Fishmans' legendary final live performance under the Fishmans name before frontman Shinji Sato's passing. The show was recorded and filmed at Akasaka Blitz, a Japanese music venue based in Minato, Tokyo, on December 28, 1998, and released as an album nine months later. The album title roughly translates to "A Men's Farewell: December 28th, 1998", a reference to the tour name to bassist Yuzuru Kashiwabara's departure and to signal an "end of an era" for the band's three piece era.
Cunning Stunts is a concert video by heavy metal band Metallica released in 1998. It was released in DVD and VHS formats. The title is also a spoonerism of the term Stunning Cunts. The DVD features concert footage, band interviews, a documentary, behind the scenes footage and a photo gallery consisting of approximately 1,000 photos. Three of the performances feature multiple angles. During the performance of the song "Enter Sandman", the entire stage is set to appear to collapse and explode, with pyrotechnics and a technician (referred to in the extras as the "Burning Dude") who runs across the stage while on fire, as another technician swings overhead. This is also one of the only Metallica concerts that didn't feature "Ecstasy of Gold" as a intro.
Dokumentumfilm, amely a Beatles 1969. januári próbáit mutatja be a "Get Back" alapalbumhoz, amelyet később "Let It Be" néven adtak ki. A film három stúdióelőadást tartalmaz.
1964-et írunk, és négy fiatal liverpooli srác éppen a világot készül megváltani - már ha ez az eszement világ hagyja, hogy kijussanak a hotelszobájukból. Richard Lester vakmerően korhű rock'n'roll vígjátéka beszabadítja a szárnyukat próbálgató gombafejeket a sikoltozó rajongók, paranoiás producerek, vakbuzgó újságírók és bajkeverő családtagok örvényébe. Közben pedig feltárja túlélésük és sikerük titkát: pajkos rosszalkodás iránti kielégíthetetlen vágyukat és életigenlő mókafüggőségüket.
Through concert performances and interviews, this film offers us a comprehensive look at the British pioneer rock group, The Who. It captures their zany craziness and outrageous antics from the initial formation of the group in 1964 to 1978. It notably features the band's last performance with long-term drummer Keith Moon, filmed at Shepperton Studios in May 1978, three months before his death.
Follows the adventures of Carlos Alcántara on his way to fame from his childhood in the "Unidad Vecinal Mirones".
Years ago, there was a place called The Land of Point, because everything in The Land of Point had one: the barns, the houses, the cars, everything, even the people. Everyone in The Land of Point had a point at the top of its head. Everyone, that is, except Oblio, who was born round-headed. Since he had no point, Oblio, along with his trusty dog, Arrow, was banished to the Pointless Forest. Join them to see what wonders await these two intrepid travelers as they make their way on their amazing, song-filled journey of discovery!
Egy évvel a Nehéz nap éjszakája után Richard Lester újfent kamera elé zavarta a gombafejűeket. Most az egzotikum és a kaland jegyében fogant a történet. Ringo egy rajongójától csodaszép gyűrűt kap, ám kiderül, hogy az ajándék egy indiai szekta áldozati kegytárgya. A dobos hiába próbál megszabadulni a gyűrűtől, így állandó életveszélynek van kitéve. Időközben egy hatalomittas tudós is csatlakozik a hajszához. Lester gegmenjei nem fukarkodtak a blődlikkel, a nonszensz helyzetek már a Monty Python-fiúkat előlegezik - a harsány színdramaturgia azonban még a hatvanas évek pop artjának gyümölcse.
1919-ben a Chicago White Sox nyolc játékosa fejenként 10 ezer dollárt fogad el, hogy szándékosan elveszítsék a világkupát. Ezzel Amerika kedvenc szórakozása, sportja örökre megváltozik. A John Sayles rendezte tényeken alapuló történetben fény derül arra, miért fogadták el a pénzt a játékosok, és mi lett a cselekedetük kétségbeejtő következménye.
Dramatisation of the love affair between Sidney James and Barbara Windsor, played out against the backdrop of the 'Carry On' films during the 1960s and 1970s.
Sing's last two films were flops, but he is given the helm on a Category III sex film and has to cope with a leading lady who won't do nude scenes, Triad backers, and a crumbling relationship with his girlfriend.
A story about the rise and fall of Zyga - a Polish kid in his early twenties, who wants to take charge of his life after the fall of communism, but in a time of chaos and moral anarchy, unwillingly becomes a gangster.
Originally produced for television, this short film as an off-the-wall road movie starring the Beatles and a couple dozen friends on a psychedelic bus tour.
London, 2008. Az ózonréteg elvékonyodásának következtében egész Európában ökológiai katasztrófa alakult ki. A folyó menti városban megfékezhetetlen környezetszennyezés, hatalmas árvizek pusztítanak, a bűnözés és a zavargások mindennaposak. Egész Londont méteres víz borítja, és a patkány fertőzte utcákon egy szörny garázdálkodik. A Gonosz már megölte Harley Stone rendőr társát, s most az ő nyomában vannak.
Ordinary college students dropped by a strange village on the way to their camp. Persuaded by a seemingly friendly villager to stay over, but brutal killings start to occur in the following morning.
Mabel and her beau go to an auto race and are joined by Charlie and his friend. As Charlie's friend is attempting to enter the raceway through a hole, the friend gets stuck and a policeman shows up.
1687-et írunk. 20 éve, hogy a hírhedt és legendás kalóz, Sárgaszakáll elásta egy titkos szigeten a spanyoloktól rabolt aranyat, és most, hogy kiengedik a börtönből, egész ármádia lohol a nyomában. Portyáin elkíséri fia, akinek fejére egy kincs lelőhelyének térképét tetoválták.
A story of an elderly man with early stages of Alzheimer who helps a family with 2 troubled teens discover the importance of family.
01 - Please please me 02 - I Saw Her Standing There (live 1964) 03 - Some Other Guy 04 - Love Me Do 05 - She Loves You 06 - She Loves You 07 - From Me To You 08 - This Boy 09 - I Wanna Hold Your Hand 10 - Twist and shout 11 - It Won't Be Long 12 - Can't Buy Me Love 13 - And I Love Her 14 - And I love her (1964) 15 - I Should Have Known Better 16 - If I Fell (A Hard Days Night Concert 1963) 17 - A Hard Day's Night 18 - 'Til There Was You 19 - Baby's In Black (Ready Steady Go 1964) 20 - I'm A Loser - Boys (Shindig 1964 Kansas City) 21 - Eight Days A Week 22 - I Feel Fine 23 - Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby 24 - Ticket to Ride 25 - Another Girl 26 - You've got to hide your love away (1965) 27 - You're Gonna Lose That Girl 28 - Help! 29 - Yesterday 30 - I Need You and more...
An animated Yellow Submarine spoof produced for The Rutles' 1978 mockumentary All You Need Is Cash and featuring their song "Cheese and Onions". Screened as a standalone short film at the 1979 Annecy International Animation Film Festival and The Museum of Modern Art.