A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

A group of friends stumble across a jewellery box with a curse. Fighting for their life in the wilderness, they are picked off one by one by a malevolent force.

Documentary following the lives of two Amish families leaving the only world they've ever known and trying to get to grips with the modern world. The Amish travel by horse and buggy and dress exactly as their forebears did when they first arrived in America almost 300 years ago. They have countless rules which keep them separate from the modern world, with electric lights, mobile phones, television and radio all forbidden. For those born into this culture, leaving is the biggest decision they'll ever make.

A man is a famous sexologist and in his office, helped by a wonderful black nurse, he attends to his clientele.

After throwing out a carton of spoiled milk, Salvador gets hunted down and psychologically challenged as it takes everything he loves away.

Guilt is a high concept thriller that follows Tomas, a man who joins a violent criminal gang in an attempt to find his sister. As he delves deeper into his mission, his moralities waver and his obsession starts to consume him.

Two wedding homicides with a sense of ceremonies involved the wedding homicides eight years ago

Titled Colossi of Love, the documentary highlights the halcyon days of the kamaki (Greek for harpoon) suitors in the 70s and 80s when droves of women from mainly Scandinavia, Germany and Britain flocked to the Greek islands.

Throughout history, sailors on the high seas have told stories of giant, solitary waves that came out of nowhere and sank ships. Until recently, these stories were thought to be legends or tall tales. But scientists now know that single waves over 100 feet tall, known as "rogue waves", can arise without warning. These waves are more common than previously thought and pose a grave danger to ships and offshore platforms in their path. This program examines both the science behind rogue waves and current attempts to track them in real time. Also, changes in ship design may give vessels a better chance to survive them.

When growing up in a community where gang violence is a way of life and Basketball is a way to escape it.

Lao a liberarsi del suo rivale Wang. Ignorando che Cheng è il capo di un'organizzazione di contrabbandieri, il "Drago Nero", e Wang un onest'uomo impegnato, con i suoi allievi, nella lotta contro i trafficanti d'oppio, Chu passa all'offensiva contro quest'ultimo, semidistruggendogli la scuola. Ospite di una ragazza, Chia Mei, di cui è innamorato e dalla quale si era separato dieci anni prima per non intralciare un amico fraterno, Ming Lai, suo rivale in amore, Chu ritrova costui in veste di funzionario statale venuto a combattere i contrabbandieri. Chu s'accorge, grazie all'amico, dell'errore commesso aiutando Cheng, e si propone di abbandonarlo. Il capo del "Drago nero" reagisce, allora, addossando al giovane la colpa di alcuni delitti commessi invece dai propri uomini. Schierati dapprima contro lui, Ming e Wang scoprono infine la sua innocenza e col suo aiuto sgominano l'organizzazione di Cheng. L'amore di Chia Mei ripaga Chu di tutte le amarezze subite.

Nel corso del secondo conflitto mondiale, un reggimento dell'esercito tedesco è comandato dal maggiore Hoffman. Alla notizia della sua destituzione Hoffman vorrebbe suicidarsi, ma recede dai suoi propositi quando apprende che a rilevare il comando sarà il colonnello Von Buttiglione.

Jack is a real scum-bag who is going to marry Kristy. He has a bad habit of sleeping with other women and stealing all of their money. Two weeks before their marriage, Kristy sees Jack having sex with their maid, Rosa. It turns out that he was threatening Rosa into having sex as well as his secretary, Diane. When he goes away on business, Kristy, Rosa, and Diane devise a way to get him back for all of the things he has put them through. They also decide to turn his house into a special massage parlor for a few nights so Kristy can try to make some of the money back that Jack stole from her.

Misfortune and tribulations with domestic violence lead to an expectable romance. The fairy godfather must save poor Cinderfella from misery and servitude. How will the princess strike back, exactly? This modernized fairy-tale short film by Keeley Knight and Dave Lojek reverses gender roles.

A suitcase explores Vienna's suburbia and finds giant soap bubbles. It befriends the soap bubble girl. They create a show together and have a suitcase-child.

“PURSUITERS” is a comedy film where three friends set up a yard sale to buy a game they really want. They end up selling one of the friends grandmas ashes, so now they have to go run around town looking for it.