonham, to perform 16 songs from their celebrated catalog.

Neto is a middle class teenager living a normal life. After his father finds a marijuana cigarette on his pocket, he is sent to a mental institution, where he gets to know a completely absurd and inhumane reality in which people are devoured by a corrupt and cruel system.

When an overconfident teen alien gets behind the controls of a spaceship, he must attempt to abduct a slumbering farmer under the watchful eye of a critical instructor. But abducting humans requires precision and a gentle touch, and within a few missteps it's painfully clear why more humans don't go missing every year.

After a wonderful time in Hungary Sissi falls extremely ill and must retreat to a Mediterranean climate to rest. The young empress’ mother takes her from Austria to recover in Madeira.

Yowamushi Pedal: Re:ROAD compiles the second half of the Inter High arc from the second television anime season with some cuts of new footage added.

009 Re:Cyborg follows a group of nine cyborgs, each of them created by a shadowy organization for use as weapons against humanity. The group turns on their creators to protect the population instead, using the powers given them to fight their creators.

Friends battle former U.S. presidents when they come back from the dead as zombies on the Fourth of July.

Rahul, the director of a successful dance troupe, considers Nisha his best friend, though secretly, she is madly in love with him. He then falls for Pooja, who is engaged to Ajay.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

SANJAY'S SUPER TEAM follows the daydream of a young Indian boy, bored with his father's religious meditation, who imagines "a kind of ancient, Hindu version of The Avengers," with the gods appearing like superheros.

A college graduate goes to work as a nanny for a rich New York family. Ensconced in their home, she has to juggle their dysfunction, a new romance, and the spoiled brat in her charge.

The boss of the Hung Hing gang, Tian Sang, has died. Ho Nam and Hon Bun find Sangs younger brother, Yang to lead the gang. Meanwhile, Hon Bun receives news that his younger brother, a leader of the Tuen Mun gang has been assasinated. They travel to Hong Kong to settle the matter.

Best friends Galleria, Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua, A.K.A. the girl band "The Cheetahs," get the opportunity of a lifetime when they strut their way to Barcelona, Spain, to perform in an international music festival. Along the way, the "amigas Cheetahs" learn that, although their paths are not the same, they are lucky to have one another for the journey.

Although Chicken does not make an appearance, Chan Ho Nam finds a new love interest in the form of Mei Ling. Meanwhile, Tung Sing returns to cause trouble again for Hung Hing, in the form of new leader Szeto Ho Nam.

After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself.

Although new friendships and new love await her, a college freshman discovers that university life is not as simple as she had hoped.

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Džensenas – ištvermingas, prie adrenalino pripratęs ir gerai kiekvienos sekundės vertę suvokiantis lenktynininkas. Netikėtai apkaltintas žmogžudyste, kurios neįvykdė, Džensenas patenka į kalėjimą. Jo prižiūrėtoja Henesi pasiūlo išeitį: dalyvauti lenktynėse arba supūti kalėjime...

Panašu, jog Fredas ir jo geriausias draugas Barnis – tikri laimės kūdikiai. Jie ką tik sėkmingai baigė mokslus Bronto Kreino akademijoje ir gavo darbus pamėgtame Bedroke. Ar gyvenimas gali būti geresnis? O štai vargšelei Vilmai viskas aplinkui atrodo nudažyta pačiomis niūriausiomis spalvomis. Jos valdingoji mamytė mėgsta ne tik leisti pinigus ekstravagantiškiems apdarams ir planuoti artimųjų(o visų pirma dukters) gyvenimus. Taigi, viskas nuspręsta – Vilma ištekės už turtingo pasipūtėlio Čipo Rokfelerio. Ir jokių prieštaravimų. Taigi Vilma ryžtasi bėgti. Štai taip mergina atsiduria... na kur gi kitur, jei ne Bedroke. Čia ji susipažįsta su Bete ir merginos tampa geriausiomis draugėmis. Jos gyvena bohemiškame rajone Melroke ir dirba netoliese esančioje užkandinėje. Netrukus dvi herojės susipažįsta su Fredu ir Barniu. Ir štai dvi porelės rengiasi linksmam ir romantiškam savaitgaliui netoliese esančiame Rok Vegase.