Features Kevin White, Aramis Hudson, Zach Saraceno, Nico Hiraga, and Olan Prenatt skating, having fun, and getting into all of the hijinks that we’ve come to expect from the Civ.

A young college student is given a disturbing ultimatum when a dark secret from his past is resurrected.

Two best friends make the best of going to high school by dreaming up fashion magazine photo shoots, and bribing their siblings to model for them.  René indulges all his fantasies and loves designing clothes. Frankie lives for her camera and punk rock. They both fall for Sasha, the shy soccer player with a soft spot for poems by Pushkin. When the three of them are caught between competing invitations to prom, their high-fashion drama could destroy their friendships along with the entire prom.

IMPACT Wrestling presents its biggest pay-per-view of the year, Bound For Glory, LIVE October 21st from Cicero Stadium in Chicago.




This time, while building a hideaway in their new home of the Great Valley, Littlefoot and the gang rescue a mysterious egg from two scheming egg-nappers and make a starling surprise - and new friend - when the egg hatches.

By the mid-1980s Paul Westhead had worn out his welcome in the NBA. The best offer he could find came from an obscure small college with little history of basketball. In the same city where he had won an NBA championship with Magic and Kareem, Westhead was determined to perfect his non-stop run-and-gun offensive system at Loyola Marymount. His shoot-first offense appeared doomed to fail until Hank Gathers and Bo Kimble, two talented players from Westhead’s hometown of Philadelphia, arrived gift-wrapped at his doorstep. With Gathers and Kimble leading a record scoring charge, Westhead’s system suddenly dazzled the world of college basketball and turned conventional thinking on its head. But then, early in the 1989-90 season, Gathers collapsed during a game and was diagnosed with an abnormal heartbeat. Determined to play, Gathers returned three games later, but less than three months later, he tragically died on the court.

Upon waking up in a strange forest, a young man questions whether or not the environment around him is real or a figment of his imagination.

  泰山(Harrison Chad 配音)年幼时和母亲卡拉(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 配音)过着相依为命的生活,因为其人类的外表和特殊的身份,泰山遭到了同族人猿们的轻视和欺侮,只有塔克(Brenda Grate 配音)愿意当他的好朋友。在孤独之中泰山慢慢长大,他的内心十分期望能够获得人猿们的认可和肯定。   一场意外的发生让泰山意识到,自己永远也无法融入到族群之中,悲伤而又愤怒的他选择了离家出走,邂逅了离群索居的三只猩猩,在它们的身上,泰山终于感受到了被信任和信任他人的感觉。传说中,无人涉足的黄山之中居住着可怕的怪物,而在机缘巧合之下,这只神出鬼没的怪物和泰山相遇了。

The myth that older women are invisible is shattered in this inspirational, revealing look at remarkable women thriving, leading lives rich in experiences and accomplishments that defy perceptions and reveal what is possible beyond sixty.

本片故事时代回到公元1612年,话说后来 Pocahontas 听到 John Smith 死讯的传言,不禁又开始迟疑自己当初所作的决定到底是对是错。后来她为了谋求她的族人与英国移民之间的和平关系,就随着一位年轻有为的英国外交官 John Rolfe 远渡重洋来到英国伦敦,展开一次前所未有的新世界之旅!那三只小动物 Meeko 、Percy 和 Flit 也跟着偷渡过洋!当 Pocahontas 踏上英国伦敦打算到白金汉宫面见英国国王时,不料又遇到大坏蛋 Ratcliffe 正准备重回新大陆捞金,要发动战舰去消灭印地安人。于是 Pocahontas 又开始为族人的自由而努力以赴,片中她还穿着欧式的礼服到白金汉宫面见英国的国王与皇后,在英国异乡也终于见到许久都没音讯的 John Smith,但是 Pocahontas 最后还是选择了跟 John Smith 分别,与英国外交官 John Rolfe 返回美洲大陆,结束了这趟难忘的新世界之旅。   为了族人的和平,宝嘉公主决定远赴伦敦,展开和平外交。虽然旅程中有英国外交官罗强恩,以及面恶心善的保镖乌塔勇士,和米糕、波斯、菲莉的护送,但她还是遭到仇人雷利夫的陷害,成为阶下囚。紧要关头之际,失踪已久的庄迈斯再度出现,协助罗强恩救出宝嘉公主。可是,重获自由的宝嘉公主却要面临人生的另一难题,到底她该返回家园,还是继续留在英国?

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.

As the holidays get underway, visiting relatives bring drama to town. Mel and Jack try to track down the author of the mysterious letters to her mother.

Codzilla wrecks havoc in a city, only Ultrachad can save the day! An Ultraman spoof created in 20 minutes