Dickey Betts - Ramblin' Man Live at the St. George Theatre CD and Blu-Ray concert featuring songs spanning his legendary career.

Smart. Outspoken. Opinionated. Three-time Emmy Award winner Wanda Sykes is back! Reigning over everything from television sitcoms to feature films, this comedienne extraordinaire has returned in her second solo HBO comedy special, I’MA BE ME. Live from Washington, D.C. and edgier than ever, Wanda holds nothing back as she riffs on the perks of having a Black president, coming out, getting married, motherhood, aging, and twenty-first century pirates. With her trademark wit, Wanda shocks and astonishes at every turn in this feature-length special.


A large number of drugs enter Kazakhstan from Afghanistan. To stop this, a special group must be created. The Ministry decides to send intelligence officer Oraz and two of his friends there, who participated in the war in Afghanistan and know the country well. The three veterans are joined by a young scout who despises the "old men". They will have to solve the drug problem, despite the conflict between two generations.


畠山家的兄弟信纲(池内博之 饰)和直光(小栗旬 饰)自幼感情笃深,直光又与大纳言家的女儿阿古姬(柴本幸 饰)两情相悦。某年,大纳言一家染病暴亡,只留下阿古姬一人。将军敕令,畠山家兄弟如有能娶阿古姬者,将继承大纳言的全部家产。直光童年曾收盗贼樱丸(田中圭 饰)为手下,樱丸从中作梗,令信纲和直光兄弟阋墙,相互厮杀。直光混乱中抢走阿古姬,逃亡途中再次遭到樱丸暗算,随后更遇到大盗多襄丸(松方弘樹 饰)。一番拚杀,多襄丸死在直光手下,却把名号留给对方。从此,翩翩公子变成了名震四方的盗贼……

In a candle lit cabin, a trio of young campers seek to contact the spirit of a dead woman via their homemade spirit board.

A German scientist murders his fiancée during World War II when he learns that she has been selling the results of his secret research to the enemy.

Ewa Bonecka是一个学生,在夜里来到一个小城。她想找个住处,可是酒店客满了。她只好在大街上四处晃荡,街上有很多罪犯、妓女,一切都显得危险,可她却对此毫无察觉。


Miguel is a young man with a great imagination and talent for writing, but has to contend with the obstacles, negatives and attitudes of the people in a conformist town, in order to fulfill his dream.

Rob Ralston is forced to go to "town" for supplies, and "Injun" Jim, a sneaking rascal, announces that he proposes to jump his claim. This arouses the official ire of Fred "the star wearer," and he soundly trounces the half-breed rascal. Now Fred has an intrepid sweetheart. Sally, who is a well-spring of information and is naturally hated by law-breakers. "Injun" Jim gets reinforcements and carries off the girl as a hostage. Fred senses they are making for the mine, so he girds on his guns and goes in the same direction. The desperadoes arrange to "dynamite" Sally, but she cuts the fuse in two by a well aimed shot after they have sought safety at a distance. This saves her sweetheart Fred, who rushes to her rescue, and they both retreat to a cabin. The dynamiters are obstinate and place another cartridge, so that the cabin will be blown to pieces. The daring Fred picks up the keg of powder and rushing out rolls it down on Injun Jim and his fellow mischief-makers. They are so dazed ...

Willie Duggans, a tenderfoot from the east, arrives in the wild west and soon experiences its violence. Willie discovers the easy money in bounty killing and must choose between that violent lifestyle and the love of a beautiful saloon singer.

本片是《新精武门1991》的续集。牛皮(陈百祥 饰)为刘晶(周星驰 饰)在擂台上的英姿折服,自此苦缠拜师,却引起小敏(张敏 饰)对刘晶误会。刘晶获得的巨额奖金被师父们全部输光,更卷入了潇洒(钟镇涛 饰)与一女孩的纠葛,小敏对他的误会也日益加深,刘晶运气一时衰到了极点。阿威之大哥横刀(元华 饰)为替弟报仇,将刘晶的神力右手打残,幸有牛皮之姑牛牡丹(萧芳芳 饰)危急关头蒙面救走刘晶。于是刘晶在牛家休养,邂逅和小敏相貌一样的牛皮表妹——婉君(张敏 饰),不久横刀找上门来,将牛皮与婉君掳走,牛牡丹为保住牛家血脉,只得将牛家祖传的“电角神拳”传授于刘晶……

Dramatized documentary about the days of Norwegian pirates starting around the year 1807 when Norway went into extreme poverty.

In 1945, at the end of World War II, Neus Català returns to France, where she recalls her life under the Nazi yoke.


Interview with Edwige Fenech talking about her work with director Sergio Martino and her producing the 1992 mini-series "Private Crimes".