In 1931, the Bondurant brothers of Franklin County, Virginia, run a multipurpose backwoods establishment that hides their true business — bootlegging. Middle brother Forrest is the brain of the operation; older Howard is the brawn, and younger Jack, the lookout. Though the local police have taken bribes and left the brothers alone, a violent war erupts when a sadistic lawman from Chicago arrives and tries to shut down the Bondurants operation.

Accomplished sailor Charlie St. Cloud has the adoration of his mother Claire and his little brother Sam, as well as a college scholarship that will lead him far from his sleepy Pacific Northwest hometown. But his bright future is cut short when tragedy strikes and takes his dreams with it. After high school classmate Tess returns home unexpectedly, Charlie grows torn between honoring a promise he made four years earlier and moving forward with newfound love. As he finds the courage to let go of the past for good, Charlie discovers the soul most worth saving is his own.

Pleasantly plump teenager Tracy Turnblad auditions to be on Baltimore's most popular dance show - The Corny Collins Show - and lands a prime spot. Through her newfound fame, she becomes determined to help her friends and end the racial segregation that has been a staple of the show.

Filma ir stāsts angļu aristokrāti, kura, Otrā pasaules kara priekšvakarā, ceļo uz tālo kontinentu, kurā sastopas Droveru, ar skarbu raksturu apveltīto iezemieti, un negribīgi piekrīt apvienot spēkus, lai saglabātu mantojumā iegūto zemi. Kopā viņi uzsāk vairāk kā simts jūdžu garu ceļojumu pa pasaules skaistākajām vietā, kuras ir nepamatoti aizmirstas. Tā laikā viņi saskaras ar Dārvinas pilsētas bombardēšanu, kuru veic tie paši Japānas spēki, kuri uzbruka Perlharborai.

Ir spēcīgs sniegputenis. Pēc nakts pie internetā tikko satikta puiša kāda meitene ir spiesta uzkavēties viņa aizputinātajās mājās vēl vienu dienu. Šī situācija jaunajiem cilvēkiem liek iepazīties tuvāk.

Britu zvejniecības eksperts Alfreds saņem uzaicinājumu no šeiha pārstāves Herietas piedalīties projektā, kura mērķis ir ieviest laša zveju Jemenā. Neskatoties uz savu skeptismu, viņš pieņem piedāvājumu.

To inherit her father's company, socialite Ellen must first visit his small hometown, where she learns the value of hard work and helping others.

Billy Madison is the 27 year-old son of Bryan Madison, a very rich man who has made his living in the hotel industry. Billy stands to inherit his father's empire, but only if he can make it through all 12 grades, 2 weeks per grade, to prove that he has what it takes to run the family business.

When an aspiring rapper goes viral for the wrong reasons, he thinks his career is sunk. But a wild party gives him one more chance to make it right.

Trīs bērnības draugiem – Ītanam, Aizekam un Krisam ir viena sena tradīcija – katrā Ziemassvētku vakarā viņi kopā iet ielās un pamatīgi uzdzīvo! Taču nu ir pienācis laiks kļūt pieaugušiem un rāmākiem, tāpēc šai labajai tradīcijai ir jāpieliek trekns punkts ar vēl vienu pēdējo ballīti. Un ja reiz pēdējo, tad vistrakāko!

Two teenage assassins accept what they think will be a quick-and-easy job, until an unexpected target throws them off their plan.

Trakulīgu tusiņu faniem brāļiem Maikam un Deivam ir jādodas uz māsas kāzām Havaju salās. Lai pierādītu saviem radiniekiem, ka viņi ir mainījuši savu dzīves veidu, caur sludinājumiem viņi atrod divas jaukas un kārtīgas meitenes, kuras kļūst par viņu partnerēm gaidāmajās kāzās. Taču abas meitenes izrādās vēl neprātīgākas un nekontrolējamākas par pašiem brāļiem un ir gatavas pārvērst ģimenes pasākumu pilnīgā ellē.

Three male friends navigate different stages of romantic relationships: One is starting to date; another fears infidelity; the third is divorcing.

While staying at a picturesque village, a teen encounters the underground world of art forgery.

In Rome, a vagrant finds the body of a teen girl, her throat professional slashed. Police inspector Olmi uses his brutal and violent methods to follow a trail that leads him toward high government officials. When his methods leave an innocent bystander dead, the corrupt officials have an excuse to get Olmi transferred to a coastal town where the pace is slow and he has time for a romantic dalliance. Soon, Olmi discovers that fishing isn't the only local occupation, and out comes his gun and his ruthless tactics of investigation.

As investigative reporter Ward Jansen and his partner Yardley Acheman chase a sensational, career-making story with the help of Ward's younger brother Jack and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless, the pair tries to prove violent swamp-dweller Hillary Van Wetter was framed for the murder of a corrupt local sheriff.

Lewis is an outwardly ordinary guy, but in reality he is hiding an obsession – revenge – against Cathy. Lewis kidnaps Cathy in broad daylight and takes her to his home, where he locks her in a soundproof cell and attempts to extract a dark secret from her past.

Everything appears off-kilter when a man returns to his hometown after 25 years to visit his former lover.

The life of an illegal Russian boy who, after losing his family, is pushed into becoming an escort - ultimately trying to come to terms with who he thinks he is.