Aydın is a hotel owner and a retired actor in rural Turkey. As winter emerges he begins navigating the conflicts within the relationships with his wife, sister and existence.

William Franklin je učitelj koji je rođen u Irskoj i preselio se u Sjedinjene Države da bi se vratio u domovinu 1939. nakon što je zbog svojih ljevičarskih političkih stavova izgubio posao. Franklin postaje prvi instruktor koji nije svećenik u St. Jude's, školi za neposlušne dječake koju vodi brat John, koji čvrsto vjeruje u strogu disciplinu.

Roméo and Juliette are two young actors. They fall in love at first sight, move in together and make a baby. A love story and the founding of a home like millions of others. Except that their little boy, Adam, behaves abnormally. The young parents try hard to persuade themselves that everything is okay but, with the passing of time, they cannot delude themselves anymore: their son has a problem. From now on, war is declared. A war against illness. A war against Death. A war against despair.

A robot's life story emerges during a casting session.

A widowed mother and her son change when a mysterious stranger enters their lives.

Sent to Mexico to help take care of aging Father Benito, young Father Amaro faces a moral challenge when he meets a 16-year-old girl who he starts an affair with. Likewise, the girl's mother had been having an affair with Father Benito. Father Amaro must choose between a holy or sinful life.

The story revolves around three soldiers — Colee, T.K. and Cheaver — who return from the Iraq War after suffering injuries and learn that life has moved on without them. They end up on an unexpected road trip across the U.S.

Stefania works in a bookshop. Shortly before closing for summer holidays, Andrea, who was left behind by his fiancée, enters the store.

Catherine je žena u kasnim dvadesetima, duboko posvećena svom ocu Robertu, briljantnom i poznatom matematičaru. Dok se Robertova vještina u svijetu brojeva još čini jakom, on počinje gubiti dodir sa stvarnošću i, dok ga obuzima ludilo, Catherine se počinje pitati je li možda naslijedila očevu duševnu bolesti zajedno s matematičkim genijem. Nakon Robertove smrti Catherine se suočava s Halom, darovitim i gorljivim Robertovim učenikom koji želi pregledati pokojnikove bilješke u nadi da će pronaći njegovo posljednje veliko djelo. Dok je Catherine neodlučna da preduboko zaviri u očev rad iz straha da bi ondje mogla vidjeti natruhu vlastite budućnosti, ona dopusti Halu da to učini. Kad jedna bilježnica otkrije matematički dokaz potencijalno povijesnih razmjera, to izazove neslućene posljedice.

U svijetu u kojem nema mjesta za spore, najbrži je vozač iskusni motorist Smoke, član bande "Black Knights". On je dugogodišnji neporaženi vozač ilegalnih uličnih utrka, a za njegov uspjeh najzaslužniji je mehaničar Slick Will, čiji sin Kid također pripada Smokeovoj bandi. Smokeov najveći neprijatelj je Dogg, pretendent na najveću nagradu u svijetu trkača - Smokeovu kacigu. No, jedna sumnjiva nesreća odvaja mladog Kida od oca, a krivnja se nepravedno svaljuje na leđa nedužnog Smokea. Dolazi do sukoba dviju generacija, uslijed kojeg se otkrivaju tajne skrivane dugi niz godina.

Best friends since they were kids, Rabbi Jacob Schram and Father Brian Finn are dynamic and popular young men living and working on New York's Upper West Side. When Anna Reilly, once their childhood friend and now grown into a beautiful corporate executive, suddenly returns to the city, she reenters Jake and Brian's lives and hearts with a vengeance. Sparks fly and an unusual and complicated love triangle ensues.

Međunarodna astronautska ekipa na Marsu pronalazi golemu nakupinu kamenja koja remeti rad svih njihovih uređaja. Uskoro se dogodi neobjašnjiva nesreća u kojoj svi nestanu. Spasilačka ekipa sastavljena je od dobrih prijatelja, Jima (G. Sinise), Woodyja (T. Robbins) i njegove supruge Terri (C. Nielsen) te mladog Phila (J. O'Connell). Kiša mikrometeorita pogađa spasilački brod i astronauti su prisiljeni spašavati se na najradikalniji mogući način - korištenjem orbitirajućeg satelita. Iako se situacija stalno pogoršava, astronauti ne gube nadu. Nekako uspijevaju sletjeti i uskoro se pojavljuju naznake koje bi mogle promijeniti budućnost ljudske rase - naznake izvanzemaljskog života.

50 Cent stars as gifted college running back Deon in this touching drama. Deon's world turns upside down when an unexpected crisis jeopardizes his professional ambitions -- and causes him to look at himself and his life in a new way.

Two drug dealers on the lam seek refuge inside their mentally unstable friend’s mansion. But in order to stay, they have to participate in her elaborate, and increasingly dangerous, game of permanent make-believe.

Ben Holmes, a professional book-jacket blurbologist, is trying to get to Savannah for his wedding. He just barely catches the last plane, but a seagull flies into the engine as the plane is taking off. All later flights are cancelled because of an approaching hurricane, so he is forced to hitch a ride in a Geo Metro with an attractive but eccentric woman named Sara.

Arlen is sent to a fenced-off wasteland where undesirables are exiled to when she is kidnapped by a group of cannibals. She escapes and ends up on a journey to reunite a missing girl with her father.

Academy Award Winner Cuba Gooding, Jr. is a Border Patrol Officer in the New Mexico desert with a secret past that is about to catch up with him. When his old gang leader tracks him down and forces him to smuggle drugs across the border, he must choose between the life he swore to leave behind and saving his family at any cost.

Tijekom II. Svjetskog rata, u nemogućim uvjetima, nedostatku sredstava, oružja i iskustva, Kinesko ratno zrakoplovstvo hrabro se borilo protiv snažne Japanske carske vojske. Zapovjednik Američkih zračnih snaga Jack Johnson (Bruce Willis) ne samo da obučava Kineze kako da se bore protiv Japanaca, nego predvodi vlastitu eskadrilu protiv vrsno obučenog japanskog ratnog zrakoplovstva. U međuvremenu, japanski se špijun uvlači u Chongqing pod krinkom izbjeglice te pokuša ukrasti kineske ratne planove, uzrokujući tako veliku štetu.

At 9:00, Laurent receives a worrying text message. 9:01, his mobile's stolen. 9:30, his son disappears. 10:00, his house burns down. 10:15, his wife leaves him. 10:30, his company goes bankrupt. 11:00, he's in custody. The day's got off to a bad start.

(Long Synopsis) "This action-packed, fantasy-fueled family adventure – inspired by the revered literary Christian classic, The Pilgrim’s Progress – overflows with outrageous characters, special effects … and a moral message. In The Wylds, young Chris (Solomon Ray) is a runaway living with a group of other misfit kids in a junkyard, all under the watchful eye of a Dickens-esque character who forces them to steal to survive. When Chris is caught pilfering at a church, the pastor protects him from the police, then challenges him to find his estranged father. Chris bravely chooses to leave his family of thieves and ventures into the wilderness in search of a better life. Traveling through a post-apocalyptic future – his only hope lies in reaching a heavenly paradise that will surpass his wildest dreams – he outwits bandits, escapes swamp monsters, battles evil robots and learns valuable life lessons about choosing the right path."