Her talents go from acting, to fashion, dancing and singing. With a net worth over 250 million dollars, J.Lo has conquered the Latin American and pop music scene. From the streets of the Bronx to the red carpets of Hollywood, she has achieved more than most would dream for. Follow the story of one of the most talented and successful women in showbiz. The real Latina diva, Jennifer Lopez.


Four men decided to enter in the oldest Fight Club of the History, The Florentine Football tournament. A father and son, a black guy, an old champion and outsider clerk will enter in an arena of the time to win their fears, to go over their limits, to be heroes for a day.

  1999年,长峰博士在赤道附近发现了加欧斯的变异种,同时候在日本西南方的海中发现了加美拉的墓场。   时间回到1995年的东京,因为加欧斯来袭,比良坂绫奈一家人准备离开东京,此时加美拉受到加欧斯的攻击而落下,在加美拉起身时破坏了绫奈的家,而绫奈的父母来不及逃出。目睹父母身亡的绫奈,从此开始憎恨加美拉....   时间再拉回到1999年,居住在乡下亲戚家的绫奈饱受同学的欺负,有一天绫奈被同学叫到供奉一个东西叫做"柳星张"的神社,同学要绫奈将里面的东西给搬出来,此时世世代代守护着柳星张的守部家成员守部美雪见到此状,于是偷偷的去告知自己的哥哥龙成,龙成便到神社将绫奈的同学赶走,此时绫奈把东西搬出来,龙成便要求绫奈把东西给搬回去,但是在绫奈搬走东西的原处,两人发现了一个奇怪的东西,两人见状便吓得逃走,到了晚上,那个东西出现了变化,里面出现了一个东西...   而在此同时,加欧斯出现在东京涩谷上空,没多久之后一阵爆炸声,加欧斯被击中,并且坠落在涩谷车站,此时加美拉从空中降落....


  陷入宗教极端分子控制下的马里通布图终日遭受圣战分子的迫害“半壁江山都被入侵者占领了”。女性首当其冲。通过讲述 Kidane、Fatima、他们的女儿Toya和Issan,以及他们的小农庄的故事,Abderrahmane Sissako对“被媒体和全世界忽略的”这个地区的恐怖主义表示反对。这位导演用镜头见证了自己心中热爱的萨赫勒地区“男女平民寂静的反抗”,借此揭露现实。

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

  《衡量一个人》片名取自柏拉图名言:「衡量一个人,端看他拥有权力时的所做所为」(The measure of a man is what he does with power)。剧情描述一个中年失业父亲、奋力寻找工作的故事,他在经历各种羞辱人的面试和受训课程后,最后找到了令他讨厌的超市警卫的工作,却拥有监视顾客与同侪的无上权力。但他被迫必须揪出在超市行窃的小贼,而这些人却都是跟他一样同属生活无继的人…。   这是文森林顿与导演史蒂芬布塞的第三度合作,片中除了文森林顿外,其他演员清一色均为素人,也使电影展现出不同于以往的戏剧力道,被誉为史蒂芬布塞迄今的最佳作品。

Amelia Lewis is super excited when she buys an available storefront, planning to open a year-round Christmas shop. But her celebration comes to a screeching halt when she discovers that Vic Manning has also bid on the property. After continually bickering and trying to one-up each other, the two combatants learn to work together and even get the merchants on Main Street to put aside their differences for the greater good.

The standup sensation tackle's TV's "Shark Tank," what it means to be a woman and how to deal with the lawless party goblin that lives in us all.

When a shipwreck is found on the shores of Dinotopia, Karl uses his newly discovered radio to make contact with the drifting survivors. But what will happen if that bridge between two worlds is crossed?

喧哗东京,同年出生的大崎娜娜(中岛美嘉 饰)和小松奈奈(市川由衣 饰)同住一起,各自经历着激荡绚烂的青春。娜娜和乐队BlackStone同心协力,携手朝着目标奋勇前进。虽然娜娜曾经发出警告,但是因失业而烦闷的奈奈还是未能抵挡Trapnest的队长一之濑巧(玉山铁二 饰)的诱惑,而与之陷入热恋。一向将工作放在首位而在男女之事上表现随便的巧,其作为自然引起周围人的不满,尤其是对奈奈心存爱恋的寺岛伸夫(市川由衣 饰)。伸夫的赤诚与执着,对比巧的冷漠轻浮,终于让痛苦的奈奈做出了决定。全新的恋情,全新的道路,这群年轻人还将经历更多的考验……


All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.

In Russia, the attitude to death is paradoxically irrational – we all seem to live forever. Entrepreneur Sergey Yakushin is the only reasonable "madman" who conducted a funeral "revolution" in his native Novosibirsk. Yakushin himself turned around to face death after being diagnosed with late-stage cancer 15 years ago. And they gave me a year of life.

Acclaimed actor and FDNY veteran Steve Buscemi looks at what it's like to work as a New York City firefighter. Utilizing exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and firsthand accounts from past and present firefighters, explore life in one of the world's most demanding fire departments while illuminating the lives of the often 'strong and silent' heroes.

Werner and Holgi are friends, but also lifelong rivals. Now Werner finally has enough of being the eternal second and is planning his revenge. With his special motorcycle, the 'Red Porsche Killer', he challenges Holgi and his car.

Guy gets mugged on horseback and left for dead; farmgal nurses him back to health and when he's on his feet again, he puts a domino on and swings into J J action.

A lonely tow-truck driver gets caught in a deadly struggle between a pair of bank robbers with a beautiful hostage, local cops, and a monster that has come down from the Arizona mountains to eat human flesh.
