Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns home to find his father murdered and his mother now marrying the murderer... his uncle. Meanwhile, war is brewing.

Hud Bannon is a ruthless young man who tarnishes everything and everyone he touches. Hud represents the perfect embodiment of alienated youth, out for kicks with no regard for the consequences. There is bitter conflict between the callous Hud and his stern and highly principled father, Homer. Hud's nephew Lon admires Hud's cheating ways, though he soon becomes too aware of Hud's reckless amorality to bear him anymore. In the world of the takers and the taken, Hud is a winner. He's a cheat, but, he explains, "I always say the law was meant to be interpreted in a lenient manner."

Many loosely connected characters cross paths in this film, based on the stories of Raymond Carver. Waitress Doreen Piggot accidentally runs into a boy with her car. Soon after walking away, the child lapses into a coma. While at the hospital, the boy's grandfather tells his son, Howard, about his past affairs. Meanwhile, a baker starts harassing the family when they fail to pick up the boy's birthday cake.

Po sunkaus gimdymo miršta moteris ir ką tik pasaulį išvydęs sūnus, bet lieka gyva jo dvynė sesuo Pai. Prislėgtas naujagimės tėvas Porourangis išvyksta iš Naujosios Zelandijos į Vokietiją, tad mergaitės likimu belieka rūpintis seneliui Koro. Jis yra maorių genties vadas. Pagal tūkstantmetes tradicijas jo įpėdiniu gali būti tik dabartinio vado vyriškos giminės palikuonis, bet sūnus visai nenori imtis didžiulės atsakomybės. Užtat mažoji Pai yra tvirtai įsitikinusi, kad ji galėtų būti genties lydere. Koro prieštarauja šiam sumanymui, nenori sulaužyti papročių ir vis kartoja, kad ji yra tik mergaitė. Tačiau Pai ryžtasi įrodyti, kad gali važnyčioti banginius.

Šmaikšti komedija, parodijuojanti trilerius apie šnipus. Amerikiečių roko dainininkas atvyksta į buvusią socialistinę Vokietiją. Čia jis dalyvauja kultūros festivalyje, kur savo dainomis ir šokiais palaiko antikomunistinį pasipriešinimo judėjimą.

The story of Wilson Bond, a pimp who after saving Chan, the leader of the Heaven and Earth society, a revolutionary group, is made a member. After a botched first assignment for the group, he is made a servant to the Prince, the very person the Heaven and Earth society want to overthrow. What follows is plenty of mayhem and laughter.

Women in a failing silk factory, fight to find a way to keep their jobs.

Deceased drifter Mike arrives in Heaven and quickly falls for newborn soul Annie, soon to start her assignment on Earth. When Annie leaves, Mike follows.

Louie Jeffries is happily married to Corinne. On their first anniversary, Louie is killed crossing the road. Louie is reincarnated as Alex Finch, and twenty years later, fate brings Alex and Louie's daughter, Miranda, together. It's not until Alex is invited to Louie's home that he begins to remember his former life, wife and best friend. Of course, there's also the problem that he's attracted to Louie's/his own daughter.

A woman must fly back to her hometown when her Alzheimer's-stricken mother wanders into a blizzard. The return home forces her to confront her past.

Niekam nepranešęs prieš pat Kalėdas devyniolikmetis Benas grįžta namo iš priklausomybių klinikos. Nors vaikino motina Holė džiaugiasi netikėtu sūnaus sugrįžimu, tačiau širdyje neramu. Ir ne be reikalo – senieji Beno draugeliai netrukus vėl ima suktis aplink, norėdami įtraukti vaikiną į nešvarius darbelius. Stengdamasis apsaugoti artimuosius nuo grasinimų ir smurto, Benas sutinka atlikti dar vieną, paskutinį darbą. Artimiausios 24 valandos jo motinai pavirs tikru pragaru, bandant išgelbėti Beną nuo buvusių, esamų ir būsimų pavojų.

Dviem draugeliams mirtinai įsipyko bendramokslių patyčios ir merginų panieka. Iš nevilties jiedu sugalvoja kompiuteriu sukurti savo svajonių moterį. Pritrenkianti figūra, nuostabaus grožio veidas ir aštrus protas - kas gi šitokios nenorėtų... Bičiuliams pavyksta, ir prasideda pats beprotiškiausias, pasiutiškiausias, neįtikinamiausias jų gyvenime savaitgalis...

A college freshman returns to Los Angeles for Christmas at his ex-girlfriend's request, but discovers that his former best friend has an out-of-control drug habit.

Filmas sukurtas pagal žymųjį Aleksandro Diuma (Alexandre Dumas) romaną. Trys muškietininkai ir D’Artanjanas ištikimi karaliaus ir karalienės tarnai. Drąsūs kariai sužlugdo visas klastingojo kardinolo Rišeljė užmačias. Negana to, kasdien duoda į kaulus jo gvardijai…

After leaving Washington D.C. hospital, plastic surgeon Ben Stone heads for California, where a lucrative practice in Beverly Hills awaits. After a car accident, he's sentenced to perform as the community's general practitioner.

Celeste Talbert is the star of the long-running soap opera "The Sun Also Sets." With the show's ratings down, Celeste's ruthlessly ambitious co-star, Montana Moorehead, and the show's arrogant producer, David Seton Barnes, plot to aggravate her into leaving the show by bringing back her old flame, Jeffrey Anderson, and hiring her beautiful young niece, Lori Craven.

Melvinas iš pažiūros - paprastas normalus vaikinas. Tačiau dėl pinigų jis tarnauja mafijai. O kartą su draugais nutarė savarankiškai prasimanyti pinigų – ir, tikėdamiesi solidžios išpirkos pavagia turtingo verslininko dukrą. Situacijos nežinojimas veda į pražūtį: jie nežinojo, kad verslininkas bankrutavo, o mergaitė – mafijos boso krikštaduktė.

Matt Sullivan's last big relationship ended in disaster and ever since his heart's been aching and his commitment's been lacking. Then came Lent, that time of year when everybody gives something up. That's when Matt decides to go where no man's gone before and make a vow: No sex. Whatsoever. For 40 straight days. At first he has everything under control. That is until the woman of his dreams, Erica, walks into his life.

Two women confront their boyfriend, a two-timing actor who professed eternal love to each.

Canaan, a mysterious gunfighter left nearly blind from Civil War combat, roams through Mexico with a baby he has sworn to protect. On his way to a town where a family will supposedly adopt the baby, Canaan passes through a border town where U.S. Cavalry officers assigned to deliver a shipment of silver are under attack from bandits. With some reluctance, Canaan steps in to help the soldiers.