Chain Reaction is a kind of independent thinking itself. Since everyone has his or her own experience and values, I call the world of Chain Reaction “a view of schizophrenia”. Most of the images of the video surpass, as well as imitate daily life experience absurdly. The film is to analyze and oppose evil by the way of using the power of evil inside human nature. Chain Reaction is an allegory of evil but without the function of salvation like the other allegories.


This film was produced in 1969 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the United States Atomic Energy Commission to inform the public regarding the history, technology, and milestones of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Molten Salt Reactor Experiment was designed to assess the viability of liquid fuel reactor technologies for use in commercial power generation. It operated from January 1965 through December 1969, logging more than 13,000 hours at full power during its four-year run. The MSRE was designated a nuclear historic landmark in 1994.


A high school student is haunted by thoughts of "The Matrix" and a person named "Neo".

An early Josh Becker short starting Bruce Campbell with appearances by Ted Raimi, Sam Raimi and Scott Spiegel.

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The police get a call-out to a lonely hotel in the Alps. When an officer gets to the hotel everything seems to be alright. Suddenly, an avalanche cuts them off from the rest of the world and strange things start happening.



The first manned expedition to Mars is invaded by an unknown life form, which stows away on the rescue ship.


Contaminated by a nuclear-plant spill, an Australian worker hides with a woman and tries to warn the public.

Marta's surprise birthday party sets in motion a spiral of tragic events.



  载着12个犯人的囚车出了交通事故,并撞上了驱车回家的道格拉斯·马德森(Douglas Madsen)医生的车子。大多数犯人在车祸中死去,仅有四人幸存,但一人严重受伤。在解决掉所有警卫后,他们挟持着道格拉斯·马德森医生逃往树林。意外的巨大房子出现在林子,领头人亚瑟(Arthur)不断强调如果受伤的兄弟死掉,他将杀死道格拉斯和屋内“一家子”的每一个成员。与此同时,这家人的部分成员表现出奇怪的行为,很快暴行肆虐开来。原来这里居住的是一群不死族的怪兽,任何武器都无法杀害他们。经过一场残酷的激战后,只有马德森医生幸运地逃出了这里……   然而很不幸,马德森医生在相同的地点又一次卷入了交通事故,不过这次换成马德森医生成为囚犯了。很快,那场悲剧将再次上演,医生能否再次逃过这一劫……

An American army intelligence officer discovers corruption and murder by American soldiers in Vietnam.