As the young girls have discovered the truth about the cruel fate of a magical girl, one magical girl after another is destroyed. Throughout it all, there is one magical girl who continues to fight alone - Homura Akemi. Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part II: Eternal is a retelling of the second half of the TV anime series.

Na dovolenke v Európe sa mladá Maggie zrazu cíti ako v naozajstnej zimnej rozprávke, keď jej náhodné stretnutie s mladým príťažlivým Adrianom prerastie do hlbšieho vzťahu. Všetko sa však skomplikuje, keď zistí, že je v skutočnosti princ, ktorého už onedlho budú korunovať za kráľa a budúceho vládcu európskeho kráľovstva. A takému synovi by matka dovolila prežiť ľúbostný románik s obyčajnou turistkou len cez vlastnú mŕtvolu. A naozaj, Maggie si nepadne do oka s princovou matkou Beatrice a už čoskoro sa bude sa musieť rozhodnúť, či dá prednosť láske alebo kariére, a vráti sa domov do zámoria.

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.

Shamoto runs a small tropical fish shop. When his daughter Mitsuko is caught shoplifting at a grocery store a man named Murata steps in to settle things between the girl and the store manager. Murata also runs a tropical fish shop and he and Shamoto soon become friendly. However Murata hides many dark secrets behind his friendly face.

In pre-war Italy, a young couple have a baby boy. The father, however, is jealous of his son - and the scene moves to antiquity, where the baby is taken into the desert to be killed. He is rescued, given the name Edipo (Oedipus), and brought up by the King and Queen of Corinth as their son. One day an oracle informs Edipo that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified, he flees Corinth and his supposed parents - only to get into a fight and kill an older man on the road…

What will happen if, as a result of biological warfare, almost the entire male population dies out? Women will grieve (for a short time), and then they will unite and create a new better world - with eco-towns, renewable energy, opportunities to do whatever they want, even science and biohacking, even yoga and self-development. Reproduction now occurs by artificial insemination, and only girls are born in the new world. But not everyone likes such a world order. Some of the surviving men and women loyal to them go to live in abandoned cities, begin to steal electricity, enjoying freedom and traditional sex. The tranquility of the ideally arranged female world is threatened when teacher Rada from the eco-city "Two Hills" meets the young "primate" Hera outside it.

A year after Amber helped Richard secure the crown. The two are set to tie the knot in a royal Christmas wedding — but their plans are jeopardized when Amber finds herself second-guessing whether or not she's cut out to be queen, and Richard is faced with a political crisis that threatens to tarnish not only the holiday season but the future of the kingdom.

Na Veľké údolie sa zrútil obrovský meteorit a znemožnil mierumilovným dinosaurím obyvateľom prístup k vode a potrave. Nožička, ochotný pomôcť, sa vydá so svojimi priateľmi hľadať vodu a podarí sa mu objaviť veľké jazero medzi Veľkým údolím a Záhadnými diaľkami, kde žijú nebezpeční ostrozubci. Dobrodružstvo začína, keď sa partia kamarátov musí stretnúť so surovými dinosaurmi zo susedstva, vyhnúť sa veľkému požiaru a poraziť dravých velociraptorov.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Jackie Foster, a dynamic Assistant District Attorney and single mom, is looking forward to wrapping up her latest case and spending Christmas with Gracie, her adorable and precocious, eight-year old daughter. But when Jackie’s estranged dad, Jack , a gruff retired police officer, unexpectedly shows up at her door, they will be forced to confront old wounds.

Mike Donaldson sa vracia do rodného mesta so svojou novou priateľkou Elizabeth, aby sa rozlúčil so svojím dresom v poslednom futbalovom zápase. Všetci ho nadšene vítajú, len jeho bývalá priateľka, príťažlivá Shelby Mercerová, zle znáša jeho novú partnerku po jeho boku. Keď sa jej Elizabeth pri drinku zverí, že ju Mike chce predstaviť svojim rodičom, Shelby ju vystraší nepravdivou informáciou o tom, akí sú Donaldsonovci kritickí a ako veľmi si zakladajú na prvom dojme. Elizabeth sa preto rozhodne odložiť návštevu na ráno. V moteli však nenájde voľnú izbu, a keď sa vracia späť, Shelby ju prepadne na opustenej ceste a v bezvedomí ju prevezie k sebe domov. Po prebudení ju presvedčí, že ju našla ležať na ceste a nechala Mikeovi odkaz, kde ju má nájsť. Keď odchádza schovať auto, Elizabeth sa snaží dostať k telefónu. Namiesto toho objaví Shelbyinu izbu polepenú Mikovými fotografiami. Pritom jednu z nich nepatrne poškodí, takže Shelby vie, že bola v jej izbe.

Fantozzi a jeho byvaly spolupracovnik Filini sa zucastnia pohrebu byvaleho kolegu, ale vten den zomrie aj ich dalsi kolega - sportovec. Cestou z dalsieho pohrebu sa tak rozhodu vykradnut banku, pretoze so svojou malou penziou velmi biedne pretlkaju zivotom... Medzi tym Fantozziho zena Pina pripravuje oslavu 40. vyrocia svatby. Na nej sa Fantozzi dozveda, ze sa k nim nastahuje jeho hrozna dcera Mariangela aj s manzelom a dietatom. Pre Fantozziho a manzelku sa zivot stava peklom a su vystahovani do garaze. K tomu vsetkemu sa Fantozzi dozvie, ze je smrtelne chory a tak jeho zena tajne presvedci slecnu Silvani aby s jej muzom stravila vikend na horach.

A housemaid falls in love with Dr. Jekyll and his darkly mysterious counterpart, Mr. Hyde.

Slacker Max fell so hard for single mother Alice in college that he developed a website aimed at winning her heart. Years later, after his venture has earned him millions of dollars, Max risks his entire fortune performing an ever more complicated series of social contortions to get close to Alice, now a politically motivated factory worker.

When an energy experiment goes haywire, a rash of massive hurricanes rips across North America. A high school science teacher must get his family to safety before the hurricanes merge, creating a "hypercane" with the power to wipe the US off the map.

Picking up directly where the previous film left off, the story follows Riley, one of the last people to come in contact with Samantha, as he scrambles to track down those responsible for the outbreak before the highly contagious disease not only consumes his body, but the world as we know it.

It's three years after the events of the original Battle Royale, and Shuya Nanahara is now an internationally-known terrorist determined to bring down the government. His terrorist group, Wild Seven, stages an attack that levels several buildings in Tokyo on Christmas Day, killing 8000 people. In order for the government to study the benefits of "teamwork", the new students work in pairs, with their collars electronically linked so that if one of them is killed, the other dies as well. They must kill Nanahara in three days - or die.

Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...

Antonio and Giuseppe meet at the hospital, while awaiting the birth of their respective first children. The two leave together for a quick lunch, ending up involved against their will in an odyssey of amusing setbacks and bizarre characters.