Monumentálna poetická kompozícia s náročnými výtvarnými a významovými podtextami je kongeniálnou interpretáciou rovnomennej Vančurovej predlohy. V čase lúpežných rytierov, prepadávajúcich pocestných na kráľovských cestách, stredovekého násilia a krutosti, boja s vierou v pohanských bohov, krvavej pomsty a vášní, keď ľudský život mal len nepatrnú cenu, sa Marketa z lúpežníckeho rodu Lazara z Obořišťa zriekne pre svoju lásku k Mikolášovi, synovi Kozlíka z Roháčku (ktorého lúpežnícky rod je s Lazarovým v roztržke), lásky k Bohu, ktorému bola zasľúbená.

After being punished with no more television for the rest of his life, Timmy wishes himself into the world of television in order to escape the harsh reality of his life and his parents. Unfortunately for him, his carelessness with magic results in Vicky taking over the world in the future. It's all up to Timmy to stop her in attempts to prevent her from destroying Dimmsdale, while escaping a mysterious masked man that is trying to track him down.

Hugo Barrett is a servant in the Chelsea home of indolent aristocrat Tony. All seems to go well until the playboy’s girlfriend Susan takes a dislike to the efficient employee. Then Barrett persuades Tony to hire his sister Vera as a live-in maid, and matters take another turn for the worse…

Oscarový herec Toni Servillo sprevádza na fascinujúcej ceste medzi piatimi súčasnými výstavami veľkých a nacistami zakázaných umelcov v New Yorku, Paríži, Holandsku a Nemecku. Film plný unikátnych archívov a dojemných svedectiev skladá príbeh systematickej deštrukcie a rabovania - od osudu rodín galeristov Bernheimerových, ktorá skončila v koncentračnom tábore, až po neuveriteľnú kauzu Cornelia Gurlitta, syna nacistického kolaboranta a zberateľa umenia. 1500 rôznych diel, medzi ktorými nechýbali doteraz nepoznané obrazy Picassa či Moneta, bolo odhalených len v roku 2010 a ich cena bola vyčíslená na viac než milión eur. Diela "zvrhlého umenia", ktoré už nemali uzrieť svetlo sveta, sa konečne vracajú do galérií.

Baran, a war hero, becomes sheriff of the capital and refuses to bow down to a tribal chief.

Maria, whose parents live in the country, cannot stand her father's authoritarian ways and moves to the city. She finds a job as a cleaner and tries to survive in a wretched apartment in the shabby part of a big city. She is pregnant, and the fact that her boyfriend has abandoned her does not help matters. When her father goes to the hospital for an operation, her mother comes to stay with her. Her neighbor, an old recluse whose only friend is his dog, begins to come out of his shell and these three lost souls try to give each other the strength to start over.

After the forcible transfer to his Bavarian home village, an ex-criminal cop investigates the death of a school principal who he thinks had lots to hide.

Malý Fahim Mohammad je šachový génius uväznený vo svojom čiernobielom svete. Keď ho otec prinúti opustiť rodný Bangladéš, emigrujú spoločne do Francúzska, kde sa stávajú ilegálnymi imigrantmi a bezdomovcami. Našťastie sa Fahim dostane do triedy uznávaného šachového majstra Sylvaina Charpentiera a začne tvrdo trénovať, aby sa mohol zúčastniť majstrovstiev sveta a dosiahnuť svoj sen.

Martha sa dozvie, že má rakovinu. Jej prvý pocit je uzavrieť sa pred svetom a potichu vyčkať na príchod konca. Presťahuje sa do komunity seniorov, kde však natrafí na Sheryl – ženu, ktorá jej nedovolí, aby sa ľutovala, pričom jej dodá životnú energiu a stratený elán. Vďaka tomu začne Martha auvažovať o dávnych snoch, ktoré by si ešte mohla na staré kolená splniť. Rozhodne sa založiť seniorský klub roztlieskavačiek a nové kamarátky jej v tom s radosťou a nadšením pomáhajú.

Jimi, a computer game designer, finds that his latest product has been infected by a virus which has given consciousness to the main character of the game, Solo. Tormented by the memory of his fled girlfriend Lisa and begged by Solo to end its useless "life", Jimi begins a search for people who can help him both to discover what happened to Lisa and to delete his game before it is released.

Beijing is happening these days, but not everyone is living the golden life. Dumped, fired, evicted and abandoned by everyone (including his dog), a down-on-his-luck man finds solace with a circle of equally ill-fated friends, in this touching and lighthearted drama from independent Chinese auteur Zhang Yuan (Beijing Bastards). (TIFF.)

Young Horus lives in a mythical Scandinavia of the Iron Age. Recovering the stolen Sword of the Sun from a rock giant, he learns he must travel to the lands of his ancestors, encountering the beautiful but enigmatic Hilda as his journey leads to a series of adventures.

When Ruth's husband dies in New York, in 2000, she imposes strict Jewish mourning, which puzzles her children. A stranger comes to the house - Ruth's cousin - with a picture of Ruth, age 8, in Berlin, with a woman the cousin says helped Ruth escape. Hannah, Ruth's daughter engaged to a gentile, goes to Berlin to find the woman, Lena Fisher, now 90. Posing as a journalist investigating intermarriage, Hannah interviews Lena who tells the story of a week in 1943 when the Jewish husbands of Aryan women were detained in a building on Rosenstrasse. The women gather daily for word of their husbands. The film goes back and forth to tell Ruth and Lena's story. How will it affect Hannah?

Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.

Juliette Hardy is sexual dynamite, and has the men of a French coastal town panting. But Antoine, the only man who affects her likewise, wouldn't dream of settling down with a woman his friends consider the town tramp.

Widower Harry Keach is a construction worker who was raised to appreciate the importance of working for a living. He takes a dim view of his sensitive son Howard's lackadaisical lifestyle and has a strained relationship with his daughter Nina as he does not approve of her husband. When Harry is fired from his job, his life changes drastically as he is made to focus on the relationships around him.

Joe's a car salesman with a problem—he has two days to sell 12 cars or he loses his job. This would be a difficult task at the best of times but Joe has to contend with his girlfriends (he's two-timing), a missing teenage daughter and an ex-wife.

A disparate group of characters unknowingly bond by the sexual choices they make. Consumed by loneliness, a British businessman ponders a rendezvous with a prostitute. The businessman's wife prepares to call it quits with her younger lover. A Brazilian student breaks up with her boyfriend in London. A recovering alcoholic travels to Phoenix in search of his missing daughter. A paroled sex offender struggles to stay composed when propositioned in a Denver airport. A widower's religious devotion is put to a difficult test.

Imagine a world where the worst behaviour you could ever have is to forget your store's loyalty card in your other trousers...that's what happens to Adrien. This serious misconduct forces him to go into hiding, as both police and media hunt him down.

Russian front, winter 1943. Soldier Arturo Andrade and Sergeant Fernando Espinosa are commissioned to investigate a mysterious murder while the Spanish Blue Division of the German Army endures the fierce counterattack of the Red Army.