Filmmaker Veronica Addison, who makes documentaries on family issues around the world, closely follows a very large family in Japan. Although they appear cheerful on the surface, the family has many problems.

There's nothing dreamier than the moment when the lights go down and the show begins. Now imagine capturing that feeling for 77 minutes of concentrated bliss. Exploding from the vaults of the American Genre Film Archive (AGFA), THE CULT OF AGFA TRAILER SHOW is a sequel to THE AGFA HORROR TRAILER SHOW . . . and AGFA's wildest mixtape yet. Meticulously constructed by the mad scientists at AGFA to resemble an otherworldly night at a mall multiplex, this compilation features rare trailers, commercials, and ephemera—all of which were preserved and scanned exclusively for this project.

Soon after the break of the pandemic and realizing that his clock is ticking, Kristofer gets the urge to embark on a journey to try to find out what really happened when his Japanese girlfriend mysteriously vanished without a trace from London fifty years earlier.

In the effervescent Spain of the 80s, Xavi Font, an artistic misfit, together with his friend Lurdes Iribar and her lover Manolo Arjona, founds Locomía. Although he achieves success, he also experiences the dark reality of the industry at the hands of powerful producer José Luís Gil.

Broke and depressed, Ray is mistaken for a dangerous hitman and given an envelope of cash. Along with his P.I. friend Skip, he must escape the actual hitman to make it out of LaRoy alive.

After ruining a family event, a workaholic receives an ultimatum from his wife that forces him to choose between his two loves: his cell phone or his 20-year marriage.

Režisieriaus Yorgos Lanthimos ir jo filmų mūza tapusios aktorės Emma Stone naujausias darbas – komiška drama „Malonės rūšys“ – triptiko pasakėčia, pasakojanti apie neturintį pasirinkimo vyrą, kuris mėgina perimti savo gyvenimo kontrolę; sunerimusį policininką, kurio pradingusi jūroje žmona netikėtai sugrįžta, bet atrodo tarsi kitas žmogus; ir moterį, pasiryžusią atrasti konkretų asmenį, turintį ypatingų sugebėjimų, kuriam lemta tapti svarbiu dvasiniu lyderiu.

When vigilante land baron David Braxton hangs one of the best friends of cattle rustler Tom Logan, Logan's gang decides to get even by purchasing a small farm next to Braxton's ranch. From there the rustlers begin stealing horses, using the farm as a front for their operation. Determined to stop the thefts at any cost, Braxton retains the services of eccentric sharpshooter Robert E. Lee Clayton, who begins ruthlessly taking down Logan's gang.

Gerbėjai džiaugiasi artėjančiu renginiu – į jų miestą atvyksta garsioji Lady Raven. Bilietai jau seniai išparduoti, o laimingieji nekantriai laukia paskirtos dienos. Tarp jų – jaunoji Riley, kurios tėvas Cooperis, sužinojęs apie dukters pomėgį, nusprendžia jai įteikti dovaną ir gauna bilietus į koncertą. Ateina pasirodymo diena. Riley ir jos tėvas jau yra tarp entuziastingų gerbėjų minios. Koncertas prasideda, tačiau paauglių entuziazmo nepripažįstantis Cooperis nusprendžia palikti salę. Vyro dėmesį iškart patraukia salę užpildžiusi sustiprinta policijos ir kariškių apranga. Pokalbyje su plepiu pardavėju Cooperis sužino, kad renginys yra kruopščiai suplanuota policijos operacija, spąstai žiauriam maniakui, pravarde Mėsininkas, kuris turėtų būti tarp publikos.

In the 1860s, fiercely independent French-Canadian Vivienne Le Coudy embarks on a journey with Danish immigrant Holger Olsen, attempting to forge a life together in the dusty town of Elk Flats, Nevada. When Holger decides to go fight for the Union in the burgeoning Civil War, Vivienne must fend for herself, which isn't easy in a town controlled by a corrupt mayor.

Christmas Eve. On his way to his in-laws with his family, Frank Harrington decides to try a shortcut, for the first time in 20 years. It turns out to be the biggest mistake of his life.

A pre-wedding reunion descends into a psychological nightmare for a group of college friends when a surprise guest arrives with a mysterious suitcase.

Motina kovoja už savo gyvybę, tikėjimą ir savo vaikų sielas po to, kai sužino, kad jų naujuosius namus užgriuvo demonai.

Tailande, influencerė Medison sutinka lengvabūdę merginą, kuri išmoko ją nevaržomai gyventi, bet nepažįstamoji turi ir kitų ketinimų.

A big-city detective investigates a series of gruesome murders along the Indonesia-Malaysia border — forcing her to confront ghosts from her past.

Van Helsing is called upon to help save a missing girl and her friends from a hoard of demons.

Los Angeles S.W.A.T. officer, Lt. Paul Cutler, is sent to train the Detroit S.W.A.T. team on new anti-terrorism and homeland security techniques. Cutler has a hard time settling into his assignment as he locks horns with his new captain and encounters resistance from the team he must lead. Cutler begins to adjust to his new assignment, starting a budding romance with police psychologist Kim Byers along the way. Unexpectedly, a routine hostage call turns deadly, and a relentless ex-government agent named Walter Hatch vows revenge on Cutler and the entire S.W.A.T. team for killing the woman he loves. Cutler must use his considerable S.W.A.T. training and knowledge to save his teammates and defeat a trained killer.

Phil Wang riffs on reheated rice, octopus intelligence and the importance of fact-checking in this special filmed at Shakespeare's Globe in London.

Filmo režisierius ir scenarijaus autorius Džošas Trankas (Josh Trank) nusprendžia į audringą gangsterio gyvenimą pažvelgti kitu kampu ir žiūrovams pristatyti mafijos tėvą po to, kai šis, prabuvęs Alkatraso belangėje vos 5 metus, išeina į laisvę kankinamas demencijos. Kadaise buvusio ypač nuožmaus mafijozo galvoje prabėga prisiminimai apie Čikagos gatvėse jo sukurtą siaubingą, daugybės žmonių krauju aplaistytą kriminalinę imperiją, kaip prievartavo, žudė, kūrė ištisus mafijos klanus, burdavo žudikų gaujas, nelegaliai užsiėmė alkoholio prekyba, vertėsi prostitucija, užminuodavo ir sprogdindavo automobilius, kontroliavo nusikaltėlių pelną, o, tie, kurie atsisakė jam paklusti greitai atsisveikindavo su šiuo pasauliu. Visa tai kėlė siaubą net patiems kriminalinio pasaulio sėbrams. Vieniems jis – visiškas beprotis, kitiems – bukas, įstatymų nepaisantis gangsteris, tačiau jo gyvenimas vertas aštraus veiksmo filmo scenarijaus.

In the heart of a city, the inhabitants of a tower wake up one morning to find that their building is shrouded in an opaque fog, obstructing doors and windows - a strange dark matter that devours anything that tries to pass through it. Trapped, the residents try to organize themselves, but to ensure their survival they gradually succumb to their most primitive instincts, until they sink into horror...