SCOOBY-DOO fans have spoken! 4 of SCOOBY-DOO'S most popular mysteries - selected by the fans themselves - are now available in this fun DVD. Watch as Scooby-Doo gets into a mixed-up mystery when he unexpectedly meets the seaweed-covered ghost of Captain Cutler in "A Clue for Scooby-Doo!" Next, see the seafaring sleuths collide with a mystery ship and try to uncover clues to a vanished crew in "Hassle in the Castle!" Then, follow Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang as they outwit a bank robber in "Jeepers, It's the Creeper!" And finally, see them take to the stage to crack some crazy capers in "The Backstage Rage."

This DVD includes the following perfomances: If You Had My Love (1999 VH-1 Fashion Awards), If You Had My Love (video) Madison Square Garden Performance with Marc Anthony, No me Ames (video), Let's get Loud (1999 Women's World Cup), Waiting for Tonight (megamix video), If You Had My Love (1999 Blockbuster Music Awards), Baila (video), Feelin' So Good (video), Plus exclusive interviews from family and friends.

The final film of the television series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." It is based on the late and little-known stories of Arthur Conan Doyle, united by the theme of the approaching world war and the struggle of the legendary detective with foreign spies.

A mix up on her first day of work sends Shane to the Dead Letter Office, where a group of quirky characters led by Oliver try to deliver the undeliverable. Though Shane wants out of this strange detail, she can't help but get caught up in the story of one misdirected letter mailed by a dying young woman to the man she was falling in love with. As circumstances around the letter get more complicated, Shane and the group break all the rules to see the letter delivered and justice done.

The life story of Richard Pryor (1940-2005), the legendary performer and iconic social satirist who transcended racial and social barriers with his honest, irreverent and biting humor.

自幼梦想成为剑客火枪手的米奇(Wayne Allwine 配音)、唐老鸭(Tony Anselmo 配音)和高菲(Bill Farmer 配音),长大后只是在凡尔赛宫内负责打扫卫生的杂役。虽然地位低下,错误不断,不过他们依旧乐观地憧憬美好明天。与此同时,皇家侍卫队队长皮特(Jim Cummings 配音)图谋篡夺王位,因此设计劫持米妮公主(Russi Taylor 配音)。险些遇害的米妮命令皮特增加护卫力量,后者则处心积虑擢升完全没有经验的米奇他们成为火枪手。三个好伙伴梦想成真,米奇更与公主一见钟情。但在接下来的日子里,皮特开始展开他的篡位计划。 “人人为我,我为人人”,秉承着这个崇高的信念,三个好伙伴迎难而上…

A woman is searching for her son who got lost under mysterious circumstances.


Centered around a group of individuals, who come to experience magical moments over the course of one day. Full of the power of family, love and the spirit of forgiveness. Each individual comes to realize that Christmas, more than any other time of the year, is full of wonder and surprises.

  本片根据法国女作家葛朋畅销小说“安琪丽Angelica”改编(共有5集)曾获德国金像奖,此为第五集,大结局。 Angélique被绑架,并被带上了由d‘Escrainville指挥的一艘船。乔弗里·德·佩拉克紧随其后出发,两艘船展开了一场残酷的战斗。德埃斯克莱恩维尔被击败后投降,但昂热利酒已经被送到奴隶市场,并被卖给摩洛哥苏丹的后宫。尽管国王很有魅力,昂热利奎还是反抗。她被判公开鞭打。与此同时,佩拉克继续寻找她。

Martin goes on vacation to the beach with his girlfriend. Everything seems normal, until his mother arrives. Lightning strikes and there is a car to disappear.

Alazar, a simple farmer who is also a beekeeper, meets the Three Wise Men Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, who have set off to celebrate the arrival on earth of the Messiah. Alazar's magic bees become magically transformed into the tail of the bright comet which leads the four of them to the manger. At first, the brave young farmer's son is on the point of leaving the Wise Men to their fate because he has been forced against his will by their magic powers to leave his pregnant wife Izirah behind. He only very reluctantly agrees to the Kings' request to accompany them. Although the Three Wise Men make it very clear to him how important the Messiah's arrival on earth is, the relationship between the four men remains very tense. Nevertheless, despite all disagreements, our travelling companions soon become firm friends -and after several exciting adventures they finally succeed in locating the manger. The Three Kings then allow Alazar to return home to his loving wife.

一个夜晚,Michel Gerfaut发现了一起自称医院建筑事故的事情。然而在现场,一切发生变化地太快了,于是,本着彻查到底的精神,Michel Gerfaut开始调查,但是他越深入了解,越发现,原来真相并不是很简单的……

The Lemon Popsicle boys - Bobby, Benji, and Huey - have been drafted into the army, but they're not quite ready to give up the freedom they've enjoyed for so long and submit to army discipline. They spend most of their time chasing women, trying to get out of doing any work and avoiding their no-nonsense sergeant.


A story of a boy and his dog named LOL.

Included as a mini-movie on Sing 2's home media release. The short focuses around Darius who messes up his commercial shoot and audition.

  本片的故事接续迪士尼电影《钟楼怪人》,在原本电影的最后,Quasimodo 虽然成为巴黎人们心目中的英雄,但他的爱情却无法得偿所愿…每当传统的 Jour D'Amour 节庆到来时,巴黎圣母院古老的大钟 La Fidele 将会被敲响,巴黎的爱侣们一听到钟声,都会大声喊出爱人的名字,就会获得上天神灵的神圣祝福。然而,每当敲钟人 Quasimodo 在此刻敲响 La Fidele 大钟时,心中又会是何种感触呢?这一年的 Jour D'Amour 节庆到来前夕,巴黎街头来了一个神秘的马戏团,马戏团的团长 Sarousch 其实图谋不轨,计划要偷取圣母院的 La Fidele 大钟,这可以为他带来一大笔的财富,于是他派出他的美丽助手 Madellaine ,去迷惑 Quasimodo 的心,后来 Madellaine 被 Quasimodo 感动而良心发现,但 La Fidele 大钟还是落入 Sarousch 的手中,为了要夺回大钟,于是 Quasimodo 在一干好友的鼎力相助下,包括 Esmeralda 、Phoebus,以及他们的儿子 Zephyr ,还有那三个石兽,最后终于才夺回大钟,并且也让 Quasimodo 找到真爱,这一年敲响 La Fidele 大钟的同时,他也有一个可以让他大声吶喊的名字了。