Vincents un Džulss ir algoti slepkavas, kuriem uzticēts atgūt noslēpumainu koferi, kurš nozagts viņu bosam Marselasam Volesam. Vincentam ir jāizklaidē Marselasa sieva Mia, kurai patīk dejas un kokaīns. Butčs ir bokseris-neveiksminieks, kurš apsolīja Volesam zaudēt savu nākamo cīņu. Ķirbītis un Saldumiņš nolemj aplaupīt ēstuvi, kurā brokasto Vincents un Džulss - šo un daudzu citu varoņu stāsti ir savērpti mežonīgā kamolā, kurš šķietami sastāv no lētas lubenes lappusēm...
A curmudgeonly instructor at a New England prep school is forced to remain on campus during Christmas break to babysit the handful of students with nowhere to go. Eventually, he forms an unlikely bond with one of them — a damaged, brainy troublemaker — and with the school’s head cook, who has just lost a son in Vietnam.
Patiess stāsts par sievieti – māti un sievu, kas Otrā pasaules kara laikā kļuva par varoni simtiem cilvēku. 1939.gads, Polija. Antonija Žabinska un viņas vīrs Jans Žabinskis veiksmīgi vada Varšavas Zooloģisko dārzu. Kad viņu valstī iebrūk vācieši, Janam un Antonijai ir jāpakļaujas un jāziņo Reiha nozīmētam zoologam. Taču viņi slepus sadarbojas ar pretošanās kustību un nolemj glābt dzīvības, kas citādi nonāktu Varšavas geto. Savās mājās un Zoodārzā sniedzot patvērumu svešiniekiem, Antonija pakļauj sevi un savus bērnus lielām briesmām.
Dan Morgan is many things: a devoted husband, a loving father, a celebrated car salesman. He's also a former assassin. And when his past catches up to his present, he's forced to take his unsuspecting family on a road trip unlike any other.
Ricky Gervais dishes out controversial takes on political correctness and oversensitivity in a taboo-busting comedy special about the end of humanity. Recorded at The London Palladium.
A serial killer strikes fear in the hearts of residents of Hamburg during the early 1970s.
Divi Maiami dzīvojoši draugi, kuriem tikko palicis 20 gadi, izmantojot maz zināmu valdības iniciatīvu, kura ļauj maziem uzņēmumiem kļūt par ASV armijas sagādniekiem, uzsāk biznesu, kas viņiem ātrā laikā ļauj nopelnīt 300 miljonus ASV dolāru, liek sadarboties ar ļoti šaubīgiem tipiem, aizved neiedomājamā, briesmu, meiteņu, naudas, narkotiku un ballīšu pilnā piedzīvojumā uz kara plosīto Irāku un Afganistānu, lai piegādātu ieročus Afganistānas un Irākas armijām. Filmas pamatā ir patiess stāsts.
He promised supermodels and yachts, but delivered tents and cheese sandwiches. How one man engineered a music festival disaster.
Henrijs ir spēlētājs, kurš prasmīgi vilina sievietes. Bet, kad šis veterinārārsts satiek Lūsiju, meiteni ar neparastu problēmu, kad runa ir par pilnīgu atsaukšanu, viņš saprot, ka ir iespējams iemīlēties no jauna ... un atkal, un atkal. Tas ir tāpēc, ka apburošajai Lūsijai nav īstermiņa atmiņas, tāpēc Henrijam viņa jāturpina dienu pēc dienas, līdz viņš beidzot viņu slauka no kājām.
Following a dispute with his father, a young man falls prey to cryptocurrency's allure and an entrepreneur's audacious promises of financial freedom.
After a chance encounter, headstrong Kathy is drawn to Benny, member of Midwestern motorcycle club the Vandals. As the club transforms into a dangerous underworld of violence, Benny must choose between Kathy and his loyalty to the club.
Six months into a solo mission, a lonely astronaut confronts the cracks in his marriage with help from a mysterious creature he discovers on his ship.
A sculptor fakes his own death to escape his debt collectors. He just didn't expect to discover that it's at the time of death that we find what we've been looking for our entire lives.
Hapless family man Paul Matthews finds his life turned upside down when millions of strangers suddenly start seeing him in their dreams. But when his nighttime appearances take a nightmarish turn, Paul is forced to navigate his newfound stardom.
After her 10-year-old granddaughter Manda is brutally raped by a serial sex offender, the young girl's Ajji sets out to seek revenge, after custodians of law refuse to bring the rapist to book, thanks to his influential political background.
Cairo, 2011. A police officer investigates the murder of a woman in a luxurious hotel in the days leading up to the Egyptian revolution.
When a mysterious corpse is found in a river, a distressed police officer delves into a string of grisly murders as danger quickly approaches.
Two female friends with very different ideals decide to start a beauty company together. One is more practical, while the other wants to earn her fortune and live a lavish lifestyle.
In this world of contract killers, Morgan Gaines is the best of the best. When Morgan is hired to kill six people around the world, he soon discovers all the targets are also assassins unknowingly hired to kill each other.
Kevin James delivers a hilariously unfiltered take on parenting, marriage, and getting older. As only James can, he covers a range of topics, from motivating children to put down their video games, to why he doesn't trust technology, and how many Tater Tots he can fit in his mouth!